
Coming Soon: The End of the Fed!

Our thanks to Kathy of our SKF-Georgia group for sending me the link below. She knew it was right up my alley.”

Watching the actions of President Trump in his first four years, and then understanding how the four-year hiatus was necessary to wake up the people, I have suspected for a long time that DJT has been preparing the people for the huge changes he intends to make.

Dave Episode” in this short segment of his X22 Report confirms or at least he lends great support to my hunch. That hunch is that Trump will abolish the Federal Reserve System and the federal income tax along with it!

(Non-clickable screen grab)

Our first clue was back in the days of the daily White House briefings on Covid by the experts” like Fauci and Birx (the queen of scarves). Then one day, inexplicably at first, Trump had his economic advisor, Larry Kudlow, come out to the podium where Kudlow casually explained to the White House gaggle that they (Trump and company) had decided to merge the books of the Federal Reserve into the U. S. Treasury.

I could hardly believe my ears! The fake news in the WH briefing room totally ignored it. I saw absolutely zero coverage of this bombshell announcement in any of the Babylonian Media (the BM)…and still to this day…crickets .

There was one financial columnist, however, (can’t remember his name) who perceived the magnitude of what I thought I saw; namely, that this meant the end of the Fed (the central banking system) was on the horizon.

That is why Fed Chairman, Jerome Powell, who is usually the lackey of the international (central) bankers who put him into that position, was now essentially taking his cues from President Trump. How do we know that?

Because when the BM would signal that the Fed was going to do this or that particular move in monetary or fiscal policy, that if/when DJT let it be known that Powell should instead do the opposite, that Powell complied with Trump.

Now, during the 2024 campaign, Trump has in recent weeks, announced no tax on tips,” then no taxes on Social Security,” then, no taxes on overtime.”

And now, just very recently (in the barbershop in the Bronx a few days ago, I believe), Trump said he would consider having no tax on first responders, on police, firefighters, military, and on veterans, and others. It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon” to see that DJT is moving rapidly to the point of the grand finale: no income taxes on anybody. Period!

We as a nation really have no need for a federal income tax. We did fine without it until WW I. Abolishing the Fed, establishing an honest money system, and abolishing the income tax IS A SINA QUA NON OF THE FALL OF MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT.

Those three major changes alone will unleash the most powerful economy that the world has ever seen. Everyone will be blessed by it. It constitutes a major step towards the realization of the Kingdom of God/heaven upon the earth!

Curiously, it just so happened that just before Hurricane Helene hit WNC, we were packing up my library to move the SKM offices. I chanced upon a book I had read decades ago. It was a hardback copy, (dated 1984) which bore the title The Secrets of the Federal Reserve.

Next to it on my library shelf was another version, an older edition copyrighted 1954, which bore the title: The Federal Reserve Conspiracy. I had obtained this book from my dear friend, Joe, who gave me his library as he neared the end of his life. Joe passed away in the mid-1990s at the age of 96.

In this copy, Joe had marked it up on nearly every page. He underlined many passages and he also marked in the margin the word Jew” beside many of the key players in the financial and political world.

The author, Mr. Eustace Mullins (1923-2010) had begun his research on this book in 1949. He spent countless hours combing the material available in the Library of Congress where he was employed at that time.

For many years we carried the book, The Creature from Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin, which is a huge tome of 608 pages detailing the conspiracy to steal the wealth of America and slyly put the people into captivity—financial bondage.

We have noted in numerous of our lectures how this constitutes what the Bible calls Mystery, Babylon the Great.” We have already given substantial background on how it all fits the Bible in our series called Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom.

As we continue our series of Bible lectures on The Laws of the Stone Kingdom, we will be using both these books (and many more) as resources as we expound God’s laws on theft. Stay tuned! Meanwhile, here is the title and link to this X22 Report on the Rumble channel. It runs only 22:54, considerably shorter if you fast forward past the commercials.

Ep. 3480a - Trump Prepares The People, The [CB] Is In The Crosshairs, No Income Tax


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