Here is another episode from “Dave Episode” at X22 Reports which is a good follow-up to our blog of October 22nd: Coming Soon—The End of the Fed, linked here.
This episode adds further evidence in confirming our prediction that President Trump is providing more hints of his intent to get rid of the Federal Reserve System.
In truth, our “Fed” is the U. S. version of Karl Marx’s fifth plank, laid out in his Communist Manifesto. This is the fifth of the ten steps towards converting a nation into a communist country: the creation of a central bank to control the money supply.
DJT has stated in rallies how under his new administration our soon-burgeoning economy will make it possible to begin paying off our national debt which is now over 30 trillion dollars. (No one can actually wrap their head around just how massive a sum that is!)
In our view, DJT is merely using optics—and telling the central bankers we (the taxpayers) will be paying off our debt to them. But we are confident that DJT knows full well that that will never happen!
The debt will be repudiated. The slate must be wiped clean. Biblically, a jubilee must be declared and implemented. Repudiation of that astronomical alleged “debt” is the only way to establish an honest money system. Besides the Word of God instructs those at this time during the fall of Mystery Babylon who are the positions to do so, that they shall:
Revelation 18:6 Reward her [Mystery Babylon] even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously [luxuriously], so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.
8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
Curiously, Trump has made reference to President William McKinley in recent rallies. Thus X22 has created this meme (below) to illustrate certain policy agreements between what Trump will now do, and what existed under McKinley.
McKinley was born in Niles, Ohio but had his law office in the Canton, Ohio area. (Canton is where I attended a Roman Catholic seminary boarding {high} school.)
Because of his tariff policies (which would be unfavorable to the banksters), McKinley also became a thorn in the side of the nascent central bankers (yes, they existed long before their formal enslavement of the U.S.A. through the Fed; they have existed for centuries. But that’s another story.)
[The following is from ] Emphasis mine—JWB QUOTE: After his second inauguration in March 1901, McKinley embarked on a tour of western states, where he was greeted by cheering crowds. The tour ended in Buffalo, New York, where he gave a speech on September 5 in front of 50,000 people at the Pan-American Exposition.
The following day, McKinley was standing in a receiving line at the exposition when an unemployed Detroit mill worker named Leon Czolgosz shot him twice in the chest at point-blank range. (Czolgosz, an anarchist, later admitted to the shooting and claimed to have killed the president because he was the "enemy of the people." He was executed in October 1901.) END QUOTE
Sound familiar? “Enemy of the people,” “threat to our democracy,” “Trump is like Hitler.” “Trump is a fascist,” agreed Kamala Harris to CNN’s Anderson Cooper’s question at a town hall this past Wednesday.
Are the Dems and their lackeys in the Babylonian Media trying to incite a modern version of Czolgosz? A la Thomas Crooks and Ryan Wesley Routh? May God continue to have His shield of divine protection around DJT, and all his family, friends, and supporters!
Then there’s this from
QUOTE: At the end of his Governorship, McKinley was nominated as the Republican candidate for President of the United States in 1896, still a time of depression in the United States.
He would go on to win the Presidency after running against William Jennings Bryan. [Bryan was the one who was portrayed as the cowardly lion in L. Frank Baum’s “children’s tale,” The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.—JWB]
McKinley, would call on a special session of Congress to enact the highest tariff in history in an attempt to take action to end the depression.
It is the tariff policy that McKinley employed that DJT is alluding to in his speeches.
Here is the link to Ep. 3481a - Time To Go Back To The Time When The Federal Reserve Didn’t Exist, America Was Wealthier. It runs only about 28 minutes, including commercials.