Note Well: We are making no medical claims whatsoever; just reporting this personal story.
Background: In April of 2023 I flew to Phoenix to be with my son, David, who had cancer. The doctors in his home area near Hood River, Oregon, had basically told him they could offer no hope, that he was too far gone.
David knew of a clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona (a Phoenix suburb) that took “hopeless” cases, and other cancer victims who preferred an alternative approach. One of David’s grown daughters took him on the flight to Phoenix, rented a house and car.
The clinic (Envita) was out-patient only, so patients needed to arrange their own lodging and come in daily or several times a week for whatever treatment protocol they were given.
David had kept his condition to himself and by the time I saw him I was shocked. He was so emaciated that I knew that only the touch of God in a miracle could save his life. He passed away about ten days later.
But our story is about a woman I met while at the Envita clinic. David and his daughter and I would go back to a treatment room where patients were hooked up to IVs and/or feeding tubes. There were anywhere from half a dozen to 18 or so people in the treatment room on the several occasions I was there.
On one occasion, I was sitting next to David in a wheelchair as he was taking the infusions. He was so weak it was a struggle for him to talk. Other patients were not in David’s dire condition and were able to converse.
One woman heard me talking with someone else about both the Bible and health and she began asking me questions. I will call her Jill (not her real name). Jill had cancer also. She was an RN (can’t remember if she told me her specialty), and she is married to a retired physician.
I told her about frankincense in the Bible and why it was considered so valuable that the magi brought it among their gifts to the newborn Christ. I told her how frankincense has been shown in university lab tests to be able to kill cancer cells in petri dishes.
I think the tests were performed at Weber (Pronounced WEE-bur) State University in Ogden, Utah. I stressed that the frankincense must be of the highest quality, not some cheap version available in “health” food stores.
Shortly after I was back home, she contacted me to arrange how to obtain high quality frankincense oil. She enrolled as a customer under the sponsorship of Stone Kingdom Ministries in the essential oils company which we have been affiliated with for about 27 years. Jill assured me she would use the oil.

Above is my 15 ml bottle of high quality Boswellia frankincense surrounded by a pile of frankincense gum resin from the frankincense tree. The incense nuggets can be burned and give off (what I consider to be) a very pleasing aroma.
Present day: A few days ago, I received this communications from Jill. All emphases are mine and words in [brackets] are also mine. QUOTE:
This is Jill from Envita. I wanted you to know I used the [frankincense] oil from late August 2023 until early Sept 2024.
My ENT was concerned that my scans were showing the two node areas they were monitoring that were changing in shape, so I elected to have surgery late Sept to remove anything that looked suspicious.
The surgeon was shocked that the pathology was negative for any cancer and he had no explanation.
I had blood tests done in late Nov that showed no cancer cells in my blood.
My next set of tests are coming up in April and May. I took a lot of oral Boswellia [the botanical name for high grade frankincense] as well but I’m sure your suggestion played a huge role. I am so grateful to you, James! Pray you had a nice holiday and your health is good. END QUOTE
The next day she sent me some additional thoughts. QUOTE:
I did the treatment at Envita as well as very strong radiation but I can tell you that my radiation oncologist and the Envita doctors did not expect me to be clear of the disease almost 20 months post-treatment.
I really think the frankincense oil and the other nutraceuticals I took orally are what made the difference so I thank you for saving my life.
I thank God he put you in my life. When you sat down in the treatment room a few chairs down from me I knew I had to meet you. You had the answers I needed. Thank you so much! END QUOTE
Then a couple hours later, this final text arrived. QUOTE:
I’m just so sorry your wife and son couldn’t benefit. You are a blessing! Have a great winter and I will touch base in late spring. END QUOTE
I responded: Thank you for your kind words. Truly, it was and is all God’s doing, but I am honored to have been His messenger to get some information to you. I am overjoyed at your success!