
Juan O Savin on Law, Finance, & Property Assets

Being criticized for having no policy proposals, commie Kamala has now proposed two ideas stolen from Trump; vid., no tax on tips and no tax on Social Security benefits. But she did make two proposals of her own (1) raise business taxes to 28%.

Hopefully, most Americans realize by now that businesses really don’t pay taxes; they merely pass them through to the consumers as the cost of doing business. (2) Even worse, is comrade Kamala’s proposal to tax unrealized capital gains at 44.6%.

That is insane! …or pure communism to deliberately destroy private housing so that everyone depends upon government to supply this fundamental human need.

Let us create an example to illustrate how this will bankrupt the vast majority of middle-class and lower-class homeowners. Let’s say for easy math sake, that you bought a home with a 30-year mortgage a couple years ago for $100,000.

Last year, property values soared (as they actually did!), and your $100,000 home is now valued at $200,000. You have a capital gain of $100,000—but it is an unrealized gain because you actually don’t have the money in your pocket, it is just on paper.

However, under Kamala’s Marxist plan, the IRS will now expect you to pay 44.6% tax on the unrealized gain, which means you owe $44,600 tax this year alone! …and whatever the gain will be next year. Many homeowners will soon be penniless!

It is theft, plain and simple. Please share this information with everyone you know. This affects everyone, because if you rent, it means your landlord has to pay it and your rent will have to cover that cost. (Businesses don’t pay taxes, remember?)

We have had several podcasts featuring Juan come to our attention in the past week or so, but this one seems to be more informative and with fewer intrusions by a host.

Here are the highlights as (poorly) written by the re-poster of this podcast featuring Mr. 107, hosted by His Glory Take Five on August 15, 2024. Comments in [brackets] are mine—JWB. QUOTE:

This will peak [sic, the word is pique and means to arouse, excite or stimulate] your interest if you are hanging by a thread as to details of topics of the day. …

  • They talk about Venezuela.
  • Voter Fraud and Smartmatic results in the Philippines. [Smartmatic voting machines are in widespread use in the USA. Patrick Byrne describes in detail how the election fraud occurred in 2020.]
  • The money that are bribes being used in Fulton County, Georgia. [Atlanta metro area]
  • Tina Peters’ trial has been returned and Juan states this is ongoing. Revelations to come.
  • We are going to be challenged with the Proof of the DATA from the 2020 elections.
  • Rules are being changed to favor the Democrat process. Not good. Impossible to stop.
  • The path that was planned was much more dire. Mechanisms were in place to keep this going and it would have been a system that was undefeatable.
  • They look at the Cuban leadership of these states that have not been able to get beyond the control of a Communist State.
  • Valenzuela [sic] has been a direct PROXY of Cuba.
  • Juan feels this is going to lead to a Constitutional Crisis.
  • We are still dealing with issues from the 50’s and 60’s.
  • Do we PAUSE in order to get a handle on the election?
  • We should read Patrick Byrnes book Danger Close”. To see the past might apply to the future. [See our blog of yesterday for more information on this exceptionally-revealing book.]
  • Godfather and the Senator and prostitute.
  • The way it works in the Mafia with a compromised state. The money laundering in ARKANSAS.
  • Through business loans” and now it is LLCs and BCCI and Trusts [more accurately, the funny business happens through the foundations of the elites]. All States take part.
  • This is going to go South with Properties and the Banks. And it will go down. Prepare. END QUOTE

Here is the link to this podcast which runs 52:47. The re-poster has removed the several commercials, significantly shortening the listening time.


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