We had received this letter several months ago from a sister on our CD Ministry. She informed me on many things she’s observed as detailed below. Much was new to me—such as the relationship of Howell and Horn. I thought it was worth sharing with our readers, especially for those on the CD Ministry and/or those who have read the enlightening and excellent book.

Dear Brother James, I’ve been listening to your CDs for the last few months [which are] covering the very interesting book, Before Genesis. I’m not sure if by now you’ve come across any information about the Horn family.
[Note to readers: This book was written by Donna Howell and Dr. Tom Horn. About ten years ago, we had carried Dr. Horn’s books, Exo Vaticana and Zenith 2016.
Just last weekend, we presented lecture #7 in our current teaching series which we have entitled In the Beginning…and THEN What Happened? a series which was initially based upon Howell and Horn’s fascinating book.
It is our intent to deliver lecture nos. 6 & 7 (with many visuals) at the October Bible Conference in the Twin Cities.]
I’ve been watching their TV show on Tues nights at 9:30 p.m. (here in Indiana) called Skywatch for quite a few years and have gotten familiar with the family through this time. These are my observations.
Skywatch is actually their whole family plus 1 or 2 guests at their own studio, covering just about any subject imaginable (mostly on the darker side).
The MC is Joe Horn the fast-talking son of Tom. Also on the show is daughter Alie Anderson, a pretty blond, well spoken and very intelligent, also has co-written books with her father.
Another daughter, Rev. Donna Howell, known as an “associate” of Tom Horn and co-author also. With her golden hair up in a bun and you might say hippy-gypsy type clothes.
She’s a wiz at telling all these interesting discoveries associated with the Bible [the “OOPArts,” for those who’ve followed our lectures]. I also heard her sing on the Jim Bakker show a few years ago and of course, she can really sing. I don’t think these families live too far apart (in Missouri).
Also on the show is Joe’s wife who never shares but does a lot of laughing and giggling. Their mother is also on now and then. A pretty lady who heads up a ministry called Whispering Pony Ranch. It is for disabled and troubled children. They have an indoor arena and quite a few workers to minister to the children on an individual basis. I’ve seen film clips on this, also have read about it in their magazine.
Two guest that are on the show almost regularly are Derek Gilbert and wife Sharon. They also like to focus on the dark side and have books available.
The Horn family also runs (or owns?) Defender Publishing. That is why they can get so many books out on the market.
The family also were on for their Christmas show at home. They have quite a few children , and they were all missing their Grandfather Tom.
Since the loss of their father Tom last fall they are all very able to carry on in his footsteps. As time goes on I don’t know how much of this you have come to know but I just thought I’d share with you what I have learned over the years.
I look forward to your CDs each month and—oh, how I loved the last issue of Feed My Sheep and the subject of “The Throne of Yahweh.”
Here’s hoping you can read my handwriting [It is quite nice; more legible than most of the handwritten letters I receive.] I’m old fashioned and have no computer, no smart phone, no typewriter and I’m almost 89 years old and father Yahweh keeps me going.
This Scripture in Heb 12:12-14 has encouraged me greatly [emphasis hers]:
Therefore strengthen the drooping hands and paralyzed knees and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put entirely out of joint but may rather be restored. (Weymouth Trans).
In Christ’s love, /s/
Thank you, sister, for taking the time to share all your observations. I greatly appreciate it.