QUOTE: Microsoft just made what is possibly the biggest announcement in Glenn Beck's lifetime. The company’s new 8-qubit Majorana 1 quantum computing chip could usher in an era of rapid change like mankind has never seen. Glenn explains what makes this technology so game-changing, what a “topological conductor” is, and what the world might look like in just a few years if these chips are deployed in computers or given to AI. But just as impressive is the other thing the CEO of Microsoft announced: the creation of a new state of matter… END QUOTE
— or is it really? How does it differ from the plasma state and the electrical state of matter? Here are a few excerpts of Glenn Beck’s (GB) remarks with my comments (JWB).
GB: Questions that man has never answered:
What is the meaning of life?
What is the purpose of my life?
Why am I here?...
JWB: Those are all answered in God’s Word!
GB: …You’re never going to stop this. …You have to ask and answer those questions now!
If we don’t, we will just drift along and find ourselves merged with whatever AI is…. You have to be strong and separate your self and use it as a tool. Otherwise, it will become your god, it will run [and ruin] your life.
JWB: “…find ourselves merged with whatever AI is….” Sounds like Star Trek’s Borg could become a reality!
JWB: ChatGPT—everyone is using it. What are the ethics of using it? You can now replace hours of online research with an inquiry to ChatGPT/AI and have it on your screen so you can understand it in 10 seconds! Who wouldn’t use that tool!
GB: This is “mark of the beast”-type stuff. JWB: Hooey!
Here is the link to Beck’s program. It runs c. 18 minutes.
Comments by Beck viewers: QUOTE: If Microsoft just announced this, the military has already had it for years.
@brianw8963 1 day ago Solid , liquid, gas, and plasma.
@davemelder8767 1 day ago You're talking plasma. That's probably 40 plus years old.
@jimphillippi616 1 day ago Topoconductors are a new class of materials designed to facilitate topological superconductivity - a unique state of matter distinct from solids, liquids, gasses and plasma (the FOUR states of matter). This NEW state is characterized by its ability to support Majorana zero modes (MZMs), which are quasiparticles that are their own antiparticles. That should clear things up a bit for you.
@fenixflightmedia5288 1 day ago (edited) As much as I’d like to think this is a great discovery and will be used for things like making airline travel better…I can only think of how this thing could make our lives a living hell put in the wrong hands. So basically this chip would have Godlike powers. I’m sure nothing will go wrong. END QUOTE
All this reminds me of a book and DVD I have had in my library for fifteen years or so. Here is a picture of the cover of the book and the enclosed DVD.

While the book itself is quite fascinating, the DVD was another notch higher in interest to me. It is a video of a conference of experts in this field and it is not beyond the grasp of the average-educated viewer to comprehend.
Even before I had come across this book, my interest in plasma physics and the electrical nature of the universe was augmented by hearing Prof. James McCanney speaking about it on a number of occasions as a guest on the Coast-to-Coast radio program. He is still around but I have not kept up with him in at least a dozen years.
Here are some links related to this announcement. Related videos:
From Microsoft: Majorana 1 Explained: The Path to a Million Qubits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSHmygPQukQ
Domain of Science— Microsoft's Topological Quantum Computer Explained
Google’s Quantum Chip: Did We Just Tap Into Parallel Universes?
Prof. Dr. Michio Kaku: Quantum computing is the next revolution