
Trump in Asheville Today—False Flag Coming Next Week?

Yours truly will not be in downtown Asheville for the Trump rally today. Been there; done that. It is exciting to be at a Trump appearance. But I am simply not going to spend a whole day or more getting stuck in traffic, going through lines, and then stand, stand, and stand a while longer.

As much as I admire, respect, and believe in Trump’s being called for such a time as this,” I’m getting too middle-aged for that 😉. I will certainly be tuning in to the local and national coverage of it (on Newsmax and/or Right Side Broadcasting).

Here’s a screen grab from the noon news today on the local fake news (ABC) affiliate. Our appreciation goes out to our Asheville men in blue whom the local radical Democrat City Council has totally demoralized with defunding and failing to back the blue.

The local venue, formerly called the Civic Center only holds about 3,000 people. I have been to many concerts there (Dan Fogelberg, the Moody Blues, Yanni, and more).

Asheville is presently occupied territory” and we who live in the county to the south of it are doing our best to hold the line at the county and to gradually have the Constitutionalist Republicans (RINOs not welcome) take back what was once a lovely southern city, but which many now refer to as Trashville.

The deterioration results from the long-held monopoly on political power by the mayor and her fellow socialist Dems—all seven of the City Council. Plus, the Dems now have a majority (4-3 hold) on the County Commissioner seats.

Meanwhile, in other news, here are the opinions from a man whose grasp on current events (and history) I highly esteem. This is a recent podcast of Juan O Savin who was interviewed on 8/8/24 by John Michael Chambers.

We provide somewhat of a summary for our readers in bullet point form of some of the topics discussed.

The Democrat Party National Convention (DNC) begins next Monday in Chicago and runs through August 22nd.

In this episode Juan reveals a potential False Flag at the coming DNC with high speed cameras installed. Will they attempt to blame the FF on MAGA? Is civil war to follow? We know that is part of their agenda.

  • The DS [Deep State] is playing catch up as they have lost control over the narrative and over the coming election (but they will still cheat as much as they can. So get involved locally to help restrain evil in the election process, etc.)
  • Momentum is now shifting over to MAGA and DJT
  • We are in a global game to control the world (Casino Royale)
  • The black swan event has now begun.
  • Trump met with a world leader” (probably Netanyahu—JWB) very recently and told him in no uncertain terms… Juan explains his thoughts on what DJT told Bibi.
  • [Patrick Byrne’s] disclosures in his book, Danger Close, about 2020 election fraud are about to gain much more widespread public awareness.
  • Juan’s story of meeting a couple weeks ago with a person on J.D. Vance’s team who voted for Biden-Harris. Uh-oh, thought Juan, and then… Mr. 107 describes it further.

Finally, in regard to the above possible events, here is timeless and pertinent Bible advice:

KJV Proverbs 27:12 A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished.

ESV (English Standard Version) Proverbs 27:12 The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.

Psalm 27:5 For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.

This podcast runs 59:34 and is linked here.



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