
Understanding Spiritual Warfare, part 11—Conclusion

Here below is the final chapter in the small book which was written by a British-Israel minister, Rev. Rupert Thomas, in 1938. The title of the book is Spiritual Law in the Natural World. As far as we know, it has long been out of print.

We have not edited the material except for style—such as breaking up large paragraphs for legibility on the tiny screens of our modern electronic devices. We have also let the English variant spellings as is; e.g., disorganised as opposed to our American English spelling: disorganized.

All boldface and underlined portions indicate my emphasis. Italics are either by the author or from quoting the KJV, wherein italics indicates words supplied by the KJV translators. All comments in [brackets] and {braces} are mine. QUOTE:

Chapter 10—The Challenge

The Church is at present disorganised, and has become the prey of schism and Higher Criticism. It will be restored, but meantime the Church and the nation of Israel suffer and are denuded of power.

[Indeed! And it has only waxed worse in the decades since. This was written nearly ten years before the fake nation of Israel” manifested in Palestine. Thus, readers should understand that by the nation of Israel” Rev. Thomas is referring to what was then called British-Israel,” but which many Bible students have now come to realize are more broadly identified as the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic {pronounced Keltic}, Scandinavian, Germanic, and related peoples of Caucasian Europe.

Over the past five centuries this has now come to include their progeny who now inhabit North America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and in smaller numbers in many other nations on all the continents.]

The glory of God is not manifested, her spiritual consciousness—the Church—is seared. The nation does not and cannot function as she should. The whole creation groans and with it the Israel people, waiting to be delivered from the bondage of corruption.

When will the Sons of God be manifested? For upon their manifestation, in the limited sense, the nation’s recovery depends; and upon their manifestation, in the larger sense, world recovery depends. (Vide Romans 8.)

[We wholly agree, but nevertheless, we believe that until the overcomer-Sons of God are manifested, Christians must be involved in exposing evil and seeking righteousness in government via political involvement. We have witnessed to the nth” degree what our failure to participate in government has wrought.

Ultimately, by the outpouring of the spirit (Joel 3) the whole nation of Israel shall receive the status of the Sons of God. (Hosea 1: 10.)

Meantime, there are those who have received, and many who can receive, the first-fruits of the Spirit, and enjoy the status of the Sons of God.

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God.”

Upon these devolves the responsibility of delivering the nation by the manifestation of the possibilities of a Spirit-led people.

In the age to come, the powers of which the preceding chapters speak, will among others, be the commonplace of experience. Then will all Israel be saved [Romans 11:26] and led by the Spirit.

Now, there are those who in anticipation can enjoy the powers of the age to come. (Hebrews 6.) These are found in Church and State; in religious and secular vocations [State; i.e., in civil governmental positions].

The enjoyment of the first-fruits of the Spirit, the anticipation of the millennial spiritual powers is possible to all who are willing to reach the status of Sons of God, because led of the Spirit.

Does it not, therefore, become imperative upon all true Christians and Israelites to do all within their power to regain for themselves, for the Church and for the Nation, the demonstration of God’s presence and power?

Why should not the nation have leaders who are governed by the Spirit of God?

Why should not the Church possess leadership whose ministry is confirmed by God in signs and wonders, and gifts of the Holy Ghost?

There is no Scriptural nor dispensational reason against it. The fault is in ourselves. We prefer to remain inconsequent children, willfully seeking our own way, rather than become grown sons, knowing our Father’s business, doing it His way, led by His Spirit.

May we be instructed in the operations of the Spirit: may we enjoy His leading? May we be manifested, in increasing numbers, as the Sons of the living God. [Amen! And hallelu-Yah!] END QUOTE & END of BOOK


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