Clues from President Trump: Hannibal, Q, and Obadiah
We have been (and still are) in the midst of moving our offices, vanload by vanload.
However, despite a good case of the “tireds,” I took the time last night to watch the indoor Trump rally with 17-19 thousand supporters indoors and perhaps three or four times that many watching
This information comes from Dr. Stephen Jones’ monthly FFI cover letter:
Location: The DoubleTree Hotel, 1500 Park Place, Minneapolis, MN 55416
Conference Dates: October 18-20 The Conference will open at 9 a.m. on Friday, October 18. … The Conference will close mid-afternoon on Sunday, October 20…
Rooms and Reservations: Room
I Goofed—Plus, a New 107 Podcast: Black Swan vs. White Swans
CORRECTION: I made a mistake in the last mailing (the September issue of Feed My Sheep). In the cover letter, I had changed the letterhead to reflect our new postal mailing address. I did not notice that I messed up the zip code, which reads “2812.” Ooops! The correct zip
This week has been extraordinarily busy with the office move.
We will have no SK Fellowship meetings this month in Tennessee and Georgia.
Just wanted to let all our readers know that the move has proven to be much more time-consuming than I first thought it would be. No time
Things are going reasonably well with the move. Jesse has been dismantling all the Information Technology (IT) equipment and boxing it carefully for transport after the heavy pieces of furniture are in their new and proper locations. (I am composing this from my home office.)
Sandy has just finished packing
1 minute read
Office Move Update—New Postal AND e-Mailing Addresses
Here are important details about our office move which is now in progress. We have been notified of a major increase of the rent for our office space. Asheville has the highest rents of any city in North Carolina—ugh! We cannot handle it financially, so we are moving the
Speech by RFK Jr Announcing the Suspension of His Campaign
Preliminary comments by Dr. Bruggeman
In view of our recent posts of the work of Calley and Casey Means and their connection with RFK, Jr. and DJT, this speech by RFK, Jr. “suspending” his campaign is of great interest to all Americans who still love our country.
Readers may recall
The Means to an End (of the Sorcerers of Mystery Babylon the Great)
Revelation 18: 23 … for by [means of] thy [Mystery Babylon’s] sorceries {Greek: pharmakeia: drugs} were all nations deceived.
Note: All emphases and comments within [brackets] are mine. This is a follow up to our post of this past Monday, which featured the podcast of Tucker Carlson interviewing Calley Means
No, it’s not “click bait.” First of all, SKM has no “monetized” web presence; i.e., we do not receive any money based on the number of people who click on anything on our website.
Secondly, we find click bait both annoying and deceptive. When we headline it “Watch