121 posts

Has the cabal been eavesdropping on Trump in the Oval Office—again?

Remember our story about the Philadelphia Eagles, the American Eagle plane crash, and the Great Seal (with the eagle) on the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office? We posted it on January 28th; here is the link to our previous blog. Regarding the historic desk, just in the past week,
⸱ 2 minutes read

Is Pope Francis Already Dead? Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on the Situation of the Church and the Papacy

Disclaimer: While we are certain that our regular readers have no need of this disclaimer, there are always visitors to our website, and hence this background information concerning myself is for you. I was born into and raised as a Roman Catholic. I was taught in Catholic elementary schools. As
⸱ 7 minutes read

War Crimes and Arrests Loom

Out of a half-hour interview with Mr. 107, someone has trimmed this down to 9:14, for which we are grateful. This is enough to give us the essentials of what is currently happening.  Here is the promo blurb from JMC’s Rumble program. QUOTE: Juan O Savin and John
⸱ 1 minute read

Kash Patel, New FBI Chief's Viral Speech: 'Worked My Tail Off And Now I Won't...'

After a tough battle getting through his Senate confirmation, Kash Patel was yesterday confirmed (51-49) to be the new head of the FBI. We expect him to do great things to clean it out and restore integrity throughout the agency. Here is a link to a live stream of Kash’
⸱ 2 minutes read
The House of Levi, part 7—Conclusion

The House of Levi, part 7—Conclusion

Along with our own commentary, here below is the final installment of the British lady Isabel Hill Elder’s essay. It was probably written in the mid-20th century. (The little booklet in our possession is worn and old but contains no date of publication or copyright whatsoever.) In this blog,
⸱ 9 minutes read

The House of Levi, part 6

Our serialization of the essay by the 20th century British author, Isabel Hill Elder continues below. We have added the map. In this blog, all emphases and comments in [brackets] are mine. Unless within my brackets, all words in (parentheses) are presumably by Ms. Elder. For readers’ convenience, we have
⸱ 7 minutes read
Gold Destroys the Fed

Gold Destroys the Fed

This x22 Report is even more encouraging than the one we posted yesterday. Our readers are probably aware that Presidents Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy were all assassinated and in our view, it was because they refused to “play ball” with the private banking interests of their day.  President Jackson
⸱ 2 minutes read

Will Elon Audit The Fed? Texas “Conservative” Exposed

We viewed two complete x22 Reports this weekend. By “complete” I am referring to the fact that Dave at x22 splits his 6-days-a-week reports into parts A and B. Part A is usually much shorter and more focused on the economic and financial aspects of current events. Part B is
⸱ 3 minutes read

No Sign Given but Jonah

This brief clip of a kayaker allegedly being swallowed momentarily by a whale has already gone super-viral. Here are two versions—this first from NBC News and this second version from CBS News. The story of Adrián Simancas’ ordeal with the humpback whale would certainly qualify for a viral video
⸱ 4 minutes read