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Venom peptides in weight loss drugs, and nicotine in healing “Long COVID” February 20, 2024 Current Events & Health & COVID This is a very recent interview of Dr. Bryan Ardis by Mike Adams, aka, the Health Ranger. It may be as recent as a few days ago, possibly done on An Approach to Treating Long COVID February 16, 2024 Health & COVID 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. In keeping with our frequent Dr. Martin Testifies to European Parliament on Covid Timeline May 26, 2023 COVID & Health This just in from our intrepid correspondent on the east coast. He commented: “I was aware of Dr. [David] Martin’s work on patents. I was not aware Two Stories from which America Can Take Painful Lessons to Heart September 23, 2022 COVID & Health & Articles (P)Resident Faux Joe Bidan “slipped up” (or was it deliberate as he continues to be the pretend president?) in (QUOTE) an interview on “60 Minutes” Continuing COVID craziness shows it was never about the science September 19, 2022 Science & COVID & Vaxxes Here’s a brief article we found in yesterday’s NY Post. It seems as though the NY Post has a serious case of doublemindedness, aka cognitive Dr. Fauci Says Because of Social Media “Misinformation” it’s Difficult to Get Americans to “Adhere” to Authoritarian Covid Measures August 18, 2022 Health & COVID We still have no photo personally taken by yours truly of our beloved CDC 😉, but we are posting this graphic from NPR (of all outlets!) and a story Fauci Says U.S. ‘Pandemic Phase’ Is Over April 27, 2022 Health & COVID & Current Events Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared on the PBS News Hour with Judy Woodruff. Here is the story as it appeared on the PBS News Hour website. Here is a more Dr. Kory’s answer to Dr. Ardis April 19, 2022 Health & Big Pharma & COVID I trust readers detected my caution when I posted links four days ago to Dr. Bryan Ardis’ presentations regarding snake venom. A very highly Seventeen Congressmen file lawsuit against CDC March 16, 2022 Health & Politics & COVID March 14, 2022 This comes from a news release from Congressman Massie’s office. Emphasis mine—JWB. QUOTE: Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) is CDC Finally Admits Cloth Masks Were Always Political Theater March 3, 2022 Health & COVID & Current Events (Suddenly—no masks!) Just in time for Joe Biden’s State of the Union address/debacle, came the discovery by the CDC that masks are no longer The light at the end of the Covid December 16, 2021 Health & COVID I have a few comments at the end of this encouraging opinion piece by Alex Berenson. Here is a photo of Berenson. QUOTE: One way or another, the Exposing the occult corona initiation ritual August 20, 2020 Health & COVID & Big Pharma & Occult A couple of months ago I came across an article which explained how that many aspects of the response to the Coronavirus (CV) are, in fact, part of Does mask confusion = mass confusion? August 19, 2020 COVID & Health & Teachings A week or so ago, a close friend (I will call him Sam to protect his identity) sent me an email with his thoughts on the efficacy of masks vis a vis How big is a virus? August 4, 2020 COVID & Health & Teachings I know that some of my readers live in states where masks are not required by your governor’s executive order. Count your blessings! One of those Science Teacher Explains Why Children SHOULD Wear Face Masks August 3, 2020 Health & COVID Okay, friends (and browsers—future friends)…this just in. Watch this brief video now, before YouTube censors it (removes it). It is less than 5 Are you “Mask Exempt?” July 20, 2020 COVID & Health & Occult As some governors—mostly Dems—clamp down harder and supposedly “order” everyone to wear masks, I notice that people without masks are becoming