Has the cabal been eavesdropping on Trump in the Oval Office—again?

2 minutes read
Has the cabal been eavesdropping on Trump in the Oval Office—again?
Photo by Tabrez Syed / Unsplash

Remember our story about the Philadelphia Eagles, the American Eagle plane crash, and the Great Seal (with the eagle) on the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office? We posted it on January 28th; here is the link to our previous blog.

Regarding the historic desk, just in the past week, in an off-handed way, President Trump—I think he was signing Executive Orders (EOs)—casually remarked that they had several desks in the White House, but that the old Resolute desk was out of the Oval Office while being refurbished.

As revealed in Dave’s x22 Report from two days ago, which is linked below, the fact is that DJT’s team discovered that the desk was bugged. This is reminiscent of when DJT first came into the White House in January 2017, and shortly thereafter announced that he was temporarily moving his WH operations to his home/offices at his Bedminster, NJ golf course.

The real reason then was (which was never made public on the regular news channels, but those of us following x22, Q, and others learned) that a security sweep had revealed that the walls in the Oval Office (and perhaps elsewhere in the WH) were riddled with electronic eavesdropping devices.

At that time, Trump announced that the walls were being refinished. That would have been Obama’s doing, and this most recent one would be blamed on Biden, but since we believe one or more actors have been playing the part, the responsibility for this most recent bugging lies with the “Biden” handlers—many of whom were holdovers from the Obama administration.

Here is the blurb/synopsis from the x22 website. 

QUOTE: The [DS] code has been broken, the shadow government that has been embedded in government has now been exposed. The [DS] is still spying on Trump, reports that the oval office desk is bugged. Now that Trump has his team in place, and Dan Bongino has been tapped as Deputy Directory let the hunt begin.

Try Black Forest’s Ozempic Killer (Natural GLP-1 Support)  END QUOTE

Note that we left one additional line in the quotation above. It’s apparently an ad for a product perhaps to help those who have unwittingly fell victim to more of Big Pharma’s witchcraft (poisons).

We have not looked into the ad any further, but we shall do so because we have learned of three friends in my local social circle who (so I’ve been told) are taking the weekly injections to lose weight.

For the initial information on Ozempic see Tucker Carlson’s interview over a year ago with Calley Means who is a Big Pharma whistleblower. The story he tells about this (and similar) products is utterly shocking. Here is the link to the interview

Here is the link to the x22 Report. We are reposting only the Part B segment which runs 1:02:07.

Be encouraged and be blessed with renewed health and vigor!