Mystery Solved Concerning DHS “Domestic Terrorist #1,” Patrick Byrne
Shortly after we had posted our blog on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, entitled Continuing Ed—Red Pill Course #701—Danger Close, a reader alerted us that the Audible version was mysteriously missing, apparently no longer available.
Audible is owned by Amazon. It was mysterious because the hard copy and Kindle
Here we are in August of 2024. It seems like just yesterday when we were informed in late 2020 by the Babylonian Media (the BM, as we not affectionately call them) that Donald J. Trump had allegedly lost the election to Joseph Robinette Biden.
Back then, it seemed like the
Trump in Asheville Today—False Flag Coming Next Week?
Yours truly will not be in downtown Asheville for the Trump rally today. Been there; done that. It is exciting to be at a Trump appearance. But I am simply not going to spend a whole day or more getting stuck in traffic, going through lines, and then stand, stand,
Peter Schweizer is a widely-known researcher and author who chronicles political corruption at the national level. He is an equal opportunity revealer and thorn in the side of the shady dealings of both Democrats and Republicans alike.
This is the second installment of our review of his book Profiles in
No doubt our readers realize that “Camelot” is a reference to the media-created image of the JFK administration.
For our examination of the origins of the Kennedy “dynasty” and its wealth, see our lecture entitled *The Kennedys, the Mafia and Prohibition: Edom’s Supremacy in America, part 4.* It is
3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
Dear Readers,
I do not always have the time to keep up with reading all the comments in our Mighty Network platform, but I am very glad
My Annual Health Check-up and Big Brother’s Intrusion
I have paid taxes all my life and still do, so I have no shame about taking back via Medicare—given our horrible health care system where private insurance is beyond my reach, except for supplemental.
It has been nearly a year since I had my bout with gallstones and
Reclaiming Everything for Our Father and His Kingdom
Suddenly we (I) have many metaphorical fires to put out on this lovely Friday here in WNC (Western North Carolina). Which is to say that we only have time for these brief comments regarding a photo sent to us by some friends taken at their recent visit to the full-scale
Observations on the Olympics, Kacklin’ Kamala and More
As often happens, my plans to write on a particular topic get delayed as current events overtake (and often seem to overwhelm) us. Not complaining; just explaining.
Surely all our readers have heard of the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. Yesterday, one of my sibling brothers,