Danger Close—Analysis of How the 2020 Election Was Rigged

12 minutes read

…And how the wicked will try to rig the 2024 election!

Proverbs 29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

In recent weeks we have strongly stressed the importance of Patrick Byrne’s book, Danger Close: Domestic Extremist #1 Comes Clean. That is because of Byrne’s insider confession and first-hand report of what happened in the 2020 election—an election which was supposedly lost by President Donald Trump.

The evidence is there! In this excerpt Byrne explains exactly how it was done. When right-thinking citizens understand how it was done, they will be confident in joining local citizens to prevent it from happening again. Making it “too big to rig!”

In the book Byrne is asked whether the evidence will ever come out, by which the reporter meant, would the evidence come out more widely into the public arena so that the broad general public will understand how the massive cheating occurred.

Byrne said the evidence would come out before the November 2024 election. We are only about five weeks away. It seems reasonable to us that the person in Arizona (mentioned by Juan O Savin in our blogpost last Friday) might be a big part of exposing the cheating in Maricopa County (Phoenix area), just as Patrick Byrne said would happen.

Why is this important to every one of us? Because we are at a point on the biblical prophetic timetable that we are either (1) going to be subjected to a technological iron yoke that could last for centuries—if we as individuals even survive their plainly-revealed plans to depopulate the planet of 93 percent of its inhabitants—or (2) we are going to wrest back control of our government and move on towards the Kingdom of God on this planet!

Therefore, it is incumbent upon each of us to do our utmost to help defeat the wicked. What can you do? Volunteer in whatever capacity you can. Contact your local Republican Party and see what they need. There are many ways to help.

Become a poll watcher and/or a poll observer—both are extremely important, but you will need some basic training to do it legally, etc., which is why you should contact your local Republican officials ASAP.

I have done it in prior elections, but I probably won’t be able to serve in that capacity this cycle due to our ongoing office relocation and our upcoming trip to the Twin Cities for our Bible Conference in mid-October.

Byrne gives an excellent summary of the ways in which the cabal cheats on a massive scale. We thought DJT was going to win by a landslide in 2020 and we were shocked at how the results changed drastically overnight from election day. It was due to massive cheating. Trump did actually win in a landslide.

As we followed the work of those exposing the cheating in the months after November 2020, we became very familiar with the little graph shown below. It is the “trademark artifact” of how the results “magically” change when elections are paused in the middle of the night in certain very strategic cities located in very strategic swing states.

During the dark-of-night pause, the wicked Leftist “soldiers” feed into the ballot scanners massive numbers of false ballots, or the software is tinkered with remotely to accomplish the same thing: the magic shift of Biden from loser to winner.

The following excerpts are from Patrick Byrne’s book, Danger Close: Domestic Extremist #1 Comes Clean, pages 106-113. All emphasis is in the original unless otherwise noted. Anything in {braces} is by me. [Bracketed] material is by the reporter who interviewed Byrne and whose questions are in italicized boldface.


PBS calls you the “kingpin” of the election integrity movement, which some people claim is insurrectionist by nature, a threat to democracy.

A claim which no one will explain to me.

We’d love to understand how you came to be involved in these election matters. And as you know, one question that is asked is, “Where is the evidence?”

“Where is the evidence?” That’s funny. When I hear it, I want to say, “They keep it in the same closet they kept Hunter Biden’s laptop and Joe’s $10 million Burisma bribe.”

Since November 4, 2020, a mountain of evidence has been all around us. 75 percent of the public sees it, and whether they can articulate it, they sense it. But 25 percent of the public is so brainwashed they cannot see it.

I will show you what I mean by answering your other question first: how did I get from ejecting from my company {Overstock.com}, going public about my role in the Russian Hoax, and dipping out to Indonesia… How did I get from there to the middle of this? Let me answer that first.

Go ahead. How did you get in the middle of this election scandal?

I came back from Indonesia because I received instructions to do so. I was in a far out-of-the-way island, sleeping in a hut at an obscure surf camp. I had ditched my electronics and taken a couple ferry rides and buses to get to that camp.

But occasionally I returned to retrieve my electronics long enough to check in and had been receiving demands that I return to the USA. I kept ignoring them. One day I checked and got a message that said, It doesn’t matter that you’re in ________ (and named the hamlet I was in), we can kill you wherever you are.

I was still hesitant and replied that I thought I would be arrested or killed if I returned. I said that I would not come back until a federal I knew sent me a thumb’s up.

Days later, I received photos of federal people I recognized giving a thumb’s up. One of them was William Barr, sitting at his desk at the DOJ with the Washington Monument framed in the window behind him, one hand holding up a Washington Post to show what day it was, the other hand giving a thumb’s up.

Attorney General William Barr.

Correct. So, I came back. Early 2020, or maybe late 2019. I was directed to support a counter-trafficking activity that was spinning up. Covid hit and all went to ground for a few months. Meanwhile, I had a tumor growing on my spinal cord that eventually reached the point that one leg went completely paralyzed. I could not walk. That took microsurgery and a month of recovery.

By August 2020 1 was back in action. There was an anti-human-trafficking activity going on. Some of the people involved were cyber guys, “dolphin-speakers” as I call them, who are useful when disrupting human-trafficking networks. Some of those dolphin-speakers were making a hobby out of studying election fraud.

This was August 2020. As a pastime, they made a hobby out of teaching me about the industry of election equipment, including walking me through vulnerabilities in the architecture, hardware, and software of machines in use.

They started by steering me to an HBO documentary called “Kill Chain” that is now samizdat [Byrne uses the Soviet term for ‘banned writing & art’]. And then, some YouTube videos showing how easy the machines were to hack, videos since also removed as “misinformation.”

More importantly, they downloaded technical manuals, operating manuals, and sales brochures from the firms themselves. I was given chance to spend some hours with them.

There was a technical description of a three-layered database lacking “referential integrity” among its layers. (I had never heard of a database lacking referential integrity and having one could only serve one purpose that I could think of, like a corporation keeping three sets of books.)

The operating manuals spoke to issues like “mass adjudication” with none of the references to integrity one would expect. The sales literature even seemed to give a nudge-and-a-wink regarding the “flexibility” it gave election administrators.

There was also a study done by California’s Secretary of State in 2007, a woman. She formed a commission of computer scientists from UC Berkeley, Stanford, JPL, etc. to study these systems. They concluded the technology was garbage. Junk-ola.

It violated basic tenets of computer security. In one spot in the report, they went so far as to suggest that the systems were so porous from a security point of view they may have been designed to be vulnerable.

Around that same year, the European Union looked into these systems. As I recall, they reported, and forced admission that, when one pierces all the M&A and licensing agreements, the operating system in these machines is actually owned by entities in Venezuela.

They clued me in on election scandals occurring globally. Philippines in 2010 and 2016, Ukraine 2014, Iraq 2008, Ghana, Kenya, and other African states. In each, ballot-counting was interrupted, then when counting resumed, there appeared a trademark artifact:

In June 2022, the DHS issued a report that could have been titled, “Patrick Byrne Was Right Again. Again.” They listed nine major security lapses in one brand of machines.

Read that report. It represents my state of knowledge on about October 20, 2020.

The election came two weeks later. For the first time in US history, a city stopped counting ballots. How odd.

And it was not just one city, it was six. How especially odd.

And it was not just any six cities, it was six anchor cities for six swing states. Cities with two-thirds of their state’s vote. How odd.

The Media asks, “Where’s the evidence?” That is evidence. No one ever explained it, really. Six different cities, six different reasons, but what do you know? They each flip a swing state. Which flips the electoral college. Which flips the White House. And they all decide to do this first-in-America event of stopping ballot-counting on the same night.

Seem odd?

You see, there are about 3,000 counties in America. On Election Day, we really hold 3,000 separate elections. To steal the White House, one does not need “widespread election fraud”: one needs deep election fraud in six counties, each of which is two-thirds of the vote of a swing state. Narrow, deep fraud in those six cities flips those six swing states, and flipping those swing states flips the electoral college, which flips the White House.

And what do you know? That set of six cities in six swing states…. are the six cities that stopped ballot-counting on November 3, 2020! How odd. You get it?

The improbability of that constellation of events is a layer of evidence at 30,000 feet.

Then we drop to 3,000 feet: statistical improbabilities in outcomes. The kinds of things Seth Keshel finds. 18 of 19 “bell-whether counties” voting for Trump, yet Biden wins. Things like that. Did you know that in 2020 more Black people voted for Biden than had voted for Obama in either of his elections?

I always knew Black folk liked Barack Obama, but it turns out they are just wild for Joe Biden…. But only in Philadelphia and a handful of cities. Does that sound plausible?

Perhaps you mean, patterns one can spot from 300 feet, so to speak: “Where is evidence of systemic misconduct in the election?” To see this requires understanding what went on in each state beyond what was reported in the newspapers. Think of this as the view from one hundred feet.

Within a day or two of the election, I was in Washington, DC, setting up rooms with researchers and dolphin-speakers. I knew that, at the end of the day, whatever legal process came along, the lawyers could do no more than write each other memos until there were dolphin-speakers and researchers surfacing data.

Because I was first to go on TV and say that Election 2020 was rigged, soon citizens groups were sending delegations to find me in DC. Who were they? It turned out that in many states, so many people experienced irregularities that citizens quickly found each other and swirled grassroots groups into existence, selecting leaders who assembled teams in their own states to start gathering affidavits and other evidence.

Then they were flying “ambassadors” to DC to find me. I put them up in hotel rooms scattered around DC and set up debriefing teams with retired military and law enforcement.

With all that information flowing in from witnesses across many states at once, the patterns in the misconduct of Election 2020 became evident, and those patterns precisely fit the methods of rigging elections about which I had been learning for the two months preceding the election.

So perhaps you meant, “Where is the forensic evidence?” The view from three feet, so to speak. Well, re-counting pieces of paper gets nowhere. To find out if each ballot came from a real voter requires examination of the systems.

Regarding that, the same people who ask, “Where is the evidence?” are the people who since November 4, 2020, have fought teeth-toes-and-fingernails to make it impossible to examine those systems.

Remember, all we wanted to do is examine hard drives from six places where ballot-counting paused for hours. Each for a different reason. The investigation could be done in days. This battle ripping our country apart could be solved with a week’s work.

But for three years, five of those six counties have blocked having their drives inspected. That’s evidence. To a guy who solves problems and not merely opines from lofty heights, their opposition to inspection of hard drives is evidence. I hear cockamamie claims that inspecting those hard drives would be a threat to democracy, or a crime against humanity, but no one explains why.

The sixth city, Phoenix, Arizona, which is to say, Maricopa County… The Arizona Senate issued a subpoena for their hard drive, along with lots of other things. Maricopa County fought the subpoena for six months. That is evidence.

Then when a court ordered them to turn it over and they could no longer stall, the night before they turned it over, they erased the election database. That behavior is also evidence.

Six months later, when they were challenged for having erased the data, they said that they had not actually erased it, they had duplicated it then deleted it…but when asked for the duplicate, they refused to turn that over. That is evidence.

And incidentally, the subpoena had requested their duplicates as well, so their ruse was legally meaningless. They doubly defied a subpoena. That is further evidence.

Such behavior would normally be decisive in the court of public opinion.

In any case, I get ahead of myself. There in November 2020, we had quickly organized so that information from voters around the country was funneled into affidavits pouring into Washington, DC. We did, intending to provide it to whatever lawyers or government agents appeared, wanting to get to the bottom of things. Rudy and Sidney and others showed up wanting it…

At first, I thought I’d never seen anything like it, but in time I realized that I had seen things just like it before: any time I’ve seen a group lawyers try to manage a project.

As an entrepreneur, watching lawyers organizing under stress was unbearable. Given that I knew we were undergoing a psyop to end the USA, it was a nightmare. Unlike General Flynn, the President’s people clearly saw me as some rich guy on the side who was writing checks, and had no sense how to work with me to create a fluid, agile, task-oriented enterprise.

We had stunning assets, information was flowing up from states, the White House was scrambling for help, but it was gunked-up by lawyers with their own priorities, which included endless agenda-less bull-sessions discussing past triumphs, internal jockeying for court favor, podcasts, positioning things so they could take credit, and so on and so forth.

I saw days ticking by and this disorganized sh{**}show going off half-cocked over and over. Rudy’s press conferences about Joe Frazier still voting, Sidney filing briefs that I doubt she even read, filled with typo-graphical errors. Trump {was} told half-truths by mediocre intermediaries.

What was your famous December 18 Oval Office meeting really about, and is it true you snuck into the Oval Office?


The first thing to know is that in 2015, President Obama signed an executive order which said: If a foreign entity interferes in an election, the president has a range of powers, from running an investigation, to a Presidential Commission, to re-running that election. And in 2018, Trump renewed Obama’s EO or signed a similar EO. END QUOTE

“If a foreign entity interferes in an election…” And what have we just heard in the past week’s news? That Iran hacked the Trump Campaign and turned the information over to the Kamala campaign??

And Byrne notes that it was Obama who signed the initial EO! Watch Trump put it to good use!

The rest of Byrne’s book was so very enlightening on many other activities besides the 2020 election. If you are even pink-pilled, you will find it hard to put down.

Oh, one other thing: My sibling brother John just began reading his copy of Danger Close, and as he happened to be watching one of the evening opinion hosts (he cannot recall if it was Laura Ingraham, Jesse Watters, or perhaps even Martha MacCallum).

But in giving the latest news about the second attempted assassination of Trump, the box at the bottom of the screen (not the chyron*, but the box above it which sometimes gives the name of the guest along with the topic), this box had the caption “Danger Close.”

Which is, of course, a true description of the close danger to President Trump, but John suggested it might also be a subliminal to promote Byrne’s book. As we learn in Byrne’s book, he relates how Rupert Murdoch turned Fox’s editorial stance on a dime just a few weeks before the 2020 election to favor Biden!

Simultaneously, just as Byrne was about to go public, suddenly all of Fox’s hosts were forbidden from interviewing him! Perhaps some of the still patriotic staffers in the production department at Fox News decided to slip in a little plug for Byrne’s book last week.

Proverbs 3: 25 Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh.

26 For the LORD [Yahweh] shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.

*chyron: a text-based graphic overlay displayed at the bottom of a television screen or film frame, as closed captioning or the crawl of a newscast.