On Friday, June 14, 2024 we posted a blog called “Juan O Savin: The Way Ahead—Years to Rebuild.” In it was a link to a two-part June 6 interview of Juan by Nino.
During the course of the interview Juan discusses a book by Patrick Byrne called Danger Close. Shortly thereafter, some dear friends gave me a gift of a one-year subscription to Audible which allows a member to download a book and listen to it instead of reading it.

I had been doing that for years with books on CDs, and on cassette tapes before that. I had read the 1,000-plus pages of the paperback version of Ayn Rand’s magnum opus, Atlas Shrugged, back in my 20s.
About a decade or so ago, I then “re-read” it by hearing the 42-CD version (from my local library) on a trip to the Twin Cities and back. It sure takes the boredom out of a long road trip.
In the past several weeks I had the pleasure of hearing Byrne’s autobiographical Danger Close during my 12-hours of drive time as I made my monthly teaching circuit to our SK Fellowship groups in eastern Tennessee and central Georgia.
In a more recent road trip I began listening to it again—yes, it’s that good!
We believe that most of our readers are red-pilled to one degree or another, especially those who have been approved to be in our Mighty Network.
It stands to reason that even if one got deeply red-pilled decades ago, with the advent of the internet, no one can keep up with everything. It does require some effort to keep up with at least the broad strokes of the cabal since the names of the players and the organizations change over the decades.
As the title of this blog suggests, we consider this book to be adult Continuing Education for the red-pilled among us. (For new readers, see our Glossary for a brief description of that term.) If Continuing Ed course levels are defined by #101 being introductory course work at the college level; then #501 designates being Master’s degree level and 601 is Ph.D.-level material, then the revelations in Danger Close are what we would classify as #701, post-doc and beyond level of material.
In other words, this is deep red pill information, if one gives Byrne the benefit of the doubt as to his veracity. Since we have a lot of confidence in Juan O Savin, we do give Byrne the benefit of the doubt.
Because I was driving I did not make notes. I did listen at home to the two parts of Roseanne Barr’s interviews with Byrne. I just finished with part two at midnight last night.
Here are some of my recollections of highlights that may pique your interest to obtain the book (which was released just this past February) …or to view the podcasts. We found the book to be much more interesting and it has much more material in an organized fashion than the helter-skelter approach of Barr (who thinks she’s organized).
- Byrne’s background, education, family life and health are astonishing.
- E.g., he was taken under wing and mentored by a very famous person beginning at about age 13.
- His health has always been troublesome. Multiple bouts with cancer. Has had 105 surgeries and had his heart stopped over 400 times!!
- Despite that, he became the “golden boy” of Wall Street…until he began exposing how the “shenanigans” work which rob the retirement accounts of middle Americans. This is the “settlement” system of Financial Mystery Babylon. Then he became persona non grata.
- How he was approached by members of the US Senate back in 2006 and recruited for a mission to “save America” from going into authoritarianism. Byrne was idealistic and naïve as he accepted the mission. I say that because I would not have trusted that bi-partisan group of Senators whom he names and their claims of authority.
- From there it was one astonishing thing after another. The Russia-Russia-Russia hoax was not targeted initially at Trump but began even before DJT announced his candidacy. Byrne knows because he was part of it—innocently believing our FBI and CIA leadership were “good” people.
- We won’t spoil it for you by revealing who he says was the ultimate controller of the operation to set up Trump AND to make sure Hillary toed the line. Byrne details how he was used to “set up” Hillary with an $18 million bribe from Azerbaijan.
- Some of the most fascinating portions of the book are when Byrne lays out exactly what happened in the White House when Trump was deciding what course to take regarding election fraud post-November 2020.
- Byrne’s opinions of some of the players confirm what I have sensed about them, including Gen. Mike Flynn, Sidney Powell (whom I have met once), Mark Meadows (whom I have met on three occasions), Rudy Giuliani, Attorney General Bill Barr, and others.
Here is what appears to be a back-cover blurb from the book but which is the description on Amazon.com where the book sells for about 17 bucks.
QUOTE: A narrative seamlessly blending entrepreneurial prowess with covert government operations. As the visionary founder of Overstock.com, Byrne, once lauded as the “National Entrepreneur of the Year 2011” and hailed as the “Messiah of Bitcoin,” reveals an astonishing twist in August 2019—his role as a secret operative for the U.S. Government.
This memoir lays bare Byrne’s integral involvement in the “Russian Collusion Delusion” and the Clinton Investigation, exposing them as deceptive maneuvers orchestrated on an unsuspecting public.
As the story unfolds, Byrne becomes a national lightning rod, branded the “kingpin” by PBS in 2021 and identified as the Department of Homeland Security’s top domestic threat in August 2022.
Byrne comes clean on the intricacies of his covert life, challenging perceptions and unraveling the delicate balance between public persona and clandestine operations. Unveiling his second life with the U.S. Government, from facilitating a bribe for Hillary Clinton to romancing a Russian spy, Byrne argues that these were early elements in a Deep State soft-coup against America, culminating in the alleged rigging of Election 2020, challenging fundamental principles of just governance.
Brace yourself for an explosive memoir redefining trust, challenging conventional wisdom, and reshaping the boundaries between government, business, and individual truth. END QUOTE
There is much overlap between the book and Byrne’s podcasts with Roseanne. There are things in the podcasts that do not appear in the book, and vice versa, but much more in the book than appears in the podcasts. I was pleased to have the advantage of both.
Here is the link to the first podcast and you can find the second on your own. Each part runs close to two hours.