117 posts

Dr. James Bruggeman

Fletcher, NC

The House of Levi, part 3

Along with our own commentary, the following is a continuation of the work by Isabel Hill Elder. In this blog, all emphases and comments in [brackets] are mine. Unless within my brackets, all words in (parentheses) are presumably by Ms. Elder. Additionally, we have spelled out the full names of
⸱ 9 minutes read

The Hidden but Loud Symbolism as Trump Signs EO Banning Males in Female Sports

Most Americans (who have been paying attention) cheered yesterday to see Trump signing an Executive Order (EO) banning men in women’s sports. Who would have thought even 20 years ago that such insanity could grip the American culture? So much so that it would necessitate a Presidential EO to
⸱ 5 minutes read

The House of Levi, part 2

Along with our own commentary, the following is a continuation of the work by Isabel Hill Elder, probably written in the mid-20th century. (The little booklet in our possession is worn and old but contains no date of publication or copyright whatsoever.) In this blog, all emphases and comments in
⸱ 8 minutes read

The House of Levi, part 1

Today we commence sharing with our readers a serialization of a relatively short work by a noted British researcher-author from the 20th century. Her name was Isabel Hill Elder.  She is “known for her works on early British and Celtic history, with a particular focus on religious and mythological elements.
⸱ 5 minutes read

“The Eagle has landed”—Part 2

(Alleged) Proof the Moon Landing Was a Hoax! In part one, we focused on the curiosities surrounding certain current events involving the symbolism of the American eagle. Part two is what we had initially planned to write for yesterday, but the tragic crash of the American Eagle passenger jet took
⸱ 6 minutes read

Curiouser and Curiouser — “The Eagle has landed” - Part 1

The terrible tragedy of the midair collision at the Reagan National Airport in D. C. last night has caused me to revamp my plans for today and tomorrow’s blogs. Things are getting “curiouser and curiouser, cried Alice” after she had tumbled down the rabbit hole into Wonderland. That phrase
⸱ 4 minutes read

Hurray! Rob Finnerty Leads the Way

Yes, yes, yes!! I have been waiting on this for years—decades, actually. Finally, someone prominent in the cable and/or broadcast conservative media has recognized the problem and is pledging to take a new path. As regular readers know, my undergraduate degree from the Ohio State University was dual:
⸱ 3 minutes read

Coms and Optics: Trump Sends Sign to the Cabal/WEF—and to Those Who Are Awake

What a week it was! We are now in “Trump time” as evidenced by the phenomenal number of events that occurred in the past eight days. One week ago yesterday Donald J. Trump was inaugurated as the President of the United States of America. That was an extraordinarily significant event
⸱ 7 minutes read

Coms and Clues via the First Lady

As regular readers and others who are awake and red pilled are aware, President Trump and his white hats have sent coded communications (coms) to us (who number in the many millions now) using the language of semaphores. As a brief note of explanation, semaphores (as used in this essay—
⸱ 4 minutes read