(* Admittedly, that is a somewhat skewed allusion to the hilarious 1987 Thanksgiving-time comedy-drama film starring Steve Martin and John Candy called Planes, Trains and Automobiles. “How ‘bout dem Bears?!”)
For over six weeks the drone phenomena, which started “freaking out” people in New Jersey, has been in the news. Certainly, local media in the affected areas have covered the story to a significant extent. Even the dying legacy media’s coverage has also been covering it, characterizing it as “drone fever,” “drone hysteria,” and similar terms.
As of this writing, the appearances of these mysterious aerial phenomena have now spread to all 50 states and globally, according to Newsmax’s Rob Finnerty show (which we DVR and watch as time permits. More below.)
What is known for certain is that we don’t know anything for certain! We don’t know what they are, where they come from, who is guiding them, what they are doing, whether they are a threat or not, and numerous other questions.
Many persons have come forward with various claims and theories. Congressman Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) stated a couple weeks ago that his sources (in the intel and military community) have informed him they are Chinese and being controlled by Chinese naval vessels (surface or submarine, I cannot recall) which are off our Atlantic coast.
Other “experts” declare that they are our own (formerly) secret technology being used to scour the area for traces of a nuclear bomb (or at least, nuclear material) which supposedly got stolen or whatever during transit. And that it could be being smuggled into the USA for terrorism purposes.
One personal source I have on this topic is a family member—who shall remain anonymous. Not that it matters much, but for any “deep staters” who might be curious, just know this: There are now over a hundred relatives just in my parents’ “downline” alone, let alone the mostly large families of my 65 or so first cousins, not to mention my late wife’s relatives that are also counted as my family members.
Anyhow, it’s no big deal because although he is former military with a couple of tours in the Mideast as a drone techie, and then came home and worked for a civilian defense contractor manufacturing drones (over nine years total experience with big drones), he is as bewildered as most of us are in wondering what the truth is about these UAPs.
We won’t continue with the various conspiracy theories because there are literally dozens of them out there, or shall we say, out here on the web. For the record, we do not consider ourselves a “conspiracy theorist.” Rather, we are a conspiracy analyst, and have been so for decades.
We have given a full lecture about conspiracies throughout history, including the fact that conspiracies abound all through the Bible.
As any serious and honest student of history can discover, nearly everything that happens in the geopolitical scene is the result of one (but usually many) conspiracies acting either in concert or in conflict with one another to attain their own group’s goals.
The difference today is that it used to take literally years for someone(s) to do the research and then hope to get the story published in order to prove nefarious conspiracies. Today, with the monopoly of the BM (the Babylonian Media) having been broken by the advent of the internet, the time between a conspiracy theory and a conspiracy fact has shortened to anywhere from two months to two days!
Obviously, many conspiracy theories do not pan out. But many do, and so we never allow us being labeled as a “conspiracy theorist” to prevent us from digging to find the truth in all subjects which we choose to investigate.
One of the more prominent and intriguing types of claims about the drones is from the UAP community. UAPs are Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (some say Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) formerly called UFOs. I agree with the new designation; it is more inclusive of the various phenomena.
It has been an area of great interest to me since I was a teenager. By the age of 20 I had accumulated and read several shelves full—scores of books—on UFOs and related “earth mysteries.” After my graduation from Ohio State and while in my first career in public relations in Columbus, I was a member of a UFO investigation organization.
It was called the CCAP (pronounced See-cap, the Civil Commission on Aerial Phenomena). Notice how our group was ahead of the curve in just the use of Phenomena, as opposed to “Objects” in our name.

The CCAP was not a batch of rank amateurs with wacko ideas. It was a relatively small group which did not seek to amass members and collect dues. It was content to vet the then less than 50 members and what they could contribute professionally to the work.
CCAP was started by (mostly) men who were all degreed scientists, engineers and technical personnel who worked at the Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI), one of the world’s oldest R & D (Research and Development) organizations, founded in 1923.
It was and is more than just a think tank. It was more attuned to the development and nuts-and-bolts applications of new technology to a wide range of endeavors. Much of it was government work and much of that was classified. I had first met some of those men when I was working for an industrial supply company about nine years prior.
At the time, Battelle had three locations: Columbus, Ohio, (HQ, which was/is near to the Ohio State campus); Washington state (near the nuclear plant at Hanford, if memory serves), and one in Switzerland. (It just occurred to me to wonder if BMI had anything or maybe a lot to do with the CERN project there!?) It has grown immensely in the intervening years, as evidenced by their website:
“With a team of over 40,000 highly skilled and trained employees, we manage nine national laboratories in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Energy and Department of Homeland Security.”
What skills did I have to offer to CCAP? Even though I was a rookie in my profession, I had talent and some experience in Broadcast Journalism and PR—communications, which certainly was a major necessity for a group’s credibility who were investigating “kooky” things like UFOs.
All that is to say, CCAP was serious business, and our activities certainly kept my thirst for truth about UAPs on my front burner.
Fast forward to 2025. We now find the whole genre of UAPs no longer considered kooky. Witness the fact that the federal government, specifically, the DoD has revealed they have been covering up UAPs for many decades, and have allowed their former head of the UAP investigating unit at the Pentagon (Luis Elizondo) to testify openly to Congress. (I mean, do you really think he’d still be alive if his testimony was not to be revealed.)
Here's an excerpt from his opening statement to Congress from November 13, 2024:
QUOTE: Greetings, Chairwoman Mace, Chairman Grothman, Ranking Members Connolly and Garcia, and Members of the Committee. It is my honor and privilege to testify before you on the issue of unidentified anomalous phenomena, formerly known as UFOs.
On behalf of our brave men and women in uniform and across the intelligence community, as well as my fellow Americans who have awaited this day, thank you for your leadership on this important matter.
Let me be clear: UAP are real. Advanced technologies not made by our Government – or any other government – are monitoring sensitive military installations around the globe. Furthermore, the U.S. is in possession of UAP technologies, as are some of our adversaries.
I believe we are in the midst of a multi-decade, secretive arms race—one funded by misallocated taxpayer dollars and hidden from our elected representatives and oversight bodies.
For many years, I was entrusted with protecting some of our nation's most sensitive programs. In my last position, I managed a Special Access Program on behalf of the White House and the National Security Council.
As such, I appreciate the need to protect certain sensitive intelligence and military information. I consider my oath to protect secrets as sacred and will always put the safety of the American people first.
With that said, I also understand the consequences of excessive secrecy and stove-piping. Nowhere was this more apparent than in the aftermath of 9/11, which many of us remember all too well. END QUOTE His entire three-page statement is linked here.
Then there is the now famous incident of the US Navy pilots who had the encounter with the Tic Tac UFO off the coast of southern California in 2004. (They called it “Tic Tac” because the shape resembled the candy by that name—I loathed ’em.) A brief web search will bring up a number of videos showing the pilots' scopes of the Tic Tac object.
Add to this that we have now had several generations growing up viewing countless movies and TV shows dealing with UFOs, aliens, and the like. Is it possible and even likely that we have been being prepared for the ultimate “disclosure.”
Which brings me to Dr. Stephen Greer, who founded the Disclosure Project in 1993, and several UAP-related organizations along the way. Greer, who formerly practiced ER medicine in Asheville, went full time in his UAP endeavors a few years later. His purpose was to provide a place where UAP whistleblowers could find a platform to disclose their experiences and knowledge about the subject.
We gave our take on Dr. Greer as far back as 20 years ago in our series, From Inner Space to Outer Space (ISOS), a wide ranging series of 20 lectures. The link gives a synopsis of each lecture. In one section of the series (about six hours’ worth) we dealt in some detail with UFOs and why we have red flags when it comes to Dr. Greer.
Greer is now finding much greater exposure (and much more so in light of the “drone hysteria”) both in traditional media and in podcasts. For example, we posted a link to Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk interviewing Greer on his podcast.
Then we had Newmax's Rob Finnerty interviewing Greer in mid-December but the link we had for it (on YouTube) now says "video not found." Nevertheless, we found the following story on The Gateway Pundit, which has both a (partial) transcript and over four minutes of that interview (the total interview was about ten minutes). Here's the link.
Greer has been back on Finnerty just this past week with Greer claiming that we are going to see some major disclosures before Trump is inaugurated (next Monday). This will be interesting… to see what materializes (pun intended).
Bill Still captured the clip and we link to it here. Finnerty starts at the 2:07 minute mark. It is on YouTube so we cannot guarantee how long it will remain available.

Greer says that a part of his mission is persuading people that what we are seeing is partly advanced technology from our (presumably formerly) top secret DoD-related agencies and corporations, and partly visitations from NHIs, non-human intelligences—who have actually been around mankind for millennia.
Well, okay, we can agree with that, and we do agree with him on some of his conclusions; but we would define the NHIs as virtually synonymous with the biblical Nephilim and their ancestors, the IDEs, the inter-dimensional entities of Genesis 6 (both categories whom we believe are still around and among us today). Again, we direct readers to our ISOS series.
Greer, on the other hand, seems totally convinced that the NHIs are aliens from outer space. He refers to Ben Rich, who was for decades the head of the supersecret “Skunkworks” facility of Lockheed Martin in Palmdale, California (about 62 miles north of Los Angeles) and his 1995 “deathbed” confession wherein he stated that we have the technology locked up in top secret “black boxes” which could take us to the stars and home again.
However, this writer also remembers reading about the “deathbed” confession (ca. 1977) of Wernher Von Braun (former Nazi scientist who headed the rocket projects of the Nazis, and later became head of our NASA program) who told of four major deceptions slated to be worked upon the American people.
The penultimate deception would be a so-called “war on terror.” We can check that box. The last deception would be a fake invasion by aliens from outer space.
Which reminds me of one of the Wikileaks garnered by Julian Assange revealing Hillary’s email to John Podesta where she asked him in 2016, “is it time to play the alien card?” What does that tell us?
So while we would like to believe we have super-advanced technology to travel around the Milky Way and beyond (a la Stargate SG-1, a psy-op?), we are also very cautious about “great deceptions” as our Savior and the Scriptures warn us about.
Now back to my final year or two at Ohio State majoring in Broadcast Journalism and Public Relations. During a course on the history of broadcast journalism, we learned about the famous radio broadcast in 1938 which caused widespread panic in New Jersey.
It was the result of actor Orson Welles narrating a dramatic production of novelist H. G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds. The story, written in 1898, became considered one of the early classics in the genre to become known as science fiction.
H. G. Wells’ imagination conjured up a global conflict resulting from an invasion by Martians, which presented an existential threat to all of humanity. Hmm… see where this is going?
The story has inspired many spin-offs and dramatic reproductions even until recently. Being a huge fan of the Moody Blues (In my rock band in the early ’70s we covered some of their great songs), I bought the 1978 musical adaptation album by Jeff Wayne because it included Moody Blues member, Justin Hayward.

The point being, Orson Welles and his producers failed (on purpose?) to tell the radio audience that it was fiction. Welles simply came on the air and acted as though it were news of real events happening right then and there.

It sacred the livin’ daylights out of the audience. Radio listeners in New Jersey panicked. They brought out their firearms ready to fight the evil Martians and preserve life on earth. (Do a web search and you’ll find photos of them.) Yeah, we can laugh now, but consider the times and American society back then.
Is it any different now? Except that the technology is much further advanced. Back in 1938, it was a radio broadcast. We were not told this in OSU’s School of Journalism, but I am suggesting the whole thing was a psy-op. It was designed to gauge the public’s susceptibility to a realistic but wholly manufactured false flag event.
But for what purpose? It is witchcraft on a mass scale—it is mind control. Control the minds and you control the people. It has been that way since the days of Nimrod and even back to the nachasch (enchanter, translated “serpent”) in the garden of Eden.
We could go on ad infinitum with this subject but time does not permit. We shall close today with this concerning a major defense contractor, Palantir, which builds drones for the military.
This advertisement which aired in the Army-Navy game on Saturday, December 14th, shows a swarm of drones being deployed at the :17 mark. The tag line is "Battles Are Won Before They Began." Curiously, it ran on the exact 5-year delta of Q Drop 3673 that says "It Was Over Before it Began"

Do you believe in coincidences?
So what's with all the drones of late? As stated at the outset; no one can say for sure. Except those involved and they are certainly not talking. So we wait...