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Was Lyndon B. Johnson the Central Conspirator in the Assassination of JFK?

With the release last week of thousands more documents regarding the murder of President Kennedy, there has been a great uptick in the output from the BM (Babylonian Media) and especially from the new media (conservative cable news, podcasts, blogs, etc.). We discovered this intriguing editorial in our e-inbox this
⸱ 10 minutes read

Juan O Savin on Financing the Ukraine War—JFK Files Released

We must realize two things about the release of the JFK files: 1) It was not a total release. There are still about 30% of the files still being withheld; why? 2) The lying legacy media (the BM, as we label them, the Babylonian Media) have tried to spin the
⸱ 3 minutes read

A Look at the Timing of Jesus’ Crucifixion, Death, Burial, and Resurrection, part 2

This is a continuation of our serialization of Dr. Howard Rand’s treatise on the titular topic. Since Dr. Rand has used boldface type to set apart Scripture verses, we use only underlining and italics for our emphasis—unless otherwise noted. All comments in [brackets] are ours. For easier readability,
⸱ 7 minutes read

A Look at the Timing of Jesus’ Crucifixion, Death, Burial, and Resurrection

From time to time, readers inquire of us about which day is the true sabbath day. We have in our files material which makes a case for about five different answers to that question. We have read them all years ago. We have concluded that if a person reads copious
⸱ 7 minutes read

Sheriff’s Prayer Breakfast

This morning I was blessed to attend a local Prayer Breakfast. It was the 2nd Annual Sheriff Lowell S. Griffin Prayer Breakfast. My good friends, Mike and Sheila Franklin, invited me to be a guest at their table. Sheila is the former Fletcher Town Council member on whose campaign for
⸱ 5 minutes read

“Alright Already! …Start Arresting the DS Big Fish!” …or Maybe Not

Many red-pilled (awake, not woke) Christians and patriots are getting a tad (and some, very) frustrated because they are anxious to see the arrests and prosecutions of the Deep State [DS] players and their bosses in the upper ranks of the international cabal. “We want them now!” This is especially
⸱ 2 minutes read

Juan O Savin - Military Weapons, Rogue Operations, and Environmental Manipulation

This is the full program which runs 1:40:08. Linked here. From the synopsis below, it sounds very good but I will not have time to hear it until later this weekend. Taking a chance posting it without hearing it, but Juan is always interesting to me. Here is
⸱ 2 minutes read

We are Being Manipulated

We are grateful to all our correspondents for advising us of informative articles, podcasts, etc. In this case, one of our Texas reporters emailed us this heads-up a couple days ago. We made the time last night to listen to Dr. Robert Malone being interviewed by Del Bigtree (both of
⸱ 3 minutes read

Polly’s Folly

During the COVID crisis several years ago, a group of people in the area who were opposed to forced “vaccinations” began to meet under the name “the anti-vax Group.” The group has since changed the name to the Asheville Freedom Group (AFG). There is also a group called Paradigm Shift
⸱ 6 minutes read

Update on my Daughter Lisa 3-12-25

She has had no further episodes. She had a follow-up doctor visit yesterday. She is staying home from work and resting for the remainder of the week—a wise decision, I assured her. Thank you for your prayers and please keep praying until she is out of the woods. END
⸱ 1 minute read

A Special Prayer Request for my Daughter

In yesterday’s blog, which I had finished in the morning but did not “drop” online until late afternoon, I said that I intended to follow it up with a personal story about “Polly’s Folly.” But the Father—in His divine wisdom—had other plans, so poor Polly will
⸱ 2 minutes read

Shell Companies Exposed, Trump Just Cut off he Deep State from Intel and Exposed Ukraine

This episode of Dave’s x22 report has some amazing information on numerous topics. The whole episode (#3590, parts a & b) runs 1:38:40, but the best stuff is in part b, so that is linked here. It runs a bit over an hour and considerably less of
⸱ 1 minute read