Most Americans (who have been paying attention) cheered yesterday to see Trump signing an Executive Order (EO) banning men in women’s sports. Who would have thought even 20 years ago that such insanity could grip the American culture?
So much so that it would necessitate a Presidential EO to deal with it—at least on the federal level. Private organizations can ignore the EO since it does not apply to them. However, our guess is that the public exposure and pressure from the sane and common sense majority will have a trickle-down effect so that they all will soon cease that horrid sin rotting our once Christian culture.
All manner of “wokeness,” DEI (DIE), “Trans”-everything et al. are also on their way to garbage heap, praise be to God!
Although we join in gratitude for the EO, our focus on the ceremony at the White House (WH) yesterday is not on that per se, but upon something hidden in plain sight in the background which also cheers us immensely.
It has been our habit for years that whenever we see DJT in rallies, or holding events anywhere, and there are one or more U. S. flags in the background, that we always inspect the flags to see if they are gold-fringed or not.
We have written about this in an incidental manner in blogs over the years, and taught more extensively about it in our series, Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom. We first learned back in the early to mid-1980s that the gold-fringe is not merely a fancy decoration on the flag, but is exceedingly meaningful.
We have all heard the phrase “it’s the law of the land,” often in reference to SCOTUS rulings. But did you know there is a “law of the sea?” It has to do with maritime commerce and it has been in force for as long as there has been commerce via ships at sea. It is also called “admiralty jurisdiction.”
The gold fringe around the flag signifies that one is a subject in admiralty jurisdiction; i.e., under the authority of the law of the sea, not the law of the land. When the law of the sea supplants the law of the land, watch out! …for our very liberties are in grave danger.
Have you ever been in a courtroom? Did you notice the “American” flag? Does it have gold fringe around it? If so—and that is almost always the case—it means those in that court are under the jurisdiction of the law of the sea, not the Constitutional republic which our founders gave us.
Many of the deeply red-pilled among us know that in the aftermath of the War between the States—and due to the federal debt and loans from “British” banks (read: Rothschild banks), that in 1871 Congress passed laws which ceded control of our nation to the Crown in Great Britain. (The “Crown” is again a euphemism referring to the international banksters. The British monarchy itself is beholden to, subservient to, but works hand-in-glove with them.)
Thus, in 1871 our federal government was converted into a corporation in lieu of a republic. All states likewise capitulated. The republics were “vacated.” They are still in existence, but have been dormant—until Trump came in, set the stage in his first term, and is now in the process of restoring the republic.
This process is still not commonly known, but it will be. We saw another huge sign yesterday. As Trump was in the WH and signing the EO, there were 17 (I counted them) flags behind the bleachers upon which the women and girls were standing, and they were all sans gold fringe! See the photo below. (...Unless someone photoshopped it to delete them, but I cannot discern that; they certainly look like fringeless flags to me.)
As best as I can recall, this was the first time with Trump in the WH that the flags there were not gold fringed! I recall some type of event in the ballroom at Mar-a-Lago where there were 17 American flags with no gold fringe. I was encouraged then and I am more encouraged now because it took place in the White House yesterday.
Additionally, there were 17 flags. Why not 18 or 16 or 13 or 21?? Seventeen is the number which is associated with victory in the Bible. We have written extensively how Juan O Savin and the Q posts have often been associated with that number. After all, Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. “Juan O Savin” even sounds phonetically like one is saying one-oh-seven or 107. In the study of numbers, zeroes are usually dropped, so again we have the number 17.
This morning we watched as Trump was addressing the National Prayer Breakfast. Yes, we know there were probably all manner of Baal worshippers among the true Christians in attendance, but always remember, DJT is playing on the court/ball field of the Mystery Babylonians at this point.
The same situation applies to his startling announcement that the U.S. is taking control of the Gaza Strip.
In our view, Trump is getting the pieces into position, for as Q posted very early on: “Israel will be last.” So let us not go bananas and declare Trump a “Zionist tool” over this. DJT is fulfilling another Old Testament type, that of King Jehu.)
In the prayer breakfast, POTUS was all over the place—jumping from this topic to that topic, and he mentioned his near assassination in Butler, Pennsylvania, and how Don, Jr. said to him something to the effect of “you know that God saved you, don’t you—which is a little strange coming from Don,” POTUS said.
Continuing on, he said, “It was God that saved me.”
He also announced a new commission on religious liberty, and a WH Faith Office, and later, in praise of Pam Bondi’s being sworn in as the new Attorney General, he declared that she would be establishing a task force in the Department of Justice (DoJ) to halt all forms of anti-Christian bias, to prosecute offenders…you’ve never heard of that [type of task force] before, have you?, Trump asked the audience.
A bit later, in reviewing his manifold accomplishment since he was inaugurated, POTUS stated four times in under a minute the fact that he has only been in office “17 days.”! Is he calling attention to 17 or what?
In concluding his talk, in addition to his usual litany of America becoming safer, more powerful, more prosperous, etc. again, he added, “…and we will be more faithful to our God than ever before.” Oh, let it be, dear Father in heaven!
This report on Trump’s actions yesterday and this morning were initiated by one of our correspondents who forwarded us this post from X.

Be encouraged, Christian patriots, Christian soldiers, King Jesus is coming soon!