27 posts


Does the Bible Predict a Future Roman Empire Ruled by THE Antichrist?

In the immediate years after surrendering my life to the Lord Jesus Christ, I was a member of a fundamentalist church in Columbus, Ohio. I immersed myself in studying THE truth of the Bible (as asserted and taught by the fundamentalists) including the basics of baptism, salvation by faith, repentance,
⸱ 9 minutes read

The House of Levi, part 6

Our serialization of the essay by the 20th century British author, Isabel Hill Elder continues below. We have added the map. In this blog, all emphases and comments in [brackets] are mine. Unless within my brackets, all words in (parentheses) are presumably by Ms. Elder. For readers’ convenience, we have
⸱ 7 minutes read

The House of Levi, part 5

Our presentation of the short booklet by the 20th century British author, Isabel Hill Elder continues below. While we have admiration for Ms. Elder’s scholarship, there are certain points herein with which we must make our disagreement known —or at least our questioning of some of her assertions. In
⸱ 9 minutes read

The House of Levi, part 4

We are in the midst of a serialization of the long essay by the 20th century British author, Isabel Hill Elder. In this blog, all emphases and comments in [brackets] are mine. Unless within my brackets, all words in (parentheses), are by Ms. Elder. For readers’ convenience, we have spelled
⸱ 9 minutes read

The House of Levi, part 3

Along with our own commentary, the following is a continuation of the work by Isabel Hill Elder. In this blog, all emphases and comments in [brackets] are mine. Unless within my brackets, all words in (parentheses) are presumably by Ms. Elder. Additionally, we have spelled out the full names of
⸱ 9 minutes read

The House of Levi, part 2

Along with our own commentary, the following is a continuation of the work by Isabel Hill Elder, probably written in the mid-20th century. (The little booklet in our possession is worn and old but contains no date of publication or copyright whatsoever.) In this blog, all emphases and comments in
⸱ 8 minutes read

The House of Levi, part 1

Today we commence sharing with our readers a serialization of a relatively short work by a noted British researcher-author from the 20th century. Her name was Isabel Hill Elder.  She is “known for her works on early British and Celtic history, with a particular focus on religious and mythological elements.
⸱ 5 minutes read

Understanding Spiritual Warfare, part 10

We are nearing the end of our serialization of a small book regarding spiritual gifts and callings. The book was written by a British-Israel minister, Rev. Rupert Thomas, in 1938. We have not edited the material except for style—such as breaking up large paragraphs for legibility on the two-inch
⸱ 5 minutes read

Understanding Spiritual Warfare, part 9

We are continuing our serialization of a small book regarding spiritual gifts and callings. The book was written by a British-Israel minister, Rev. Rupert Thomas, in 1938—just a year before the outbreak of the second world war. This material seems as vitally necessary for the Body of Christ today
⸱ 11 minutes read