Revelation 18: 23 … for by [means of] thy [Mystery Babylon’s] sorceries {Greek: pharmakeia: drugs} were all nations deceived.
Note: All emphases and comments within [brackets] are mine. This is a follow up to our post of this past Monday, which featured the podcast of Tucker Carlson interviewing Calley Means and his sister, Dr. Casey Means.
We were thrilled to find that last night Greg Kelly (a Newsmax TV opinion show host: Greg Kelly Reports at 9 p.m.) had Calley Means as a guest in a segment lasting seven minutes.
In his introduction of Mr. Means, Kelly stated: “I saw the podcast with Tucker. I have already emailed the link to a dozen of my friends… You are absolutely awesome. This is life-changing stuff. It’s BIG stuff.”
As Kelly apologized for only having a few minutes of his show to give Means, Kelly concluded his introduction, “Tell us about…this problem that you have been briefing the President and RFK on.” Kelly clearly was referring to Trump as “the President.”
Calley Means then skillfully synthesized the main facts which our readers of Monday’s blog and viewers of the 135-minute podcast saw elaborated in detail (podcast is linked on our Monday blog).
Means was a lobbyist for the Big Food-Big Pharma complex. Those “giants in the land” have very strong financial motives in keeping people sick. First, they have had their scientists engineer very unhealthy food. They are deliberately engineered to be addictive.
This leads to all kinds of chronic health problems for adults and most of today’s American children. This is where the Big Pharma giants then jump in with the “solution.”
But the solutions offered by Big Pharma (in conjunction with the Big Medicine-Big Insurance complex) never solve the problems; they only “manage” them. Their sorceries {pharmakeia: drugs} keep people sick much of their lives, unable to reach full potential, and lining the pockets of the giants as the people are slowly poisoned to death over a period of decades.
One of the key problems is “corporate capture,” says Calley Means. Patrick Byrne, in his phenomenal exposé, Danger Close, from his familiarity with Wall Street and the financial industry, calls it “regulatory capture.” It’s the same thing.
It describes the revolving door between those who are in top management positions in the Deep State supposedly protecting Americans from various threats but who are bought off, and then slide into a lucrative career outside government into a highly-paid position inside of Big Food and Big Pharma.
“Our food is weaponized,” asserted Means, “I am not joking.”
Asked what Trump could do on Day 1 of a new DJT administration, Calley responded that, first of all, it is now gratifying to see President Trump and Robert (Kennedy, Jr.) “bonding over bringing these big issues back to the conversation.”
So on Day 1 people need to understand that nobody will be dictating to people what to eat. It’s about “getting corruption out of science.” There should be zero conflicts of interest among those serving as regulators of our foods and drugs and the industries they regulate.
“Step one is just getting the science right. Then the policy chips can fall where they may,” Calley concludes.
With such a perceptive understanding of the nature of some of the major problems in America—and how to fix them—we ask that, as the Father ordained that Joseph, the former prisoner of Pharaoh, was elevated to save the Israelites in bondage (and the “world”), that God would have President Trump appoint this young “Joseph,” formerly a “prisoner” of the Big Food-Big Pharma complex, to be an administrator in a Trump 2025 administration. Or RFK could be tasked with this job!
(Personally, we would not support RFK to be president because he is left of center on many issues—the U.S. Constitution being the immovable center of the political spectrum, with God’s law being above that…but I digress.)
Nonetheless, RFK is right on target in identifying many problems that affect our health and our children, and if he is tasked with rectifying the problems in that arena, he can be a great servant of the people as our health and liberties are restored in the years to come.
We suggest one of them be appointed to head the Health and Human Services administration (HHS), and if these following agencies are not already under HHS, then extend the authority to include the FDA, the NIH (with its 30+ agencies—including Fauci’s former prominent and paid-off perch at the NIAID), the CDC, and any other agencies that relate to our health.

Just off the presses, here is the book by the Means team. I shall be ordering a copy posthaste.