Thanks to our several correspondents around the country who are alerting us to these and other intriguing videos. This alert came from our friend in Texas who gave us his synopsis about these two short videos.
QUOTE: Hi James,
I know, I know you're busier than a one-legged man in a fanny-kicking contest! But ...
There are two interviews both short; one by Nino and the other by Conservative Patriot Network which appears to be edited out of a bigger interview. I'm not sure.
Juan is telling us that there is a journalist-reporter in Arizona who has contacted the Secretary of State [of Arizona] with information showing that there are over a million unverifiable votes from the last two elections.
This reporter has the "receipts", as people are now referring to the proof of their claim whatever it might be, and will go public with his article, but is giving the state of Arizona a chance come clean.
The major issue is that if it isn't fixed by the next election the state of Arizona will not be able to participate in the national election in November.
Apparently Arizona's not the only state; there's at least four or five others that Juan alludes to.
[Note by JWB: As time permits, hopefully next week, we will present in detail these “receipts” about multiple states as found in Patrick Byrne’s book, Danger Close.]
Juan says not to eat all your popcorn too early because there's so much more to come!
I pray you are being successful in getting your office back into shape and better than before! Our Father gives you strength and stamina. END QUOTE
Here is the link to the first one which is audio only and runs for 13:05.

This second one lasts 28:31 and is linked here.
Have a great weekend, my friends!