123 posts

We Are in the “Dead Cat Bounce” Phase—Juan O Savin

This podcast was hosted by Kelli Ann (Boatright) and Matt Geiger on August 23, 2024. I have not heard any of Kelli Ann’s work for years. I always appreciated her gift with the “numbers stuff.” (As contrasted with another host, “Tom Numbers,” who cannot keep his trap shut and
⸱ 2 minutes read

Before Genesis and the Horn Family

We had received this letter several months ago from a sister on our CD Ministry. She informed me on many things she’s observed as detailed below. Much was new to me—such as the relationship of Howell and Horn. I thought it was worth sharing with our readers, especially
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Juan O Savin on Law, Finance, & Property Assets

Being criticized for having no policy proposals, commie Kamala has now proposed two ideas stolen from Trump; vid., no tax on tips and no tax on Social Security benefits. But she did make two proposals of her own (1) raise business taxes to 28%. Hopefully, most Americans realize by now
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Mystery Solved Concerning DHS “Domestic Terrorist #1,” Patrick Byrne

Shortly after we had posted our blog on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, entitled Continuing Ed—Red Pill Course #701—Danger Close, a reader alerted us that the Audible version was mysteriously missing, apparently no longer available. Audible is owned by Amazon. It was mysterious because the hard copy and Kindle
⸱ 1 minute read

SKM Offices Moving!

Here we are in August of 2024. It seems like just yesterday when we were informed in late 2020 by the Babylonian Media (the BM, as we not affectionately call them) that Donald J. Trump had allegedly lost the election to Joseph Robinette Biden. Back then, it seemed like the
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Bragg's Liquid Aminos: Poison?

We found the following article (with the headline above) in one of our library of older publications. That publication has been defunct for a number of years. We have been taking Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar for years; and now we take it every few days. We also have Bragg’
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Feed My Sheep #306

⸱ 12 minutes read

Trump in Asheville Today—False Flag Coming Next Week?

Yours truly will not be in downtown Asheville for the Trump rally today. Been there; done that. It is exciting to be at a Trump appearance. But I am simply not going to spend a whole day or more getting stuck in traffic, going through lines, and then stand, stand,
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Twin Cities Tabernacles Request

In regard to the Bible Conference coming up in October in the Twin Cities, we have received the following request from our friends up in the Golden Gopher state. They sent this to me via email after a telephone conference call asking if I would be willing to help them
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