As regular readers and others who are awake and red pilled are aware, President Trump and his white hats have sent coded communications (coms) to us (who number in the many millions now) using the language of semaphores.
As a brief note of explanation, semaphores (as used in this essay—we are aware that the word has another meaning related to computer programming) are an ancient method of sending signals or messages (either coded or open). It was used most commonly among naval vessels.
The word comes from two Greek words which mean “sign” or “signal,” plus “bearer.”
Here is a website which goes into considerable depth about semaphores with numerous illustrations of the semaphore flags and what they mean.
In Trump’s first administration, Q posts clued us in to the fact that coms were being sent using semaphores, which were then interpreted by the “anons” who commented on the Q posts, and by podcasts from numerous individuals/groups.
Two of the earliest ones which found to be quite reliable are “Dave Episode” at and wherever and whenever Juan O Savin is being interviewed by numerous podcasters.
Regular readers are well aware of these two men as we have linked to many of them over the years. They provide red pill education from Intro 101 to post-graduate level.
It became clear to many of us that the former supermodel named Melania Trump was the sign bearer, equivalent to the mast of a ship or flagpole upon which the various semaphores were displayed.
In many of Melania’s public appearances, messages were being sent, which, as it turned out, were perfectly in keeping with certain posts by “Q.” One of the most famous ones happened on the day President Trump and Melania left the White House after the alleged defeat of DJT by Joe Biden. (Remember though, that Trump never conceded defeat.)
Melania left on Air Force One in (if I recall correctly) a very dark or black outfit. By the time they arrived and disembarked from AF One at the West Palm Beach airport, Melania had changed into a most striking dress.
We had written a blog about it not long afterwards in connection with Juan O Savin’s book, The Kid by the Side of the Road. A dear sister-in-Christ, Pat, gave me a copy of the book. Here is the front cover.

And here is the back cover.

For some of the details, see my post linked here which is entitled “Trip Report and Related Ideas.”
One of the frequent themes of Melania’s semaphore wardrobe is “from dark to light,” which has likewise been a frequent refrain in the Q posts from 2017 through December 2020. She wore the dress on January 20, 2021.
Fast forward to the second inauguration Donald J. Trump. Every is familiar with Melania’s dark outfit at the swearing-in ceremony, and especially noteworthy was her hat.
But our purpose in this essay is to focus more on the elegant gown she wore at the Commander-in-Chief gala ball that evening, one week ago today. Here is a screen capture of her at the ball.

Even I could see this semaphore was essentially another version of “from dark to light” now with the predominance of light—all a spiritual and political metaphor for America, of course. Beyond that, I had nothing and awaited further input. Last night I heard from another dear sister-in-Christ, also named Pat, who is not the same Pat as mentioned above.
Pat obviously did some homework-research here. Along with those publicly-available facts about Melania’s gorgeous gown, here are Pat’s discernments on the semaphore message.

QUOTE: Her black choker making quite the statement that we [the American people] have been choked; but with the jewel on it, there has always been a sparkle of hope. Dark to light…
With a little bit of light peeking through at the top between the dark, giving hope…
The dark line—we will have some twists and turns, but the dark will give way to light… Eventually the dark will be hanging by a thread, and then hanging/blowing in the wind. The dress also gives a three-dimensional look.
Harry Winston fashioned the diamonds on the choker. He is the son of a Ukrainian immigrant. Winston has exceptional skills in fine jewelry and he was mentioned in the Marilyn Monroe song, “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend.”
[Notice the JFK connection via MM. Remember the many connections to JFK/Jackie in the first inaugural? Melania’s “Tiffany Blue” dress.]
Winston obtained his American dream. [Winston was the protagonist in Orwell’s classic dystopian novel, 1984.]
At the bottom of the black streamer, it looks like a forked-tongue type of cut, but I cannot see it clearly. As Melania walked she could kick the black streamer out of the way.
The material for her inaugural event didn’t arrive until December!
Her hat [at the swearing-in ceremony] was a boater hat. When the hat arrived, it was damaged so a new hat had to be made in four days! The hat signified her [America’s] boundary [border]. Boater hats are large and were known to give a message of “This is my boundary; don’t enter into it.” END QUOTE
Thank you, Pat! Nice to see that Tom Homan is already closing down the border and repatriating the illegals!