Note: Special notice regarding the Audible version of Patrick Byrne’s book at the end of this blog.
This just came in this morning from our mild-mannered reporter of the Good News, who strongly recommends it. It is Juan O Savin’s interview yesterday by Spaceshot76.
I do not have time to listen this afternoon. We are currently working to get the August issue of Feed My Sheep put together and off to the printer. But given who has recommended it, we are quick to pass it on to you sight unseen and unheard by us.

Despite its length, I am very eager to hear it ASAP. It is long. The length listed is 2:41:51; however, you can skip over the silly intro by Spaceshot76. Juan comes in right at the 4:40 mark. At the end, Juan finishes his prayer for us all at 2:28:00. So that saves more than 15 minutes of listening time.
NOTE: A reader on our Mighty Network noted that she could not find Danger Close by Patrick Byrne in the Audible format. We confirm that. We cannot find it now either. Very weird! Why would Audible (which is owned by Amazon) “scrub” it? After all, the Kindle version, as well as the hardback and paperback versions are still available on Amazon.
We did see that there is another book by Patrick Byrne on But it was released on 4-28-21. It is called The Deep Rig: How Election Fraud Cost Donald J. Trump the White House, By a Man Who Did Not Vote for Him.
This book seems to be strictly devoted to the 2020 election and not about the years prior—but we have not heard it yet, so we don’t know that for sure. Since it’s about the same length as Danger Close, we wonder if it is the same book, simply repackaged? (Danger Close = 4:41; Deep Rig = 4:57.) Or rather, if Danger Close is/was a repackaging of The Deep Rig.
Here is the blurb for the Audible version of The Deep Rig. QUOTE: Byrne is a libertarian who did not vote for Trump and has publicly criticized him. That said, he believes the presidential election of 2020 was rigged, and that it should be objectionable to every person who believes "just government derives its power from the consent of the governed".
In this book, he explains what caused him, in August of 2020, to study election fraud, and what he believes really happened during the 2020 election. He describes how his team of "cyber-ninjas" unraveled it while they worked against the clock of Constitutional processes, all against the background of being lifetime amateurs trying to interact with Washington, DC.
This book takes you behind the headlines to backroom scenes that determined whether or not the fraud would be exposed in time, and paints a portrait of Washington that will leave the listener asking, "Is this the end of our constitutional republic?" END QUOTE
P. S. Just before we post this, I began listening to this Juan interview. I can tell you that what we learned in the Patrick Byrne book concerning the Smartmatic voting machines (used widely in the USA) are exactly what we are seeing in Venezuela right now with the elections being handled by CNE (what is called Smartmatic in the USA). Looks like this spotlight on the election controversy in Venezuela is parallel to what has happened in our elections and what we need to prevent this fall. Still listening as I go to post.