(Alleged) Proof the Moon Landing Was a Hoax!
In part one, we focused on the curiosities surrounding certain current events involving the symbolism of the American eagle. Part two is what we had initially planned to write for yesterday, but the tragic crash of the American Eagle passenger jet took center stage.
The symbolism fit right in with what we had revealed about the Presidential Seal behind POTUS while addressing the WEF, and the “coincidences” of the two teams left to play for the NFL Championship in the Super Bowl.
Our title “The Eagle has landed” was how I was going to entitle the initial blog, but I left it in place yesterday—not to be cute or funny or anything of that nature while we have been in such a somber national mood these past 36 hours.
Sadly, that Eagle did not land, but 64 souls on board perished in the Potomac, along with the crew of three in the Blackhawk.
Our older readers will probably recognize the titular quotation. Those of the generations who were not yet born when NASA’s Apollo 11 mission occurred may not have recognized “The Eagle has landed” as the words uttered by astronaut Neil Armstrong when he and fellow Eagle occupant, Buzz Aldrin, landed on the moon on July 20, 1969.
I remember it well—at least I think I do. I was in the USAF Electronics Training Center at Keesler AFB in Biloxi, Mississippi when the momentous event occurred. I recall being in our squadron’s “day room” and watching on a black and white television as Armstrong climbed down the ladder and uttered an even more famous statement:
“That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” (Armstrong later said the audio transmission “lost” one word because, he asserted, he actually said “…small step for (a) man…”

A few years after my brother, John, and I had founded Bruggeman Construction company in West Palm Beach, Florida, we were growing by leaps and bounds. We decided we needed to computerize our entire operations, from bidding software to payroll and accounting and everything in between.
We hired a man named Keith (last name withheld) who held a General Contractor’s license (as did I) and Keith was also a P.E. (Professional Engineer). But what really sold us on hiring him was his expertise in computers.
Keith’s resume showed that he had headed a team of computer specialists from Boeing contracted to NASA that “programmed the computers that sent the men to the moon.” Keith was very proud of his participation in the Apollo program. …And all the NASA programs, for that matter.
Our offices in West Palm Beach were several hours south of Cape Canaveral but still within sight of any of the space shuttle launches. On January 28, 1986 Keith, John and I hurried out the front door of our office to see the Challenger lifting off.
Seventy-three seconds into the launch, we all witnessed the horrible explosion which killed all seven astronauts. Keith’s face had gone white and he began to sob. “Oh, no; oh, no,” he kept repeating staring at the dispersing contrails.
In the decades since then, I have had the pleasure to come to know a dear brother-in-Christ, an electrical engineer, who had spent his entire career also with NASA via Boeing. Many of our readers know him also.
Within the past year (maybe it was longer), he and I had conversed about the possibility of one of the biggest cover-ups in world history. That maybe the Eagle never did land because the whole moon landing program was one gigantic hoax.
Take a deep breath and bear with me.
Even though most of us identify ourselves as politically “conservative,” (I prefer “Constitutionalist,” while we are still on the path to God’s Stone Kingdom), and yet we also profess to keep an open mind.
We all laugh at the Lefties, of course, who proclaim adherence to the same principle, but most of whom will not engage in factual conversation, but always turn to playing on emotions.
All this is to say, I have been keeping an open mind on this subject for decades and I still do. But we have recently had shared with us a podcast hosted by none other than David “Nino” Rodriguez (sigh). But as with his interviews with Mr. 107, we are there to hear his guest, not him—nice guy though Nino might be.
The video we have to share is with a man named Bart Sibrel. We do not recall hearing of him previously. However, quite a bit of the information he shares has been on the shelf in my mind for decades. Some was new to us and very compelling.
It was 1978 when the movie, Capricorn One, was released. It was a Hollywood production (fiction, of course) which posited that NASA did that exact thing—except the plot involved a mission to Mars, not the moon. Roxanne and I enjoyed it and really set my neural wheels in motion to begin to wonder about the Apollo missions.
Why did they stop at only six and never go back? Was it because they deemed that was sufficient to do a successful psy-op on the American public?
Was it because NASA has always been a PR job to cover-up the fact that we have had a secret space program since at least the 1950s?
A very successful super-secret program which uses anti-gravity and other technologies which allowed them to overcome seemingly insurmountable problems like those pesky Van Allen radiation belts.
And why was Neil Armstrong so publicity-shy all the rest of his life? And did you see the viral video a few years ago where the nonagenarian Buzz Aldrin in responding to a question from a young boy, answered something to the effect, “Who says we even went to the moon?” Did you see that?
All these things and much more are reasons why we have carried a number of books over the decades about all aspects, either questioning NASA’s PR (e.g., the books we carried by Richard Hoagland) or the four books by Dr. Michael Salla about the secret space program.
Then there is the statement by Ben Rich, the long-time head of Lockheed-Martin’s Skunkworks program, who nearing his death, alleged that we have hidden in “black boxes” at Skunkworks (or near Area 51), and have had for a long time, the technology to take us to the stars.
Furthermore, Rich also made light of the seemingly insurmountable Van Allen radiation belts, which he claimed “we” had solved that problem decades ago.
Is that the truth? Maybe? But of one thing I am increasingly convinced: That there is no way that the Apollo spacecrafts were able to pass safely through the Van Allen belts.
We had also heard decades ago that Nixon approved filming a faked moon landing just in case something went wrong. It supposedly involved Hollywood director Stanley Kubrick (then famous for his 2001: A Space Odyssey).
Bart Sibrel has a somewhat different version of how the hoax filming occurred.
So what is the truth? Is Elon Musk’s oft-stated goal (now adopted by POTUS) of sending astronauts to Mars just another part of the NASA cover-up? Or will DJT and Musk at some point reveal “tons” of information about the once secret space program?
On January 13, 2025 we blogged about the drones and UAP “expert,” Stephen Greer. It was entitled: Drones, Planes and Automobiles.
We proffered our opinion on Greer’s credibility (bottom line: It is seriously lacking in key aspects). Now DJT has been inaugurated and there were no “major” disclosures before the inauguration, as promised by Greer a few weeks before January 20th.
We saw the “revelations” on the NewsNation channel (a few days before Inauguration Day) by the former secret ops guy and his supposed recovery of an egg-shaped UAP, but that does not seem to come up to the promise by Greer.
Here are some other items that might factor in to this whole theme:
- RFK, Jr. says the CIA killed his father and uncle. Will the truth come out?
- Hillary’s email to John Podesta in the 2016 campaign for president: She asks: should we play the alien card now?
- Dr. Wernher Von Braun’s death bed statement that at some point the powers-that-be would engineer a fake alien invasion from outer space.
- While we can find semi-hidden allusions in Bible prophecy to modern automobiles, would you not think there might be a similar hidden allusion to one of the greatest events in world history: man landing on the moon?
I have been on the lookout for years in Bible study but nothing has ever jumped off the page at me, “eureka” fashion.
So, while we want to keep an open mind, I have often added that we don’t want it to be so open that our brains fall out. Let us pray for divine discernment as we ponder these things.
Here is the link to this video of Nino and Bart Sibrel. And thanks to one of our trusted correspondents in Texas for sharing this phenomenal video.