No doubt our readers realize that “Camelot” is a reference to the media-created image of the JFK administration.
For our examination of the origins of the Kennedy “dynasty” and its wealth, see our lecture entitled *The Kennedys, the Mafia and Prohibition: Edom’s Supremacy in America, part 4.* It is lecture #44 (CD #633) in our series Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom. Link to Order Form is here.
The Camelot myth was just that—a creation of the then media monopoly held by the collectivist Left. Today the dying remnants of that once-dominant media (whom we disparagingly but accurately have denominated as the Babylonian Media, or the BM, for short, to use the nursing lingo 😊) are seeking to once again create a myth about a political figure, Kamala Harris.
This will fail—we do hope and pray—otherwise under a Harris-Walz administration we can kiss all our liberties farewell and prepare to suffer immense persecution and catastrophic changes in our civilization—which will then no longer be actually civilized, but a period of great chaos and anarchy.
To do what we can to help shift America back to our Christian God, we offer this and perhaps another blog or two about the real Kamala (and her partner in communizing America, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz).
Incidentally, while the Kennedy clan has lots of “bad apples,” we do not automatically judge (condemn) them all. As the history of the ancient kings of Israel and Judah show in the biblical record, there were occasional good kings (e.g., Josiah, Jehosaphat, and others) despite the fact that their fathers and/or children were horrible tyrants and despicable people.
So today we can allow that there might be the occasional member of the Kennedy clan who turns out to be of relatively good character.
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy certainly had his weaknesses and moral foibles, but he did have some good qualities as well. In that regard, we have previously recommended the fascinating book by Dr. Michael Salla called Kennedy's Last Stand: Eisenhower, UFOs, MJ-12 & JFK's Assassination, available online.
Within the media creation of the Kennedy mystique was JFK’s bestseller called Profiles in Courage. Now comes another bestseller, this by Peter Schweizer, and playing off the name of the JFK book, it is called Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite.
We have seen Schweizer interviewed numerous times on Maria Bartiromo’s Sunday Morning Futures, which we DVR. He is a very fearless and indefatigable warrior for truth, who is not afraid to call out RINOs as well as the Dems in their corruption.
We were gifted with a hard copy of Profiles in Corruption a few weeks ago and we shall circulate it among our SKFs in Tennessee and Georgia. Here is a photo of our copy.

There are separate chapters on Kamala, Biden, Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, and several other socialist-communist puppets of the globalists. On July 29th, we posted a blog entitled: “Observations on the Olympics, Kacklin’ Kamala and More”.
Today, we shall dive a bit deeper into the record of this empty pantsuit of a so-called “Progressive.” (As usual, they always lie. They are not progressive at all, but regressive, back to the same old failed ways of the past: preach and promise Utopia and end up in a totalitarian tyranny by whatever name.)
In the 33-page chapter on Kacklin’ Kamala (exclusive of the pages of footnotes), we find that her record is one of zero positive accomplishments, but what she did accomplish was only of serving her masters to help destroy America.
Examples abound. We shall only focus on a few introductory phases in this segment. All emphases, unless otherwise noted, are ours as are all comments in [brackets].
QUOTE: Harris paints herself as a gritty lawyer who is climbing the ladder of power by her own strength and determination. She has also positioned herself as "smart on crime," even publishing a book by that same title!'
The reality of her rise to prominence is far more complicated—and how she has leveraged her power along the way is troubling. Harris's elevation to national politics is closely tied to one of California's most allegedly corrupt political machines and investigations into her tenure as a prosecutor raise disturbing questions about her use of criminal statutes in a highly selective manner, presumably to protect her friends, financial partners, and supporters…
Kamala Devi Harris was born to Donald Harris, her Jamaican-born father and Dr. Shyamala Gopalan, her Tamil Brahmin mother from India. Her father is a Marxist economist who taught at Stanford University; at one point, he advised the Jamaican government.
Her mother was a highly regarded research scientist who worked in the field of breast cancer.' Her parents were divorced when Kamala was five, and her mother's family had a defining influence on her childhood…
Kamala Harris's entrée into the corridors of political power largely began with a date. In 1994, she met Willie Brown, who at the time was the second-most-powerful man in California politics.
As Speaker of the State Assembly, Brown was a legend in Sacramento and around the state. He represented a district in the Bay Area and was well known in San Francisco social circles. In addition to running the California Assembly, Brown ran a legal practice on the side, which meant taking fees from lobbyists and industries that may have wanted favorable treatment in Sacramento.
Brown was under investigation several times, by the State Bar of California, the Fair Political Practices Commission, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.' In 1986, for example, as California Assembly Speaker, he "received at least $124,000 in income and gifts . . . from special interests that had business before the Legislature."'"
Despite a lifetime in politics and public service, Brown was known for his expensive Brioni suits, Borsalino hats, Ferraris, and Porsches.' Later he downgraded to a Jaguar. "My body would reject a Plymouth," he said.'
Along the way he played a version of himself in The Godfather Part III. Brown finally retired from political office in 2004. He purchased a $1.8 million condo in the St. Regis in San Francisco two years later.'…PAUSE QUOTE
The Godfather reference is curious in view of the fact that on the previous page we find this:
QUOTE: Harris recounts regular visits as a child to her mother's homeland. After she was elected district attorney of San Francisco in 2003, she traveled to India and found that her grandmother had organized a party and press conference for her.
Her grandfather was still a government official in Chennai. "One by one people came to pay homage. 'It was like a scene out of The Godfather,' " Kamala said. Harris was close to her grandfather, who was "a joint secretary in the central government," and "instilled in her a thirst for service." END QUOTE
Would that be self-service? Just a coincidence, we suppose, about the Godfather, but we only point out the coincidence because both the Q posts (which ended in December 2020) and Juan O Savin on multiple occasions have made references to The Godfather films in relation to the machinations of the cabal. Connection? We would not be surprised, but we are not prepared to speculate at this juncture.
Willie Brown was married in 1958 (and remains so to this day) and per the thoroughly-documented chapter in Profiles in Corruption (11 pages of footnotes; 154 sources cited, just on this chapter alone) began “dating Kamala, who was twenty-nine… Their affair was the talk of San Francisco in 1994…”
QUOTE: Brown began pulling levers for Harris that both boosted her career and put money in her pocket, rewarding Kamala with appointments to state commissions that paid handsomely and did not require confirmation by the legislature. He put Kamala on the State Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and later the California Medical Assistance Commission.
The Medical Assistance Commission paid $99,000 a year in 2002.21 The Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board paid around $114,000 a year. Both posts were part-time. At the time, she was working as a county employee making around $100,000.22 Along the way, Brown also bought young Kamala a new BMW.23
Perhaps the most important thing Brown gave Harris was access to his vast network of political supporters, donors, and sponsors. Soon she was publicly arm in arm with Brown in the most elite circles of San Francisco, including lavish parties and celebrity galas. …
The romance with Brown might have been over, but Harris had political ambitions of her own, and the two remained allies. Brown, as mayor, would prove to be enormously helpful in her rise to political power.
Willie Brown possessed the most powerful political machine in Northern California. As mayor, he leveraged that power to enrich his friends and allies. During his tenure, Brown came under FBI investigation twice for corruption involving lucrative contracts flowing from the city to his political friends.
His operation was soon dubbed "Willie Brown Inc." Even local Democrats who might agree with Brown's political views were turned off by the cronyism and corruption that was rampant under "Da Mayor."… END QUOTE
We shall omit pages of details on how Da Mayor assisted Kamala in her rise to prominence, early on as San Francisco District Attorney, and later in higher positions. But the following is noteworthy because of its similarity to the now-occurring repetition of patterns similar in the Kamala Harris-Tim Walz campaign. Here’s the early example of the pattern:
QUOTE: The ethical problems with Harris's campaign went beyond the financial questions. Shortly after the election, complaints emerged from city cleaning crews who said they were forced during the campaign to attend political events for mayoral candidate Gavin Newsom and Kamala Harris."
Willie Brown had a history of deploying a "patronage army"—a cadre of city employees who performed political work because they owed him their jobs—to help favored candidates win elections."
In this particular case, workers assigned to street cleaning crews complained that they were asked to do political work including during Kamala Harris's run for district attorney. Mohammed Nuru, a Brown protege hired in 2000, was the deputy director of operations in the City's Department of Public Works.
He ran among other things a project called San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners (popularly known as SLUG). The organization was supposedly hired by the city to provide cleanup and gardening work around the Bay Area. But they also served another purpose: as a resource to be deployed as part of the Willie Brown machine. In the 2003 election, they were deployed to help, among others, Kamala Harris in her bid for district attorney.'
According to internal records, SLUG employees were told by their bosses to "attend campaign events for" Kamala Harris. Campaign manager Rebecca Prozan admitted that she had conversations with the head of SLUG, Nuru, throughout the campaign, although she denies asking him to bring workers to the rallies. The results were undeniable.
In one instance, Prozan admitted that the Harris campaign had mailed out 9,000 flyers for a public event, but only 50-75 people actually showed up. An investigator said, "Prozan concluded that all or most of the attendees were in fact SLUG workers." Reportedly, Ron Vinson, a former Willie Brown deputy press secretary, led the workers into events. END QUOTE
This is what is known in the political slang of the day as “Astroturf,” meaning fake grassroots enthusiasm. No one accuses Donald Trump of having Astroturf. I have participated at his local appearance, and anyone near a Trump rally can see it with their own eyes. The grassroots folks are there to see DJT, no one else, and they turn out in the multiple tens of thousands.
But while the Harris-Walz “rally” in Eau Claire, Wisconsin recently seemed like a genuine groundswell of enthusiasm for the Dem ticket, it was not what it appeared to be.
While the campaign claimed there were 12,000 people there for Kamala and Tim, it turns out the campaign essentially “piggy-backed” on a concert by a band very popular in the Wisconsin-Minnesota area called Bon Iver.
In other words, the crowd was “Astroturf.” Local news organizations pegged the crowd at closer to 10,000—does the difference matter if they were mostly there to see Bon Iver anyway?
Additionally, Eau Claire is only a short drive from the Twin Cities and when MN Gov. Walz gave it away when he asked if there were any Minnesotans in the crowd. The huge response led an observer to conclude that it seemed like a vast portion of them were “imports,” from who knows what political machine. Oh, yeah, might that be the Walz–Ilhan Omar team in the Golden Gopher state?
To be continued.