6 minutes read

During the COVID crisis several years ago, a group of people in the area who were opposed to forced “vaccinations” began to meet under the name “the anti-vax Group.”

The group has since changed the name to the Asheville Freedom Group (AFG). There is also a group called Paradigm Shift which has a significant overlap in membership. Actually, there is no formal membership, officers, etc. in either group. They are just informal groups who meet to discuss current events and numerous diverse topics such as

  • freedom from mandates,
  • local and national politics,
  • including activism regarding local school boards, city council and election integrity;
  • keeping our body, mind, spirit, and financial systems healthy;
  • staying prepared in uncertain times;
  • safe-guarding our Constitutional and parental rights, and much more.

The Paradigm group has been meeting monthly since about 2018, if I recall, and they sometimes combine with the weekly meeting of the AFG. I have attended a number of their meetings in recent months. Through that network I met a woman who specializes in dark field microscopy for live blood analysis. I had a two-hour session with her a few weeks ago.

It was quite enlightening and informative in terms of what was in my blood. She had a large video monitor attached to the microscope and she pointed on the screen to certain things in my blood: red blood cells, white blood cells, how they floated about separately (good), and in some places “glommed” together (not good).

However, one thing I saw was not surprising. It was proof of what many of us suspected: that shedding is real. And despite the fact that many of us did not receive the fake COVID vax, we still got infected with the COVID bioweapon.

There was the proof right before my eyes. She also identified a number of other things which were to a greater or lesser degree in my blood, all of which can be addressed by my diet, exercise, and other lifestyle-related behaviors.

Regarding the harm done by the “vaxxes,” however, the analyst is working closely with an associate to develop a protocol which will rid the body of the “vax” and everything it entails.

Cecelia (my pseudonym for her), the founder and moderator of the Paradigm group promised she would  “share Healing Solutions for Bioweapons and the Transhumanist Agenda; what I have learned thus far about tips and tricks for detoxing our blood from shedding thanks to big pHARMa, and the various poisons in our air, water, soil.”

Unfortunately, due to her laptop malfunctioning, Cecelia could not share her presentation, so it was a general sharing discussion.

…Which leads me to the story of Polly’s Folly. Polly is not her real name, but I use it because it rhymes with “folly,” as in a fool and their foolishness. My attendance at the combined meeting of the two groups this past weekend was the third time I had the misfortune to see Polly in action.

On the previous two occasions, she had requested and was given time at the end of the combined meeting. Wow, do you want to see a “Negative Nancy” in action; there she is. “Oh, do you know what ‘they’ are doing now? We’re all gonna die!” and on and on she rambles.

She seems to grab every conspiracy theory on the web, give her idea of “evidence” proving that it’s all true, then she wads it all together in a big word salad and serves it up. I noticed at the previous meeting a month ago that many people were rolling their eyes.

When she would not read the room, it turned out that well over half the people in the room (of about 50-60 people) got up and left. Finally, the host of the meeting had to quit hinting and come right out and tell her it was time to conclude her “report.”

Well, this past weekend, I planned to attend both meetings which ran consecutively. Since the Paradigm group had an attendance of about a dozen persons, we were encouraged to sit in the two front rows (in a large community college classroom). So there I was enjoying the meeting as I sat in the front row.

Partway through, the conversation turned to Elon Musk and his efforts to root out waste, fraud and abuse in the federal bureaucracy. Everyone’s comments were somewhat to very much in agreement with the work Elon is doing…until Polly spoke up.

I am paraphrasing, “Well, I think it is terrible what he is doing. I am retired from a 40-year career in USAID {Agency for International Development}. We did a lot of great work helping the less fortunate people around the world, and now with Elon cutting the USAID employees from 14,000 to less than 300 people, there will be millions of people who will die!”

This, by the way, is why I posted the blog on Monday hoping you would hear the x22 Report explaining the real nature of USAID. It is an out and out criminal enterprise, a money-laundering operation that may have 2% of the budget actually helping some unfortunates. That’s the cover story and the “proof” of all the good they do, which is believed hook, line and sinker by useful idiots and fools like Polly.

A man in the second row addressed Polly and suggested she was not seeing the broader picture and basically he told her what x22 has reported. I was reading the room and saw that everyone agreed with the man addressing Polly.

But Polly was having none of it. She got indignant and shouted, “I am offended…” and blah, blah, blah. To which the fellow responded, “I don’t care if you are offended or not, I am telling you the truth.”

Polly continued to resort to her experience in USAID as proof that it was a lily-white organization and should not be cut but should get more money! She could not hear an opposing opinion/fact and I began to wonder if she were a Leftist plant in the group. Such a person could be described as being afflicted with constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth. Thankfully, it is not terminal and can be healed. 😊

I was preparing in my mind to jump into the now-heated back and forth, but the Father suddenly brought to my consciousness the following seemingly contradictory verses of advice from Scripture:

Proverbs 26:4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.

Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.

Of course, they are not contradictory, but are simply two ways to deal with a fool. We must discern which is the appropriate prescription for the fool before us. In this case, I discerned that engaging in the fray with Polly would be futile, that Polly was obstinate in her folly, and perhaps willfully blind to other opinions. Which was indicated by how berserk and emotionally bonkers she quickly became.

Twice during the fray, Cecelia, a knowledgeable and tactful lady (whom I consider a friend), spoke gently to Polly with such encouragements as, Polly, we all understand and respect your point of view, but we should move on to other topics now. But again, Polly remained recalcitrant and would not SHUT UP!

The moderator looked at me with a “what can I do” look. I took the opportunity to shake my head from side to side and roll my eyes so that everyone in the group saw me indicating my disgust. Then, I immediately grabbed my water bottle and jacket, arose from the front row and exited the building.

Next time I see Cecilia I shall commend her for her kindness in dealing with pitiful Polly, and that had I “rescued” her in dealing with Polly, it would not have been a pretty situation. I might have had a sin of anger, nastiness, and unkindness to confess.

Polly’s folly was something to behold and I wondered if all federal employees become that blind after decades in their bureaucratic jobs. Of course, I know that is a generalization and it is certainly not true of all federal workers.

Obviously, there are many (in absolute numbers, albeit a relatively small percentage of) bureaucrats who are competent in their positions and perform good service in their proper and Constitutional positions in government. There are several of my family members for whom I would vouch as being in the latter category.

I was glad I left but at the same time I regretted that I would not be there to hear the guest speaker, a biological dentist who practices in our area. On the other hand, I know how to reach him should the need arise, so I don’t regret it that much. LOL!