I have paid taxes all my life and still do, so I have no shame about taking back via Medicare—given our horrible health care system where private insurance is beyond my reach, except for supplemental.
It has been nearly a year since I had my bout with gallstones and the subsequent surgery for gall bladder removal on September 1, 2023. Prior to the removal, while in the ER and when asked who my primary care physician (PCP) was, I answered that to the best of my recollection, I had not had one as far back as I can remember.
After the surgery and recovery over the next few days/weeks was well underway, I decided that at my age, it probably would be a good idea to have a medical doctor somewhere who could be my first contact with any health issues that I decided might need more attention than my current knowledge of alternatives could provide.
So I had my first visit with a PCP in January. While he accepted me as a new patient, I informed him that it’s a two-way street, and that I was interviewing him to ascertain his views regarding alternative methods. He was agreeable.
He found me to be in quite good health overall. No signs of cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure or other cardiovascular issues, no joint pains, no respiratory issues, all around pretty much free of aches and pains. (Praising God!)
He did take some vials of blood and a week or two later I received the results confirming all the above and more. The only thing he noted was that my iron level was borderline low, so he recommended an iron supplement.
A couple of you readers/supporters mentioned that I would probably have to take bile salts to help my liver with the fat digestion process. I appreciated the advice and concern, but I chose to see what happens without taking any. Most of the many people who told me they had their gall bladder out said they ate what they wanted and did not take bile salts.
I forget how many months passed before I noticed some apparent digestion issues, so I obtained bile salts and began taking them with my main meal of the day. That helped. Then about a month ago, I missed taking them with a few of my main meals and I noticed that everything seemed okay. So, I keep them on hand now, but I am thinking that my body is healing itself and the liver is able to handle the work without the bile salts.
Back to the iron supplement… I had heard some not so good things about over-the-counter iron supplements, but a dear friend and sister-in-Christ suggested three apricots (dried are okay) and a tablespoon of black strap molasses per day, and she predicted that in about five days, it should be fine. It was.
How do I know that without another blood test? Because one of the symptoms was that I was always a bit on the cold side—feeling chilly unless I had a sweater on, and more blankets than I felt should be necessary. The symptoms disappeared in four days last winter and have not returned.
But, knowing I was going to see my PCP today, two days ago I took a tablespoon of molasses and ate three dried apricots. Ditto this morning.
When I arrived at his office, I was handed a clipboard and instructed to fill out the questionnaire. So I went to my seat in the waiting room and took a quick glance at the questionnaire, and then I perused it carefully.
I do not have high blood pressure problems, so I had to take a couple deep breaths to avoid having a BP problem starting right then. In other words, I was getting angry!
Here are the two sheets of the questionnaire which amounts to a very intrusive “confession” form.

I did not object to all the questions, but the vast majority—yes, I refused to answer them. I did not put any ink to paper.

After two minutes of careful reading I took the form back to the gal at the window, and handed it to her. She saw it was blank and gave me a peculiar look. I said, “Who made up this form?” She: “I don’t know.”
Me: “Who wrote these questions?” She: “I don’t know.”
Me: “I will not answer them.” She: “Okay, I will go tell Dr. _________.”
So I sat back down; she returned in less than a minute, and told me, “The doctor said, you must fill it out.”
Me: “I will not fill it out.” She: “Okay, I will tell him.” The PCP comes out and says, “I understand you do not want to fill out the form.”
Me: “That is correct.” PCP: “Okay, we can talk about it further when you come back in a couple minutes.” Me: “Okay.”
The medical technician came out in a minute and I recognized him as having been the pleasant fellow (named “Israel;” Hispanic) who had drawn my blood last January. We exchanged pleasantries, and he said he understood my concerns and could he ask just a couple questions, the answers to which he was entering in a notepad computer. I said, “I reserve the right to refuse any of them.” He nodded.
We got through in a few minutes, and I asked, “Will you be drawing my blood today?” He replied, “I don’t know; whatever Dr. [PCP] decides.”
Within a minute, the PCP came in and I complimented to him about Israel’s polite mannerisms and “bedside” manner with me. “Nice fellow,” I finished. That got the PCP and I off on “the right foot” and he asked me in a round about manner why my objection to the questionnaire.
I answered that first of all, I am coming from a position not of any personal animosity to him or any of his staff, but purely from a Constitutional and liberty-loving perspective. “Where did this come from, Dr. … Medicare?”
“Yes,” he responded, “we have to get this information annually from all our Medicare patients.”
Aha, I thought, just as I suspected, Big Brother wants ALL of our information, like the big bad wolf in the fairy tale, “the better to control you with.”
Readers may notice that on the front page, it does say “Optional.” My prediction: In a year or three, it will be mandatory.
I don’t know if readers can read it very well on screen so I will share a couple of examples.
Question #1: How hard is it for you to pay for the very basics like food, housing, medical care, utilities and heating?
Q #2: In the last 12 months, you worried that your food would run out before you had money to buy more.
The questions on physical activity are pertinent, and so I willingly shared those answers with Dr. PCP.
Q #7: Wants to know how often I get depressed, and to what extent. (LOL—if they chanced to read my blog last week or so, they would have their answer.)
Qs 8 through 12 concern my Social Connections. None of Your Business
Qs 13 through 18 concern my relations with my “Partner” or “ex-partner.” I suppose that is referred to as “Partner Abuse,” as the euphemism for spousal abuse or partner in fornication abuse.
The section on drugs and alcohol is pertinent and I willingly shared with Dr. PCP that I have not had OTC or prescription drugs in many years, not even after my surgery a year ago. And I certainly take no illegal drugs. My alcohol usage is moderate. (I do intend to address that in a series of upcoming blogs about Christians and alcoholic beverages.)
And then another section, this time clearly labeled “Depression.” Then at the end, five questions on my internet connectivity… “Do you have enough data to get through the month?” Insanity! …except that is about where our circling-the-drain society is at these days.
The doc and I ended our session with no blood or any other types of tests recommended. He was glad to hear I was able to get my borderline low iron back up.
“We’ll see you in a year then?” he asked.
Me: “Yes, sounds good to me.”
He’s a good man; I still feel he and I can navigate any differences when it comes to my health care.