17 posts


Juan O Savin in Two Short Interviews Regarding Arizona Election Fraud

Thanks to our several correspondents around the country who are alerting us to these and other intriguing videos. This alert came from our friend in Texas who gave us his synopsis about these two short videos. QUOTE: Hi James, I know, I know you're busier than a one-legged
⸱ 1 minute read

Clues from President Trump: Hannibal, Q, and Obadiah

We have been (and still are) in the midst of moving our offices, vanload by vanload. However, despite a good case of the “tireds,” I took the time last night to watch the indoor Trump rally with 17-19 thousand supporters indoors and perhaps three or four times that many watching
⸱ 4 minutes read

Speech by RFK Jr Announcing the Suspension of His Campaign

Preliminary comments by Dr. Bruggeman In view of our recent posts of the work of Calley and Casey Means and their connection with RFK, Jr. and DJT, this speech by RFK, Jr. “suspending” his campaign is of great interest to all Americans who still love our country. Readers may recall
⸱ 12 minutes read

Trump in Asheville Today—False Flag Coming Next Week?

Yours truly will not be in downtown Asheville for the Trump rally today. Been there; done that. It is exciting to be at a Trump appearance. But I am simply not going to spend a whole day or more getting stuck in traffic, going through lines, and then stand, stand,
⸱ 3 minutes read

From Camelot to Kamala, part 2

Peter Schweizer is a widely-known researcher and author who chronicles political corruption at the national level. He is an equal opportunity revealer and thorn in the side of the shady dealings of both Democrats and Republicans alike. This is the second installment of our review of his book Profiles in
⸱ 7 minutes read

From Camelot to Kamala

No doubt our readers realize that “Camelot” is a reference to the media-created image of the JFK administration. For our examination of the origins of the Kennedy “dynasty” and its wealth, see our lecture entitled *The Kennedys, the Mafia and Prohibition: Edom’s Supremacy in America, part 4.* It is
⸱ 8 minutes read

Observations on the Olympics, Kacklin’ Kamala and More

As often happens, my plans to write on a particular topic get delayed as current events overtake (and often seem to overwhelm) us. Not complaining; just explaining. Surely all our readers have heard of the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. Yesterday, one of my sibling brothers,
⸱ 7 minutes read

Chapter 1: Lets Talk Politics and Religion, Part 1

Introduction to the Stone Kingdom and Mystery Babylon In my first blog for this year of 2020 I stated that since I do not have the time nor the resources in money or staff to get my lectures turned into printed books any time soon, that this year I would
⸱ 12 minutes read