Here below is a link to a podcast from John Michael Chambers—but no, not with Juan O Savin, but with Riccardo Bosi. I had thought we had previously re-posted an interview with Bosi, but a quick search of my blogs comes up empty.
In any event, we have watched an interview of him some time ago and felt he was quite insightful. This one is entitled “Inauguration Anomalies, MNRA and What Lies Ahead.”
And after taking the time to watch it, we can assure you, this one is excellent! Among dozens of other topics, he addresses the concerns of some sincere people who think DJT is a plant, or that he has sold out to the cabal, etc. Also, we have thought that the “Hillary” at the inauguration was a double—she’s way too short. What about the other people on that side of the inauguration stage?
As he winds down the interview, he gives an encouragement to holding on to faith in Jesus Christ!

The correspondent who sent this to us shared his comments:
John Michael Chambers released this video podcast this afternoon of his weekly “40,000 foot view.” He interviews the Australian Lieutenant Colonel Riccardo Bosi (retired). I have listened to him previously being interviewed by other podcasters. He is a very articulate Christian who is well informed and knowledgeable of what is happening, yesterday, today, and what's coming tomorrow.
He has a great perspective on how we arrived here and what's currently going on. He's a very intelligent person who is able to slice up the view, explaining what we are looking at, and the coms that Trump and the team are saying to whom and why. The interview is not quite an hour long, but well worth a listen.
I believe we are all being blessed. It's not over. There is still more to come but they the wicked) are on a slippery slope! END QUOTE
Here is the link. Enjoy and be encouraged!