Today we are praising God that the swearing-in ceremony went off without any disruptions or acts of terror. We were not wrong in being concerned for the safety of DJT, his family, and company. Thank you all for praying with me for their protection!
No less a person that Rudy Giuliani made that clear on the day before (i.e., Sunday) when he was being interviewed by a Newsmax reporter after the Sunday rally. Without taking the time to find the interview, I am going from memory, as I think the reporter (? Rob Finnerty) may have stated how convenient it was that the Arctic blast came into the area and the whole thing could be moved indoors.
Rudy immediately responded by saying something to the effect, that the real reason was because of imminent threats to the safety of everyone, but of course, especially of DJT.
It did not escape our attention either that Trump had invited powerful people from the Left (e.g., the heads of Google, Facebook, etc.) to have prominent places surrounding the podium where the oath of office would be given. That would therefore endanger them if, hypothetically, some bad actors had been intending to use an explosive device.
Then, during the actual oath-taking by Trump, I noticed immediately that Chief Justice Roberts began before Melania even got up to the podium with the Bible(s). My view was obscured so that I could not tell if when Melania got there, she took his hand and placed it on the Bible or not.
As I chatted with a few friends about it, I did not place any more significance to it that that. It was Roberts’ fault. I do not believe that DJT was trying to avoid the Bible.
Moreover, I also pointed out to friends yesterday that Trump really did not need to take the oath again, as he never actually left the office. (Remember how the nuclear “football” was never turned over to Faux Joe? And “we’re watching a show”?)
It’s been a long-running show, lasting four years, designed to awaken the masses—or at least the majority of them. Mission partly accomplished, I hope.

The video below just came across my desk and I have not had time to watch it, but after an evening commitment, I shall do so late this evening. But just reading the promo by “Juan O Savin Presentations”, I want very much to hear Juan’s take on the proceedings yesterday. Here’s the promo blurb. (Again, we shall not take time to try to clean up the poor and sloppy writing, grammar, punctuation, etc.) QUOTE:
NINO did a "test" while doing a LIVE CAST of the Swearing in Ceremony at the Capitol Rotunda. This has a couple of very notable clips. The Chat notes that Trump did not have his hand on the Bibles during the rendering of the OATH OF ALLEGIANCE that Melania so patiently held throughout the Event. Juan reacts.. at the 6:35 mark President Trump says the Oath of Office then shakes Chief Justice Roberts hand then points at him. The exact time stamp is 12:01pm EST but then Trump Points and Roberts reacts and Melania smiles. See this transaction on multiple posts today and the one on the header sums it up. "Incredibly disrespectful for Roberts not to wait for Melania not to come over with the Bibles". You must understand BY LAW the OATH is to be delivered ON TIME. EXACTLY. Many have said it was TRUMPS fault.. it is NOT.
Roberts was the one in CHARGE. He want to follow the LAW.. after all he is the CHIEF JUSTICE of the Supreme Court and he rushed.. most likely not paying attention. He should have ASKED Trump to put his HAND ON THE BIBLE..the Prayer before went a bit long and with no time to spare.. the OATH WAS READ and RECITED by Trump.
Is a Bible required to take office in the U.S.?
Whether Trump did or did not get his left hand on top of the Bibles actually doesn't matter as the U.S. Constitution says “no religious Text shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or Public Trust under the United States.”
All the Constitution requires is that the President-elect, in this case Trump, must take the oath of office and recite the specific words. AND to be done at concisely 12:01 EST. on January 20th after the Election. BY LAW.
The rest is up to those participating in the ceremony.
And Juan responds to this..
This Clip goes through in Trumps Speech to a very important series of PROMISES. PROMISES MADE PROMISED KEPT. And one picture that I posted here is a testament that President Donald Trump is a Christian and follows Gods Word
At the end Juan mentions the incident in front of St. John's Church where PRESIDENT TRUMP holds up his Bible. In silence and in reverence for the Burning of the very Church Melania and the President attended this morning. A GREAT LEADER IS FIRST A GREAT FOLLOWER OF GOD. 7 13 2024. The day he was almost ASSASSINATED. So what is more important?
And this DAY- GOD protected this MAN Donald John Trump.
Juan Prays at the End. Bow your head and Pray too. And thank GOD for protecting our newly elected PRESIDENT. END QUOTE
This clip runs 25:58. Here is the link.