Regular listeners on our CD Ministry will recall how that in many of my lectures I emphasize the vital importance of correct (pure) language, and how it relates directly to our liberties under God. I frequently encourage us all that we Christians need to reclaim our language and our culture.
In connection with that, a curious coincidence occurred in the past 24 hours. Yesterday I pulled George Orwell’s dystopic novel, 1984, from off my library shelf. Today, I find the message below in an email from our trusted correspondents in Missouri. (Thank you!)
I had pulled 1984 off the shelf to refresh my memory of it because last week at our Dance Club I was engaged in a conversation with a lady about high tech surveillance, censorship, etc. The conversation turned to Orwell’s predictive warning novel. I told her I had read it ca. 1967 and saw the movie some decades later. (My advice: skip the movie! You miss way too much just watching the movie.)
But I was stunned when she said, Did you read the Appendix where he mentions Baal and Moloch? I replied that if I had read the Appendix, I surely do not remember Orwell mentioning those two ancient Canaanite gods. Hence, last night I read the ten-page Appendix.
Sure enough, there it was. Orwell mentioned them by way of illustration as he was explaining how Newspeak, the language of the totalitarian society of his “1984,” was constructed. Comments in [brackets] are mine. Orwell wrote:
QUOTE: Greater precision [in language] would have been dangerous. What was required in a Party member was an outlook similar to that of the ancient Hebrew who knew, without knowing much else, that all nations other than his own worshipped “false gods.” He did not need to know that these gods were called Baal, Osiris, Moloch, Ashtaroth, and the like; probably the less he knew about them the better for his orthodoxy.
He knew Jehovah and the commandments of Jehovah; he knew, therefore, that all gods with other names or other attributes were false gods. In somewhat the same way, the Party member knew what constituted right conduct, and in exceedingly vague, generalized terms he knew what kinds of departure from it were possible. END QUOTE
We could go on and write extensively about why it felt so eerie reading merely the Appendix to Orwell’s classic novel. Eerie because not only are so many of the constructs of Newspeak easily identifiable in our culture today (think political correctness, for starters), but that it is clearly evident that the cabal, the Mystery Babylonians, have gone far beyond the tools of totalitarian control that Orwell envisioned.
And that is what came to us in the email this morning. God help us! (…and He is, for those with eyes to see.)
So here is a message from G. Edward Griffin. I have never met Mr. Griffin, however, I have known of, and have used his works to help awaken others as far back as “year 2” = 1977, of my red-pill awakening. Here are some of his works we have promoted and used.
The Fearful Master (1964), an exposé of the United Nations;
This is the John Birch Society (1972); (self-explanatory)
World Without Cancer (1974), how the Rockefellers and their co-conspirators grabbed control of medicine in the early 20th century;
Capitalist Conspiracy Booklet (1982), I was using this material in its earlier filmstrip form while on the staff of the JBS from 1977-1980;
The Creature from Jekyll Island (1994). We at SKM offered this magnum opus on the Federal Reserve banking conspiracy for many years. It is one of the very best exposés of the banking cartel.
Given our understanding and “fruit inspection” of Mr. Griffin for nearly five decades we are quite confident that he knows what he is talking about and do not hesitate to help promote the class linked below.
I am registered for it. However, I already have a commitment at that time, so would some of you kindly send me an email ( letting me know if they will be holding another class and what you thought of it.
Here is the message from G. Edward Griffin. QUOTE:
Windows & Apple computers now have spyware built in!

Perhaps you have heard that new computers with Windows or Apple operating systems now contain AI chips. These are not there just to deliver a higher level of AI magic (that’s the hook) but primarily to spy on you. They represent technology that will observe, record, and “understand” literally everything that happens on or near your computer, even if it is just sitting there listening to what is being said in the room.
It also delivers this information continuously to mammoth data centers run by people who – to put it mildly – do not have your best interest at heart.
This news caused me to reach out to my friend Glenn Meder (a world-renowned online privacy expert) and he confirmed that, yes, Windows recently announced that they are releasing a new AI tool called Copilot+ that will be in all of their operating systems.
One of the functions of Copilot is to take a screenshot of your computer screen every second(!) and then A.I. will analyze it. In other words, your computer will watch and UNDERSTAND everything you do - constantly!
It also will have a perfect memory that will enable it, in a microsecond, to pull up anything you ever did or ever read on your computer. Of course, Windows says this is only to help personalize your data content, but that brings on the question…
How much privacy and liberty will you have if you are being watched, analyzed, and reported on every second of the day?
You might be wondering if Apple is any better. After all, privacy is one of their selling points. Well, Glenn says they’re just as bad as Windows. Big Tech has teamed up with Big Brother to create a digital surveillance empire, and Windows/Apple are key components of it.
Now is absolutely the time to be private. It even may be our last chance – which is why I asked Glenn to conduct a class on this topic. The class is titled: “Your Computer is Spying on You... Here’s How You Can Make it Private.” I highly recommend that you attend because Glenn will show you how to do exactly what the title says: turn your current computer into a private one.
The class is going live on Thursday, March 27 at 8pm ET / 7pm CT / 6pm MT / 5pm PT.
Click here to register.

(G. Edward Griffin)