3 posts

Bible Conferences

Tabernacles Conference Update—September 18, 2024

This information comes from Dr. Stephen Jones’ monthly FFI cover letter: Location: The DoubleTree Hotel, 1500 Park Place, Minneapolis, MN 55416 Conference Dates: October 18-20 The Conference will open at 9 a.m. on Friday, October 18. … The Conference will close mid-afternoon on Sunday, October 20… Rooms and Reservations: Room
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Twin Cities Tabernacles Request

In regard to the Bible Conference coming up in October in the Twin Cities, we have received the following request from our friends up in the Golden Gopher state. They sent this to me via email after a telephone conference call asking if I would be willing to help them
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More Information on the Twin Cities Tabernacles Conference

Dr. Stephen E. Jones has just posted some further information on the October Tabernacles Conference, including Reservations details. At one point Steve states that my lectures will not be livestreamed. That is correct. And we shall later post enhanced versions (additional graphics) of my lectures on our website. However, after
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