Understanding Spiritual Warfare

2 minutes read

Today we commence a new study. It is from a small book in my library. I shall withhold the title of it until the next blog, for a reason readers will then understand. Here is the Introduction. All boldface and portions underlined are my emphases. However, italics are by the author. All comments in [brackets] are mine. QUOTE:

In these days of extreme emergency, it is time to call a halt and to consider the forces we have at our disposal to meet the emergency. We have, hitherto, overestimated man's ability and most definitely underestimated God's ability and willingness to co-operate on our behalf.

No man goes to warfare at his own charge, but when he does go to war it is essential that he estimate the forces at his disposal and the forces that are set against him.

Only by an understanding of the forces that arc against us can we realize the nature and strength of the equipment we require to combat them. There are forces against us other than those which systems of government, economics and religion have taught us to recognize.

They are basically responsible for creating the national and international emergencies with which our generation is faced. These forces should be known.

The need is great and the time is ripe for the bold effort of those trained in the laws of the Kingdom of God to make practical application of those laws.

True religion is never a detached thing, but a very intimate and real factor in the most ordinary, as well as the most extraordinary, affairs of human weal and woe. It is to examine the manner in which revealed religion associates itself with the affairs of this life that these chapters are written.

Some of us dare to believe that ultimately the relation­ship of God to the affairs of every-day life will become so intimate that it will permeate every phase of human activity to the removal of all the ill and the victory of all the good. May the God of Israel hasten the coming of that day. END QUOTE [To be continued.]