In recent weeks we have heard much about DJT offering to sign a deal with Ukraine which will help them repay our billions of dollars in aid (and AID) to them. The deal will give us access to share in their abundant rare earth minerals.
I wondered why we would need to or want to sign an agreement with Ukraine when I suspect (but don’t know for sure) that we in the USA probably have an abundance of all the minerals we need—rare or not. Turns out, my guess is correct and Juan explains the situation of why we need the agreement sooner rather than later.
QUOTE: PART ONE Juan and Jaco meet again for a discussion about things that come to mind. Cars, Trucks and Mining Equipment. The best and the worst. The Challenges that are ahead for our rebuilding of America. We have Challenges Ahead to create a new foundation for ourselves and the future of Commerce.
The horrid killing of Christians in the Congo and Africa's Dark Past. China is helping ISIS to destroy Africa.
A couple other topics about the Crossroad's that America is Facing and that we need to understand President Trump is capable of navigating these affairs.
The Brits have destroyed the Gas Lines and want to control the affairs of European Commonwealth which includes Canada. END QUOTE
Part two is a real eye-opener in many respects, even for those of us who consider ourselves to have been long red-pilled. Much information about Obama’s parents and their cabal connections, about Hugh Hefner and the CIA connections. About the Clintons and the Bush crime families. DJT is fighting the cabal: the British “Crown” externally, and the Rockefellers internally in America. And much more than given in the synopsis below.
QUOTE: PART TWO Epic conversation with Jaco and Juan of some of the Dark Sides of this world. The Personal Sacrifice that takes place all over the world to try and contain these monsters that harbor a Death Vision. For our HEROES that have come before us we must say a prayer. …
Many that see what is going on now will be seeing a very different process. Kash Patel has been given a directive to look deep into cleaning the FBI and how it is going to be revealed. New directions and new DIRECTIVES. To find and reveal the Dark Side of those that pretend to protect us.
Often our Whistleblowers come into contact with the FBI and want to report but in the interview end up on a "list". Many had to go into "hiding" to avoid repercussions. People in these worlds have to be very wise to get to the right answer.
President Trump is very much involved in this "espionage" that has to be cracked in order to rid us of the Deep State. The "black bag" operations. The players that are plum picked or sheep dipped. Stuff you don't even know exists.
Comey is the example that Juan has given before... as having controlled an operation of "honeypots". Within the FBI .. on the payroll. Sounds like something from Casablanca.
A very important part of this conversation was when Juan talks about having a 6th sense in order to survive. And the necessity of this next period of time having an ability to recognize the difference. Sensitivity to Spiritual Things. War by other means. And a touch with the HOLY SPIRIT.
Juan then talks about the DR Congo and the Satanic Spirits that exist within the Dark Arts that believe in Human Sacrifice. A horror that we all need to know how to deal with.
The Warlords in Somalia were Cannibals. Blackhawk Down was a story about these kinds of Evil.
Cancers often have developed in our fighters in areas of aerosolized Lead. This is the Personal Sacrifice for our fighters. Rwanda, DR Congo, Uganda, Kenya, African States that have been abused for a very long time. And are actually becoming Christian strongholds.
Elon is not working with the Chinese to get Cobalt out of Africa. We have to kick out the Chinese from Rwanda. They are targeting people of faith.
Juan right now is working on this to join together as a group.
So much of the work we are doing and seeing done.. under the surface theme.
Human and Child Trafficking. We are working on this in our local area. That is how you do it to protect the innocent.
Personal Sacrifice is putting the innocent over your needs. To say a prayer for the children. END QUOTE
Here is the link to part one. After listening to the first few minutes, I skipped the “car talk” and jumped ahead to about minute mark (mm) 16:30. There is a little bit more car talk later in part one, but plow through it for interesting insights. This runs 57:55.
Here is the link to part two. We recommend the whole thing. It runs 53:31. Near the end, Juan mentions Cathy O’Brien just in passing. I wonder how many of our readers know who she is. She tell her story in the book Trance Formation of America, co-written with her deprogrammer, Mark Phillips.
She was given (by her father!— if my memory serves) at an early age into the CIA’s MK-Ultra (MK for Mind Kontrol), Project Monarch.

The book, copyright 1995, was given to me decades ago by a very dear sister-in-Christ (who is probably long gone now as she had developed dementia in her later years). But she had warned me that it was very difficult to read; it is so dark.
It was indeed shocking because it related Cathy’s experiences (and she names names) of those in the highest levels of government who tortured her and sexually abused her for years. Some of those men are still in government! Readers can probably find something about her online, but I simply do not have the time. But I give you this much so you know who Mr. 107 is referring to.