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Stone Kingdom Ministries
James’ Health Update for Tuesday, August 29, 2023 August 29, 2023 Updates & Health I have been eating minimal amounts of fresh fruits and veggies, and last night I had some vegetable soup. Still no further “Attacks of the JUAN O SAVIN-Missed Connections-Dr. Jan Halper-NINO 8 24 2023 August 28, 2023 Juan O Savin & 107 & Red Pill We have watched this interview with Juan and Dr. Halper. It’s not that long and worth a listen. Juan uses the term “pause,” but as the blog-poster Brief Update on James' Health 8-28-23 August 28, 2023 Updates & Health I have no pain… but then I have only begun to eat a little bit. I was essentially on a seven-day fast, which I ended last evening with two scrambled James’ Health Update—Surgery Slated August 25, 2023 Updates & Health I am scheduled for surgery a week from today. I had the consultation with the surgeon yesterday mid-afternoon. He was not an arrogant, white-coated, James’ Health—Urgent August 24, 2023 Updates & Health At the ER on Sunday night, I was referred to a surgeon. This morning I contacted his office to set an appointment for a consultation, which was for Juan O Savin at the Open the Heavens—Let God Arise Event in Chicago August 23, 2023 Juan O Savin & 107 & Red Pill QUOTE: This is the PRESENTATION that Juan O Savin did at the OPEN THE HEAVENS- LET GOD ARISE Event from Chicago on AUGUST 19 2023. Meri Crouley James’ Health Update and Meeting Report August 22, 2023 Updates & Health & Politics I have had no further episodes of a gallstone attack since Sunday night. I have been on a water-only fast since Sunday evening. I even went to a My Trip to the ER Last Night—Prayer Requested August 21, 2023 Updates & Health & Prayer Just a short report today, my friends, as I am somewhat tired. (Make that very tired). At 8 p.m. last night everything seemed fine. By 8:30 I was Two interviews with Juan O Savin on the truth about Richard Nixon August 18, 2023 Juan O Savin & 107 & Red Pill This interview occurs with Juan visiting the Richard Milhous Nixon Presidential Library and Birthplace in California. It “features” Nino’s obnoxious August 18th Rapid City Conference Update August 18, 2023 Tabernacles & Bible Conferences & Updates This just in from Dr. Jones: QUOTE: We (you) filled up the 60 reserved rooms very quickly at the special rate of $104/night. The hotel only has 100 Juan O Savin on the Nixon-Trump Connection and Other Intriguing Facts August 17, 2023 Juan O Savin & 107 & Red Pill This short interview of Juan O Savin by Field McConnell is extraordinary information—mostly historical, concerning Richard Milhous Nixon’s career Have you seen my doppelganger? At least, name-wise, if not physically… August 16, 2023 Current Events & Fires And have you seen the pictures of the devastation from the fires in Maui, Hawaii? It looks horrendous! Some have speculated that DEWs are involved. Dr. Sherry Tenpenny interviews Juan O Savin about the Arkansas story August 15, 2023 Juan O Savin & 107 & Red Pill She, too, is a courteous host which makes the podcast a joy to listen to, in terms of ease of listening. Of course, dealing with certain subject More rooms made available August 13, 2023 Tabernacles & Bible Conferences & Updates We have been gone over the weekend, teaching at our “local” SK Fellowships in Tennessee and Georgia. We learned while driving home this afternoon Latest Update on the Rapid City Conference August 10, 2023 Tabernacles & Bible Conferences & Updates This is directly from Dr. Stephen Jones’ website: QUOTE: It seems that many of you are excited about the coming Tabernacles conference. The 40 rooms Important Updates regarding the GKM-SKM Mt. Rushmore / Feast of Tabernacles Bible Conference in Rapid City August 9, 2023 Tabernacles & Bible Conferences & Updates We have learned several things today: The first block of rooms is sold out. The GKM team is making contact with the Hilton Garden Inn to reserve Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes eviscerates British TV news hosts with Truth bombs! August 8, 2023 Politics & Red Pill & Trump Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes is an American expatriate living in Great Britain and is an activist in Republicans Overseas. She was part of Trump’s Illinois Gov. Pritzker signs bill to allow illegal immigrants to become police officers and sheriff deputies August 2, 2023 Politics & Current Events & Law Enforcement The Mystery Babylonians seem to be going insane to such a degree that one might think the headline above is from the parody website, The Babylon They Called Him “King James” in the Basketball World August 1, 2023 Health & Current Events Too bad his basketball moniker does not apply to his off-court activities. Having played organized basketball until age 55, we, too, admired the Mt. Rushmore Bible Conference Confirmed July 31, 2023 Bible Conferences & Tabernacles & Updates (That’s my nickname for it; Steve may choose to call it something else.) After conferring with Dr. Stephen Jones regarding the upcoming Tabernacles Congressional Hearing on UAPs (formerly called UFOs) Include Stunning Revelations July 28, 2023 UFOs & UAPs This week there have been Congressional hearings regarding what used to be called UFOs. We concur with the government broadening the term from UFOs Rapid City Tabernacles Conference Update—July 27th July 27, 2023 Bible Conferences & Tabernacles & Updates Both the previously planned venue AND the previously planned dates MAY change. So again, we caution all potential attendees to NOT make any airline Tabernacles Update July 26, 2023 Bible Conferences & Tabernacles & Updates Folks, DO NOT MAKE ANY AIRLINE RESERVATIONS to our (GKM-SKM) prospective city meeting location: Rapid City, SD! We have heard that some have planned Our Constitutional Minute July 25, 2023 Constitution & Politics & Local In one of the local Republican clubs to which I belong, I volunteered to be a member of the Constitution Committee. One of the duties which we three Save the Dates for Tabernacles Conference! July 20, 2023 Bible Conferences & Tabernacles & Updates We are well aware of the pent-up desire of many readers (as well as ourselves) to have another Bible Conference. The last one (if memory serves You Are Being Scammed July 19, 2023 Articles Scams and con jobs have always been with us. (For those readers in Carthagena, Ohio, a “con job” is not necessarily a term referring to a “convict,” Why Does RFK, Jr. “talk funny?” July 18, 2023 RFK & Politics As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. becomes more widely known to voters (as if the Kennedy name were not enough), many people hearing him speak for the first Here’s One (-Oh-Seven) for your perusal this weekend July 14, 2023 Red Pill & 107 & Juan O' Savin This just in from one of our Texas correspondents (and just in time to save me a lot of work, for I have been rushing to get the next lecture done Summer Camp in Idaho for the Cabalista-Mystery Babylonians July 13, 2023 Red Pill & Mystery Babylon The World Economic Forum [WEF] meets annually in Davos, Switzerland to conspire and plan your bleak future…AND many of the same crowd also meet in 107 is “watching the water” (a reference to Q) … on the Nile July 7, 2023 Red Pill & 107 & Juan O' Savin & Q Mr. 107 (Juan O Savin) was cruising on the Nile River when he connected with Ethan Lucas on July 2nd for this interview. Here is the promotional Next page