“Alright Already! …Start Arresting the DS Big Fish!” …or Maybe Not

2 minutes read
“Alright Already! …Start Arresting the DS Big Fish!”  …or Maybe Not

Many red-pilled (awake, not woke) Christians and patriots are getting a tad (and some, very) frustrated because they are anxious to see the arrests and prosecutions of the Deep State [DS] players and their bosses in the upper ranks of the international cabal. “We want them now!

This is especially true of those among us who have only recently awakened. I met a lady a few weeks ago who seemed very knowledgeable about very many aspects of the international conspiracy.

She understood the term, so I asked her how long she had been red-pilled. She responded that it was only since the latter end of the COVID crisis. She had been a pharmacist and started reading and listening to alternative podcasts, and consequently discovered the truth about the so-called "vaccinations". The point is, she brought herself up to speed quite quickly.

She did not express any opinions about wanting the arrests of the black hats now —she might feel that way, but there are many of the relative newbies among us who are getting more vocal in demanding that Trump, Bondi, Kash Patel, et al. “start making the arrests already.”

This is very short-sighted. It is not going to happen that way. Following that course will not succeed. There is only one shot that the white hats have to turn the ship of state around. If they/we blow it; the DS will return to power and we are all toast.

I heard this episode of Dave’s x22 report on the road this weekend. It will explain exactly why and how things must be done. Those who are frustrated will then no longer feel that way; rather, they will feel encouraged that Trump and company are doing things exactly the way they must be done.

Here is the link to Dave’s Episode 3594b – [DS] Exposing Their Criminal Syndicate As More Judges Fight Trump, Cleaning Crew Active. Dave shares video screen shots of many of his sources. It was podcast on this past Thursday, March 13, 2025. It runs 47:45. 

Here is Dave’s synopsis. QUOTE: The [DS] criminal syndicate is being exposed every step of the way, the more judges that try to stop Trump shows the people who was really running the country, the people see the criminal syndicate. The more they do the worse it gets. The cleaning crew is activate, agencies are now cleaning it all out. It’s just a matter of time. END QUOTE