On the first “day” of creation: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. Genesis 1:3
On the fourth “day” of creation: And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. Genesis 1:16
Since God created light on the first day, then the firmament, the seas, and the earth on the third day, how does that happen? Or does “light” refer to more than the visible spectrum? Does “light” refer to the entire electromagnetic spectrum? Energy?
Many years ago I said to my wife, Roxanne, something to this effect: I would like to know everything about everything. Without giving me a chance to explain my rather bizarre statement, she immediately derided me (in a good-natured way) responding, you’re crazy; that’s nuts!
I explained that it did not come out right; I could have stated that differently. I was not meaning to follow the alleged Big Lucy (Lucifer’s) lead by trying to be as God, knowing everything.
I did not mean that I wanted to know what everybody in the neighborhood had for dinner last night, or any personal stuff like that.
What I meant was that I was (and still am) so awestruck by our Father’s creation that I realize that one mere lifetime is not long enough to even scratch the surface of understanding the intricacies, marvels, and wonders of His creation.
I went on daydreaming out loud that I wished I could have a whole lifetime of a hundred years just to study astronomy, another century just to study biology, another lifetime just to learn about chemistry, and so on. And even at that, I would still be merely scratching the surface, so awesome and beyond our ken is His creation!
…Which brings me to physics. When I was a senior at Brunnerdale Seminary boarding school, physics class was taught by a priest who had the nickname “Q-ball”. His name was similar to “Lundquist,” (I won’t reveal his real name here.) and he had a very round head and was bald.
He had a squeaky, high-pitched voice, and I recall him laughing nervously as he explained that light is both a particle and a wave. I remember thinking: how can that be? But I accepted it from this authority figure (and because I wanted to get a good grade) 😎
Every since then I have accepted “the particle-wave duality” of the nature of light. But over the decades our red-pill education has revealed that many things we thought were true turn out not to be true at all. Mr. 107 has often referred to “the other physics.” We have heard it referred to as hyperdimensional physics. We explored some of that in our CD and DVD series of lectures, From Inner Space to Outer Space.

Recently, I discovered a video by a relatively young man with a science background (I think in chemistry and physics—it’s been a while since I watched it) from the US Air Force Academy. He is a former fighter pilot and now he makes videos exploring science.
This one is called “Physics is BROKEN! The Truth About Light, Gravity & Time. In it he illustrates the double-mindedness in science. The nifty thing about one critical experiment he shows is that with a cell phone, anyone can duplicate his test to prove his statement that (my words) the particle-wave duality of light is a bunch of bunk.
He asks us to question: Does the math determine reality? Or does reality determine the math.
I would also refer you to my comments about the electric universe in my blog of last Thursday, February 28th.
Here is a link to this fascinating video lecture which runs 1:42:54
Enjoy God’s Creation!