52 posts

Current Events

Shell Companies Exposed, Trump Just Cut off he Deep State from Intel and Exposed Ukraine

This episode of Dave’s x22 report has some amazing information on numerous topics. The whole episode (#3590, parts a & b) runs 1:38:40, but the best stuff is in part b, so that is linked here. It runs a bit over an hour and considerably less of
⸱ 1 minute read

America at the Crossroads—Juan and Jaco

In recent weeks we have heard much about DJT offering to sign a deal with Ukraine which will help them repay our billions of dollars in aid (and AID) to them. The deal will give us access to share in their abundant rare earth minerals. I wondered why we would
⸱ 4 minutes read

Reflections on Trump’s Address to Congress

Early today I requested comments and observations from a number of close friends regarding President Trump’s address to the joint session of Congress last night. Here are some of their responses, all edited to some degree by me, and some with my comments interspersed within [brackets] or designated by
⸱ 8 minutes read

Microsoft's NEW Quantum Chip is Mind-Blowing! — What Does This Mean?

QUOTE: Microsoft just made what is possibly the biggest announcement in Glenn Beck's lifetime. The company’s new 8-qubit Majorana 1 quantum computing chip could usher in an era of rapid change like mankind has never seen. Glenn explains what makes this technology so game-changing, what a “topological
⸱ 3 minutes read

Has the cabal been eavesdropping on Trump in the Oval Office—again?

Remember our story about the Philadelphia Eagles, the American Eagle plane crash, and the Great Seal (with the eagle) on the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office? We posted it on January 28th; here is the link to our previous blog. Regarding the historic desk, just in the past week,
⸱ 2 minutes read

Is Pope Francis Already Dead? Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on the Situation of the Church and the Papacy

Disclaimer: While we are certain that our regular readers have no need of this disclaimer, there are always visitors to our website, and hence this background information concerning myself is for you. I was born into and raised as a Roman Catholic. I was taught in Catholic elementary schools. As
⸱ 7 minutes read

Kash Patel, New FBI Chief's Viral Speech: 'Worked My Tail Off And Now I Won't...'

After a tough battle getting through his Senate confirmation, Kash Patel was yesterday confirmed (51-49) to be the new head of the FBI. We expect him to do great things to clean it out and restore integrity throughout the agency. Here is a link to a live stream of Kash’
⸱ 2 minutes read

Will Elon Audit The Fed? Texas “Conservative” Exposed

We viewed two complete x22 Reports this weekend. By “complete” I am referring to the fact that Dave at x22 splits his 6-days-a-week reports into parts A and B. Part A is usually much shorter and more focused on the economic and financial aspects of current events. Part B is
⸱ 3 minutes read

No Sign Given but Jonah

This brief clip of a kayaker allegedly being swallowed momentarily by a whale has already gone super-viral. Here are two versions—this first from NBC News and this second version from CBS News. The story of Adrián Simancas’ ordeal with the humpback whale would certainly qualify for a viral video
⸱ 4 minutes read