
How To Pray, part 7: How I Personally Pray—Conclusion

As a reminder and brief review, we are now in the process of sharing with you the specifics of how I pray personally.

The process of how I pray has evolved over the years. It will always be evolving as I continue to learn more about our communications with our Creator-God-King-Savior.

Readers can use this as a model for their own prayer time—as a starting point. We encourage everyone to modify it over a period of time and develop your own personal methods of communication with the Father.

In this presentation of my own process of prayer, I will use the italic font to indicate my own words in my daily prayer routine. But these will be interspersed with text in regular font as I comment and explain. Let us continue from where we left off in part 6.

We have now asked permission to enter into the King’s Throne Room (as opposed to His Courtroom). Upon receiving permission, the first thing we must do is to try the spirits.” When we are assured we have reached the right number,” we can then proceed with our current prayer requests.

There is always so much to pray about and people to pray for, that I have and continue to find ways to consolidate my prayers. Thus, at the outset, I tell the Father that for all of my prayer targets,” for all of those for whom I am praying, I ask for the following: (Notice the multiple places where I use alliteration as a memory aid. I will emphasize them for you.)

Father, for all these in my prayer downline,” I ask for…

* salvation for those who do not yet know you as our Father, Creator, Savior, Redeemer and King*

* safety and security in our homes, work, and travel, realizing that the devils and satans among us are constantly trying to literally harm and/or destroy your people*

** for health and healing for all those afflicted with various maladies and illnesses, whether chronic or acute*

** for reconciliation and restoration of relationships between those whose relationships can and should be reconciled and/or restored. And when that is not in your Plan, that there be an amicable severing of the relationship.*

** for employment for those who need a job and for financial blessings, that it may be adequate for their needs.* This is with the understanding that in our modern society, the needs are for more than food, clothing and shelter. Basic needs in America would include transportation and communication and the money to obtain them.

* for wisdom and discernment and forgiveness.

At this point, I then begin with my top-of-the-list, which includes people whom I have told they will be/are on the top of my list, for whom I pray for personally and by name.

This might include any of the above bullet-pointed categories, but is most frequently for those with health and healing crises.

Obviously, this list can become too large very quickly so that many of them must simply roll off” after a period of time. This does not mean that I don’t pray for them anymore. It simply means they are included in the general categories below; that they are no longer mentioned by name.

My top-of-the-list goes like this:

*Father-God, I pray for (name)____ for his/her/their (healing, recovery, etc.)__.*

*And for * (next person{s} by name) for (_whatever___)

And this continues through the names of those on my top-of-the-list prayer recipients. Then, lest I forget those whose requests have come to my attention through the email Prayer Loop, I include them thus:

Also, gracious and merciful Father, I am in agreement with all those persons and situations which have come to me through the Prayer Loop.

Sometimes, a particular person/situation in the Prayer Loop may also be at my top-of-the-list for mentioning by name for a time. I encourage readers to take advantage of the Prayer Loop.

I do not have time to participate in posting everyone’s story and particular needs. I am sure you understand. I would have no time left for anything else. You can contact our dear sister, Lynn, who does an excellent work in running the Prayer Loop, by emailing PrayerLoop153@gmail.com. The address is not case sensitive.

Next, my standard list starts with those closest to me and, as though in concentric circles, it proceeds outward from there. We assume everyone will pray in a similar manner.

I mean, think about it, do you pray first of all for someone you don’t know, have never met, but heard about in a Telegram or other social media chat? Of course, not; we all pray first of all for our own family and those with whom we are in the closest relationships.

In the Spirit realm, we can picture it like the ripples in a pond when you toss a stone into the water. With everyone praying first for their own, the circles/ripples gradually overlap, and thus our prayers are multiplied.

Notice this as I recite my own prayer list. The further down the list I go, the more likely my prayer recipients will be on your list, too—or at least I hope so.

Father, I now bring (e.g., my wife, husband, mom, dad, son, daughter, grandsons, granddaughters, etc.) to your attention. I pray that … (I now mention any particular needs, desires concerning them. If they are grown children, I might add this common refrain…) and their families and friends.

At this point, we do not have to repeat all the above categories of salvation, safety, security, health, job & financial blessing, etc. We have already requested those general blessings for everyone in our downline.”

Next, dear Father, please bless [my late wife] Roxanne’s siblings and their families and friends.

For my siblings and their families and friends. Families would include their children; therefore, my nieces and nephews and their children are all thereby covered. Ditto with all of my 65 or so first cousins!… many of whom still live near Carthagena, Ohio (LOL).

And for this ministry you have given me. For my staff (I mention their names)*, both paid and volunteers…*and their families and friends.** Volunteers includes all those of you who send me information via whatever medium of communication, all of which greatly assists me in this work.

And for all those who are blessed by this ministry…those in our Stone Kingdom Fellowship groups in Tennessee and Georgia…those who are on our CD Ministry, and mp3 ministry, those who are on our monthly FMS mailing list, those who learn via our internet outreach in our frequent blogs and other teachings, and via whatever modalities and platforms we use. And for their families and friends.

I pray also, most kind heavenly Father, for all my friends and acquaintances gained through my civic and political activities. And for their families and friends.

Notice that I add acquaintances,” because not all of them can be considered friends” at this point, but I pray for them nonetheless, because Jesus taught us that we should pray for our enemies. However, I try not to hang around those who are literally enemies. (LOL)

Then also, Father, I pray for my friends and acquaintances gained through my social activities. And for their families and friends.

This refers to in-person social activities—not to social media. I have very little time for any of that. My current social activities would include all the people whom I know from my participation in the Mountain Shag (dance) Club, and during the season, the WNC Buckeye football fan club—with whom we get together to watch the Ohio State Buckeyes.

Frankly, if the Buckeyes were not a perennial contender for the national championship and instead were a run-of-the-mill team, I would not be in the least interested. But I played football as a youngster, and still enjoy watching the skills of those who are so very talented in that arena. We all need some downtime, don’t we?

Finally, my Father, I pray for our leaders—whether elected or appointed—and for those behind the scenes who assist them in various ways, chiefly financial. Father, if they are white hats,” (Those who desire and seek righteousness in government) then bless them with wisdom, discernment, courage to do right, and to make righteous decisions.

For those who are black hats” I pray that you remove them and their controllers, handlers, puppet masters, etc. from their positions of power in any way that you see fit. I do not ask for violence but I defer to your divine wisdom on how best to deal with the wicked ones.

All of these requests, dear Father, I bring to your throne today and I ask that you grant them because and only because of the shed blood of Jesus whose righteousness is the only acceptable means for us to come to you with our requests, for it is in His name that I pray.. Thank you, Father; thank you, Jesus my King; thank you, Holy Spirit! Amen and hallelu-Yah!

I will no doubt read this tomorrow or in a few days or next month, and realize I left something out or that I now do something differently. It is always evolving, but I hope and pray that these lessons showing how I pray will be instructive for your own edification and use. Blessings!

P. S. I did it again. Every once in a while, I forget to include myself; so lest I forget, I include myself and my own personal needs in the top of the list or at the first level when I begin with my immediate family.


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