
New Battles for Planet Earth on the Horizon

As we asserted last week after a Wednesday celebration of the great victories at the polls on Tuesday, this is a major battle and a turning point in the war for all the marbles. But Thursday, I cautioned we must not only be vigilant, but roll up our sleeves and continue to work for righteousness in government.

(This screen grab shows the 48 states broken down by counties instead of by states. We don’t have red states and blue states, We have some blue cities within red states. Notice how the blue areas are primarily representing major Dem cities while the vast majority of the rest of the country is MAGA red.)

We know one thing for certain: the wicked will not surrender. They still have more moves on the chessboard. I have heard of several possible moves making the rounds on social media.

I saw one pundit on CNN who came right out and laid it out yesterday. Another guest commented, paraphrasing, Wow, from a viral meme to being openly discussed a couple days later on CNN as a possible scenario for the Democrats.

Here is my summary of their potential move.

Recall January 6, 2020. That was the day when the sitting VP was required to certify/or not certify the number of electors for each candidate. Despite the calls by certain Senators (e.g., Cruz) and a number of Republican Congresspersons, all calling for a halt to the process due to irregularities,” VP Pence went ahead and certified the election of Biden anyhow.

That was the day that an alleged insurrection” occurred at the Capitol, and for which the Pelosi-led Congress held many hearings, trying to get President Trump convicted of insurrection. They failed. And curiously, much of the testimony of witnesses” at the J-6 hearings was deleted/destroyed after the show trial hearings were concluded.

Now we are in the in between” period as Trump is the President-elect. January 6, 2025 is the date that the VP is obliged to certify/not certify the Presidential election. And who is the VP?

Why, it’s none other than Kamala Harris! Picture the black hats pulling out the 25th Amendment to the Constitution and removing Biden from office sometime before January 6th! Kamala becomes President.

Also, between now and then, the dark forces could seek to use the 14th Amendment against Donald J. Trump once again. That is, they would seek to disqualify him for insurrection according to Section 3 of the 14th Amendment which reads, QUOTE: [Emphasis mine.]

Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.


Do you see where this could go?! Not to mention that when Kamala becomes President of the United States, who becomes the VP?… and therefore is obliged to certify/not certify the election of Donald J. Trump?

Sounds like a veritable Constitutional crisis to me! And the perfect opportunity for the dark forces to bring their Alinsky-addled minions into the streets to cause maximum violence and confusion among the populace.

Again, we caution: don’t fall for it. Stay calm. Just such a scenario as this, we believe, has also been gamed out” by the white hats. They are prepared for it. It will be the time when the oft-repeated line in the Q posts comes into play; namely, the military is the only way.”

(There are exceptions to the posse comitatus laws forbidding the use of our military within our own borders.) In other words, the white hat-controlled military forces will need to step in because of the lack of a clearly and legally-elected President.

The black hats’ shenanigans will be the real insurrection. Pray, pray, and pray[^7] that by exposing this possibility on many social media outlets, that it removes this weapon from the toolbox of the wicked ones.


Up next Buckle Up—The Deep State/Cabal Will Never Surrender States Kamala Won Compared with Voter ID Requirements—or Not
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