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Stone Kingdom Ministries
Missing facts about Lenin December 14, 2023 History & Politics & Articles This past Tuesday, we posted a blog with two separate topics: one dealing with the communist dictator, Lenin, and the other an interview of Alex Juan O Savin discusses the real wealth of the USA (land and resources) being grabbed by the cabal via the stock market and AI December 13, 2023 Current Events & Red Pill & 107 & Juan O Savin QUOTE: Another shorty with some interesting new ideas. They try to power this through as Juan is going out of the CONUS. SCOTUS and the FED Courts 1. Lenin and the downfall of Russia 2. Tucker Carlson podcast December 12, 2023 Current Events & Politics & Articles Since I was teaching at my usual Tennessee-Georgia circuit (SK Fellowships) this past weekend, yesterday was a day of rest for me. I did not have Some of our local activities for your edification December 7, 2023 Current Events & Politics For purposes of inspiring all our readers, we wish to share good news from our local activities. (Hint: You can enjoy success also. We encourage you Juan O Savin on the art of deception December 5, 2023 Red Pill & 107 & Juan O Savin This is part three of Tom “Numbers’” extended interview with Juan O Savin (107). Here are some of my notes: The art of deception in magic, JFK and the NWO Bloodline Families December 4, 2023 Red Pill & 107 & Juan O Savin We had hoped to post this on our Mighty Network platform this past Saturday, but we spent the better part of the day working on our December Feed My Juan O Savin teaches about magnetism and attraction December 1, 2023 Red Pill & 107 & Juan O Savin Let us say it this way: Tom “Numbers” is not one of our favorite interviewers. For that reason, we advise skipping ahead to about the 26 minute Tucker Carlson interviews Congressman Tim Burchett regarding his committee’s findings on UFOs November 30, 2023 Current Events & Red Pill & UFOs One of our intrepid correspondents sent us a link earlier today with something he knew would pique our interest—and yours. He wrote: QUOTE: Hi, The deep state is running out of options. It had to be this way. November 29, 2023 Current Events & Deep State & Red Pill & X22 We know there are many in our audience who have almost given up hope that the wicked will ever be brought to justice. We certainly sympathize with By eating fast foods, are we unwittingly ingesting contraceptives and various chemicals with terrible side effects? November 28, 2023 Health & Red Pill Our purpose for bringing you this information is summarized in this Scripture. NKJ 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and MTG – DC Is Worse Than You Can Imagine, Swamp Runs Deep, Leverage Is Now Shifting November 27, 2023 Current Events & Politics & Red Pill As a regular observer of the work being done by our servants in the House and Senate in Washington, D. C., we can say with certitude that Marjorie Ivanka Trump's overhaul? November 21, 2023 Current Events That’s the headline in the UK’s Daily Mail online which was posted November 10th. The full story is at this link. Readers may want to take a look at Rural Michigan citizens getting informed and involved—and winning! November 20, 2023 Current Events & Politics —Yeah, go Michigan! Yep, that sincere cheer is from a staunch Buckeye football fan, yours truly. Why am I cheering Michigan, or at least the folks Juan O Savin - "BOMBSHELL - Something Big Is Coming" November 17, 2023 Juan O Savin & 107 & Red Pill Excuse me a moment while I vent concerning this headline which is so typical of so many websites. When everything is a “BOMBSHELL” update (in all A brief snapshot of President Andrew Jackson November 16, 2023 Articles & History & Kingdom Digest The following article is excerpted from an article which we found in our collection of the now-defunct Kingdom Digest. As was and is the case with Trump-hating billionaire Bloomberg gives $500 Million to ‘Finish the Job on Coal’ November 15, 2023 Current Events & Politics & Energy Here are a few excerpts from a story in the Epoch Times dated November 5, 2023. All emphases and comments within [brackets] are ours. QUOTE: Many Did Mark Meadows, Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis betray Donald Trump? November 14, 2023 Current Events & Politics & Trump As the cabal continues to go after President Trump in the four indictment cases, we have seen them also go after many in the upper echelons of Marjorie Taylor Greene resolution would officially declare war against 10 Mexican cartels November 13, 2023 Current Events & Politics Here are a few excerpts from this story without any comments by us except this one: Keep this one in your back pocket, Marjorie, because our friend Juan O Savin shares deep insights on world events—Will the MAGADOR win against the Deep State? November 10, 2023 Juan O Savin & 107 & Red Pill This interview occurred early yesterday morning (November 9th). I skimmed through the first seven minutes where Jaco shows Roseanne Barr’s theatrics More details on the views and values of the Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson November 9, 2023 Current Events & Politics We shared with you previously (October 30, 2023) how encouraged we are by the election of Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson as the new Speaker of A life of faith portrayed in the music of Johann Sebastian Bach November 8, 2023 Music & Faith The following article comes from our collection of the Kingdom Digest, a monthly magazine which was published by First Covenant Church in Irving, Grown-up ‘trans kid’ details horrors of trans surgeries November 7, 2023 Current Events & Health It is easy to condemn the “trans community.” The manifesto of the transgender shooter of nine people, children and adults, at the Nashville Juan O Savin is asked - Is that biblical Israel? November 6, 2023 Juan O Savin & 107 & Red Pill & Israel Rick (the host of Blessed2Teach) interviewed Juan O Savin (107) on November 1st. He begins by bringing up the present Israeli-Hamas conflict, saying People are waking up to the scam of EVs November 3, 2023 Current Events & DOE & EVs In a follow-up to our post on Wednesday regarding the hypocritical pushing of electric vehicles (EVs) by former Michigan Governor and current head More Granholm grandstanding to grab your liberties November 1, 2023 Current Events & Politics & DOE The Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is at it again, this time targeting many more of your home appliances and labor-saving devices. Wow! Mike Johnson is the 45th (not the 118th) Speaker of the House! October 31, 2023 Current Events & Politics & Red Pill Yesterday, our blog discussed the background of the new Speaker of the House and why Mr. Johnson’s elevation to the post of Speaker is a very Our hope springs eternal—buoyed by the new Speaker of the House October 30, 2023 Current Events & Politics Remember when Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House? Nasty Nancy had told many people that she would become President. Her plan was to fully embrace What to expect in the next 12-15 months—The quadrillion $ threat of the Deep State fraudsters October 27, 2023 Current Events & Red Pill & Deep State In this video German lawyer and “truther,” Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, interviews Peter Koenig. We have posted one or more interviews with/by Fuellmich Why would hospitals hide children’s medical information from parents? October 26, 2023 Current Events & Health Earlier this year, our North Carolina Republican-controlled House and Senate passed legislation “barring medical professionals from providing Why are the Rothschilds selling at auction numerous items from their centuries of collecting? October 25, 2023 Current Events & 107 & Juan O Savin & Rothschilds This brief video was evidently recorded last Thursday, October 19th. From the Juan O Savin Presentations website (whoever that is, and we shall not Next page