We continue serializing the excellent booklet written in 1938 by the British-Israel minister, Rev. Rupert Thomas. We have not edited the material except for style—such as adding a comma here and there for clarity, or breaking up large paragraphs for legibility purposes on our modern, 2 inch-wide electronic devices.
Yesterday, we began a treatise on spiritual warfare taken from a small book in my library. I withheld the title of it until you had finished reading the introduction for the simple reason that most readers—aside from a few peculiarities in the writing style—will likely realize that it
Today we commence a new study. It is from a small book in my library. I shall withhold the title of it until the next blog, for a reason readers will then understand. Here is the Introduction. All boldface and portions underlined are my emphases. However, italics are by the
How To Pray, part 7: How I Personally Pray—Conclusion
As a reminder and brief review, we are now in the process of sharing with you the specifics of how I pray personally.
The process of how I pray has evolved over the years. It will always be evolving as I continue to learn more about our communications with our
By confession of my sins I am now prepared to request entrance into the presence of our Holy Father, the Almighty God. As a holy God, He cannot abide the presence of unrepentant evildoers in His sight—save for the express purpose of one making confession (and one or two
On June 12th, we completed our revised essays from our series on prayer from a couple decades ago. We also posted one or two interlude essays about prayer since then. Now we want to share with you the specifics of how I pray personally.
The process of how I pray
The Means to an End (of the Sorcerers of Mystery Babylon the Great)
Revelation 18: 23 … for by [means of] thy [Mystery Babylon’s] sorceries {Greek: pharmakeia: drugs} were all nations deceived.
Note: All emphases and comments within [brackets] are mine. This is a follow up to our post of this past Monday, which featured the podcast of Tucker Carlson interviewing Calley Means
We forgot to post this photograph in our blog which featured an essay by Pastor Curtis Clair Ewing. This picture was snapped at a Bible Conference in the summer of 1967. Readers "just beginning to hit middle age" like me (LOL) might remember some of the names. The
The following Bible essay comes from the pen of Pastor Curtis Clair Ewing who was one of the premiere teachers of our Christian-Israelite identity from an earlier generation. We came across it recently in our library of old magazines.
Specifically, this work comes from the July-August 1967 issue of Truth