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Stone Kingdom Ministries
Our grizzly mama bear addresses school board March 6, 2023 Current Events & Education An article in the January 25-31, 2023 print edition of the Epoch Times was entitled “Behind the public school exodus of 1.4 million children.” The Thought for today—and every day February 21, 2023 Freedom & Teachings “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, Communist Chinese spy balloon goes over my house near Asheville and neighboring Henderson County February 6, 2023 China & Current Events & Media …And it went over the homes of millions more of our countrymen last week also. A close friend of ours (and former next-door neighbor) sent me this This is potentially very big! Brunson case is back on the SCOTUS docket February 4, 2023 SCOTUS & Brunson One of our east coast Mighty Network members and correspondents alerted us to this encouraging news. Thank you, dear one! We have verified it at the How Big Pharma, the FDA, CDC, Fauci and the NIH, and their accomplices in the Babylonian Media (BM) executed an attempted global genocide program January 31, 2023 Big Pharma & Health & Media In this brief, but powerful video, we are shown how the scam of the Plandemic was carried out. This mini-documentary focuses on only one (of the Here is a Bible nugget to ponder today—and every day January 27, 2023 Teaching Malachi 3:1 Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, The “Free Market Warrior” speaks January 25, 2023 Government & Politics & Community Yesterday we attended a local Republican luncheon meeting. It was well attended—about 75 were gathered to hear briefly from some local government Good Government Starts in our Marriages Minds and Communities January 19, 2023 Government & Politics & Community Here is a question to pose to friends and associates, but you would probably want to put the question in a gentler manner if you are doing it Our local activities—which have national implications January 10, 2023 Politics & NC & Supreme Court Note: Although we write here of our own personal experiences and the situation in our own state of North Carolina, it is likely to be instructive to Davy Crockett was wrong, part 3 December 29, 2022 Congress & Davy Crockett This is a continuation of the story we began in our post on Tuesday, December 27th. The second of three installments was posted yesterday. This is a Davy Crockett was wrong, part 2 December 28, 2022 Congress & Davy Crockett This is a continuation of the story we began in yesterday’s post. This is a newspaper reporter’s enthralling story of his memorable meeting with the Davy Crockett was wrong, part 1 December 27, 2022 Congress & Davy Crockett Are you old enough to remember this ballad from the 1950s? (Skip ahead in the video and start at 1:20.) If so, then sing along now: “Davy, Davy Sad news: Len Yule December 21, 2022 Updates We have just been informed that Len Yule passed away last night. He was 76. The local coroner ruled it a heart attack. Len and his wife, Barbara, Write a note to SCOTUS! December 13, 2022 Encouragement & SCOTUS & 107 Here is one of the most recent interviews of Mr. 107 explaining the importance of the Brunson brothers’ case at the U. S. Supreme Court. (We have Where did God come from? December 9, 2022 Encouragement Because of time constraints today, I have only this two-minute video to share with you. It concerns time, space, and matter—utterly brilliant! This The amazing sign language of our Father, the “hand of God” being revealed! December 6, 2022 Encouragement & Sign Language & 107 (Non-clickable screenshot) Juan O Savin (Mr. 107) is the guest on Warriors Rise channel, hosted by Jode Lodolce (sp?) and Gerry Foley (Mr. Raspy Brunson brothers’ SCOTUS case isn't about Trump or the election outcome. December 2, 2022 Encouragement & SCOTUS & Brunson This is very encouraging news from Loy Brunson! So much so that I could not leave the link simply sitting there in our Mighty Networks Comments The Brunson brothers’ SCOTUS case—What a God thing! November 29, 2022 Politics & Elections & SCOTUS This is SO exciting!!! (And encouraging!) (Non-clickable screenshot; Loy Brunson in upper left. Mr. 107’s “Trump as matador” jacket and painting in Juan O Savin Drops a BOMBSHELL! November 28, 2022 Politics & Elections & 107 One of the downsides of this wonderful tool called the internet is having to spend time sorting through the ubiquity of click bait to find the Dr. Naomi Wolf - Another prominent woman speaks out boldly for truth! November 1, 2022 Red Pill First, a few notes about this prominent woman. Here are excerpts from the Wikipediaentry about her. As usual, all *emphases* and words in [brackets] Diesel shortage alert for southeastern U.S. from Maryland to Alabama! October 31, 2022 Articles & Current Events This could easily and very rapidly cascade into all the other states in the USA, perhaps excepting Hawaii and Alaska. It is a very serious situation Voter Integrity Group Delivers Demand Letter to BCBOE October 28, 2022 Politics & Election With an early evening event to attend today, we must forego our own personal (i.e., JWB’s) report of similar activities this past week. Although we NCEIT (pronounced In’-sight) October 21, 2022 Politics & Election & NCEIT A couple months ago—give or take—we attended an all-day seminar sponsored by NCEIT (North Carolina Election Integrity Team). There were over 150 PayPal Fiasco Was No Accident October 20, 2022 Articles & PayPal Lord willing, America will never have to experience an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) from a nuclear bomb being exploded in our skies. For those of you Jan. 6 Committee Votes to Subpoena Trump October 14, 2022 Articles & Politics & Election & Trump Anyone who thinks that Donald J. Trump did not foresee this possibility is simply not paying attention. We not only believe DJT (and the white hat How’s that coal-fired Tesla working out for you? October 12, 2022 Articles & Tesla We have relatives who drive matching Teslas. They are a millennial couple, highly educated, and wonderful people. We love them dearly! We would not Canadians Rise Up & Refuse to Comply October 7, 2022 Current Events & Politics Readers will remember the patriotic Canadian truckers last winter who inspired thousands of other Canadian patriots—and patriots in America and Yom Kippur—Day of Atonement October 5, 2022 Current Events & Teaching Today is the Day of Atonement. Let us worship Yahweh, our Creator and our God, in spirit and in truth today (and every day). Here is His law for His My Unbelievable Interview with Biden! September 26, 2022 Humor & Politics Here are two short videos by political humorist JP Today is a Holy Day September 26, 2022 Feast of Trumpets Yesterday evening, we commenced the Feast of Trumpets, known in Hebrew as Rosh Hashanah, literally, the head of the year. Or we Next page