The terrible tragedy of the midair collision at the Reagan National Airport in D. C. last night has caused me to revamp my plans for today and tomorrow’s blogs. Things are getting “curiouser and curiouser, cried Alice” after she had tumbled down the rabbit hole into Wonderland.
That phrase is an allusion to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (London: Macmillan & Co., 1865), by the English author Lewis Carroll, whose real name was Charles Dodgson (1832-1898).
The title of this blog is both a hint of tomorrow’s blog and a reference to the bizarre curiousness (coincidences?) of the past few days, as it curiously connects to the crash into the Potomac last night.
Recall that just the day before the tragedy in D. C. last night we had posted a blog about “Coms and Optics: Trump Sends Sign to the Cabal/WEF…”
That blog was focused on the American Eagle, its part in our national heraldry, and specifically in the Presidential Seal, and how Trump used the Presidential Seal as the only thing in the background as he spoke virtually to the members of the cabal (Mystery Babylon) meeting at their World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland a week ago today.
We also noted how the mayor of Philadelphia curiously drew more attention to the Eagles as they were making their way to the Super Bowl by her ignorantly(?) misspelling the name of their NFL franchise. Can you believe a mayor of a major city cannot spell “Eagles!” Why, even a DEI hire should be able to accomplish that!
Their victory over the Washington (D.C. scene of last night’s tragedy) Commanders put the Philadelphia Eagles into the Super Bowl to be played in New Orleans (scene of another recent tragedy) on Sunday, February 9, 2025.
Their opponents will be the Kansas City Chiefs who are seeking their third Super Bowl championship in a row. How curious that the passenger plane which was struck on final approach was from Wichita, Kansas and that the jet was actually a smaller regional aircraft (Canadair Regional Jet) flown by American Eagle, a wholly-owned subsidiary of American Airlines Group.

Our hearts and prayers go out to the families and loved ones of the victims, from both the Eagle and the Army Blackhawk helicopter. (An Eagle and a Blackhawk, hmmm…)

Both the eagle and the common black hawk are birds of prey; i.e., predators. It is very curious how Bobby Kennedy’s cousin, Caroline, recently and very publicly told of how Bobby had kept birds of prey as pets and how she accused him of being a “predator.”
All this, of course, was probably done to try to derail his nomination to head the Health and Human Services Department. He was in the middle of is hearings (yesterday and today), as this tragic air disaster occurred.
Of course, without her defining “predator,” (unless we missed it), the average person hearing that charge these days immediately assumes she is accusing him of being a sexual predator.
We have not had time to watch the hearings of RFK, Jr.’s Senate hearings, but we will be watching to see if any of the Dem Senators define or accuse him of that as we catch the highlights on Newsmax this evening.
Over the past several years, we have accumulated numerous articles about air travel safety from various sources into our e-files for future use. We used very little of it in our posts in an effort not to be contributing to panicking the flying public—which includes myself when necessary.
But upon arising this morning and hearing of just the basic facts of this crash, my mind went immediately to wondering if the Biden administration’s lowering of the standards for Air Traffic Controllers and pilots might have something to do with this tragic event.
It is early afternoon as we post this and we have just heard a few second clip of President Trump and a private air safety expert both making reference to the possibility of errors by an Air Traffic Controller.
At this point, we have no proven cause of the Eagle and Blackhawk collision, but we do find that many things in the Wonderland rabbit hole just keep getting curiouser and curiouser.
Not unrelated, in our very first lecture in our 20-lecture series called From Inner Space to Outer Space over 20 years ago, we began with some exposition of Alice in Wonderland and many of the curiosities related to the hippie drug culture, the NASA program and their occult activities, and much more, and how it all is related to the Bible.
Part of the synopsis: “This series will encompass a wide variety of topics related to current events and the Bible, to ancient cosmology, mythology and sacred geometry… In “Father’s Golden Earth Landers” we begin with the common denominators found in Alice in Wonderland, the phi spiral and pentagons, The Matrix movie, and Timothy Leary, the late LSD guru…” Here is a link to the full synopsis of the 20-lecture series.
And with that reference to Outer Space, stay tuned for “The Eagle has landed” - Part 2, hopefully in this space tomorrow.