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Mr. 107 - Be Prepared for the Unexpected! July 6, 2024 Red Pill & 107 & Juan O Savin For your holiday weekend enlightenment (courtesy of Jaco) and entertainment (courtesy of Nino’s antics) 😎, this first offering was recorded We Are Watching a Movie-Ten Proofs June 21, 2024 Red Pill & Q This past week we received an email from our good friend, Ray (of Light, our nickname for him), from Pennsylvania. He included links to a two-part Juan O Savin - The Way Ahead—Years to Rebuild June 14, 2024 Red Pill & Juan O Savin & 107 We have had an extraordinarily busy week, with little time to view podcasts. But our friend, Texas Pat, sent along these two parts of a June 6 495,000 Sealed Indictments—Wa-a-a-ay more than normal! June 3, 2024 Red Pill & Current Events & Politics Remember, as Q often said, “you’re watching a show,” and Juan O Savin (Mr. 107) confirms it by sometimes telling listeners to “get your popcorn 17-17-17 (i.e., Q cubed!) May 21, 2024 Red Pill & 107 & Juan O Savin Writeside Blonde is conducting her 107th interview on the 17th of the month, this one, appropriately, with Mr. 107. This was sent to us by one of Ten Days Of Darkness and How Might It Go May 20, 2024 Red Pill & 107 & Juan O Savin This is only about 26 minutes in length, but very important for all of U.S. and Juan expounds why. This is one major reason why we have been Have we talked about this weird “coincidence?” May 17, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill In the past week or so, the media suddenly learned (and told us all immediately) that Barron Trump had been selected to be a delegate to the The Storm is Coming May 16, 2024 Red Pill We know that among our red-pilled readers, the quotation above will ring a bell. It was spoken by President Trump early in his first term, while in Juan O Savin on how the Black Swan event is commencing with financial crises in Japan May 15, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill & 107 Nino interviews/interrupts Juan an aggravating number of times as Juan holds forth from a boat off the coast of Japan. (But I am trying to remember Thunderball and No Time to Die-007 and 107 May 13, 2024 Red Pill & Current Events & 107 We begin with reference to our post last Friday concerning Juan O Savin’s discussion with James Grundvig, and how Mr. 107 casually mentioned a Juan O Savin discussing - Where are we now? DRAIN IT! May 10, 2024 Red Pill & 107 & Juan O Savin Several people sent us a link to this recent interview of Juan O Savin. I agree with the comments from one of our correspondents who wrote this: Kash Patel – The House is too Rotten. It Must be Cleaned, Trump Can Drain the Swamp May 1, 2024 Politics & Red Pill & X22 This is very fresh; just posted today. Kash gives clarity to many of the events happening daily, including the cabal-funded protests on college What’s on Juan’s Mind Today? Weekend Bonus - SG Anon April 26, 2024 Red Pill & 107 & Juan O Savin Did you ever think about what it would be like to be in the upper echelons of the cabal? As we learn more and more via red pill educators online Nesara / Gesara Debunked? Clarified? April 22, 2024 Red Pill & 107 & Juan O Savin John Michael Chambers queries Juan in this episode from last Thursday concerning the following and more: NESARA / GESARA defined — A “feather Devin Nunes—The Deep State Trying to Destroy TruthSocial Because it’s the People’s Voice—We Are Winning April 19, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill & Deep State QUOTE: Devin Nunes is the CEO of the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG). Devin begins the conversation talking about Truth Social on how the Juan O Savin Discusses Big Changes Happening. Are You Prepared? April 12, 2024 Red Pill & Juan O Savin & 107 For your weekend enlightenment, we offer this recent interview of Juan O Savin (Mr. 107) on the “His Glory” program. There were several “Juan talks” A Tale of Two States, part 3 April 3, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill Okay, we’re busted 😎—because yesterday we titled the blog “part 2 of 2.” But since then, we have discovered more good news from the red state of A Tale of Two States, part 2 of 2 April 2, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill Yesterday’s blog was some bad news from a state where there are many wonderful people (including some of my family members), but their state A Tale of Two States April 1, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill War on food is spreading in U.S. through land-use restrictions, geoengineering and waves of propaganda I wish this were an April Fools’ Day spoof, Was the Baltimore Bridge Collapse a False Flag, a “Black Swan” Event? March 28, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill Gen. Michael Flynn, Mr. 107 (Juan O Savin), and others have said just such a thing would happen. Is this it? We have compiled this batch of stories Uncensored—The National Security State & the Inversion of Democracy March 26, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill & Politics Our Mighty Network blogging platform does not allow content producers (me) to do a “scratch-through” of the text in a headline. If the MN formatting Alina Habba – We are witnessing election interference at the highest level. March 19, 2024 Current Events & Politics & Red Pill We are glad that Trump has keen, top-tier professionals such as Alina Habba assisting him through the “lawfare” attempts to destroy him …and to Juan O Savin—Because IT must be SAID March 15, 2024 Juan O Savin & Current Events & Red Pill This just in from our trusted correspondent in Georgia. I have not had time to watch it all yet, but will get to it this weekend. I did get past the Tina Peters & 107—Undeniable Proof—How They Stole The 2020 Election March 14, 2024 Politics & Red Pill & 107 & Juan O Savin Juan is on the show for only the first few minutes setting the stage for Tina. We ourselves (and we are sure that many of our readers) have been Item 1 - Mr. 107 discussing the Rothschilds, Sen. McConnell, and much more. Item 2 - James (B.) sharing local activities. March 6, 2024 Current Events & 107 & Red Pill Upon the news of the recent death of Jacob Rothschild, James Grundvig begins this interview with Juan O Savin by showing a clip from German Juan discusses Antarctica, breakaway civilizations, flat earth, the other physics, and more March 1, 2024 Juan O Savin & 107 & Red Pill First, we offer a few of the dozens of bullet points we made, but we need not put them all here. This should be sufficient. Regarding breakaway Lara Logan exposes corporate media-government collusion February 29, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill This is from Dr. Robert Malone’s Substack platform. QUOTE: [Notice: A threat to Freedom and the Republic; not a democracy!—JWB] ROBERT W MALONE MD, How Propagandists Co-Opted ‘Fact-Checkers’ and the Press to Control the Information Landscape, part three February 26, 2024 Articles & Red Pill Here is the third and final portion of an interview of Ms. Sharyl Attkisson conducted by Mr. Jan Jekeliek of Epoch Times TV. We posted part two last How Propagandists Co-Opted ‘Fact-Checkers’ and the Press to Control the Information Landscape, part two February 23, 2024 Articles & Red Pill Here is part two of three of an interview of Sharyl Attkisson conducted by Mr. Jan Jekeliek of Epoch Times TV. We posted part one yesterday. QUOTE: How Propagandists Co-Opted ‘Fact-Checkers’ and the Press to Control the Information Landscape, part one. February 22, 2024 Articles & Red Pill We assume that most of our readers have heard that Catherine Herridge was fired from CBS News recently. That is not surprising since she was one of The reason Juan is in Antarctica – Interviewed by Shemane (Mrs. Ted) Nugent February 21, 2024 Current Events & 107 & Juan O Savin & Red Pill Why is Iran now claiming to have a part of Antarctica? In our view it is to let the world know that they (Iran) know what is going on down there in The Truth about Ukraine - Col Douglas Macgregor February 15, 2024 Politics & Red Pill We are still able to keep up with reading almost all the comments of our readers on our Mighty Network (MN) platform, but we quickly add that Who really won the 2020 election? February 14, 2024 Politics & Red Pill This morning, we found a video in our Epoch Times online edition, posted yesterday, which is available only to subscribers. However, not to worry, Juan O Savin in Antarctica February 13, 2024 Juan O Savin & 107 & Red Pill This email and link came while I was gone. Good morning, James, I know this is your lecture weekend but I thought I would drop you a quick note. You The main show is coming—Juan O Savin February 5, 2024 Juan O Savin & 107 & Red Pill We had not heard or seen any brand new interviews of Juan O Savin in some time. No wonder; he’s been in Argentina. Wonder what he’s doing down High level trafficking and financial whistleblower shot in D.C. January 31, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill As I turned on the news late this afternoon, I heard a breaking news story on Newsmax that is very relevant to all who are red pilled. Here is the The race is not to the Swift… January 30, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill & X22 Ecclesiastes 9:11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift… In a prophetic passage predicting judgment upon Egypt (the Defending your soul against deadly weapons of mass DISTRACTION January 26, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill In yesterday’s post, regarding Dr. Robert Malone’s column on Substack entitled “Cognitive Warfare—Targeting your Subconscious,” we closed our Hacking the human brain - the techno-psycho-war raging against our souls! January 25, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill & Transhumanism The realm of the soul includes the mind, the will, and the emotions. The mind includes both the conscious and the subconscious levels. We explained Nikki Haley and the Comets (Her fake star is being extinguished!) January 23, 2024 Current Events & Politics & Red Pill As we watched Donald J. Trump’s speech last Saturday night at his rally in Manchester, NH, we scribbled a page full of notes. Were time not an John McCain’s Mob Connections January 17, 2024 Red Pill & Politics & Q We met the author, Michael Collins Piper, many years ago—it may have been back in the late 1980s when he was still with the Spotlight newspaper. Kerry Cassidy and Mike Jaco discuss - Are White Hat operations and their front man Trump about to get left behind by We the People? January 13, 2024 Red Pill & Current Events The headline is misleading. We were expecting both of them to team up and cast a lot of bad comments toward attacking Juan O Savin. Turns out not to UFO and creature story for our collective (body of Christ) discernment January 9, 2024 UFOs & Current Events & Red Pill This came across our desk yesterday. The immediate source is the Rumor Mill News website, with which we have been familiar for probably about two Juan O Savin on the Elohim as God or gods and space aliens December 27, 2023 Red Pill & 107 & Juan O Savin True to form, Juan is always reluctant to say anything negative about someone he feels he can learn from, and thus his comments about Clif (that’s Devin Nunes on X22—It Has Begun, The Message Was Sent, Obama Is Forcing Biden Out, Right On Schedule December 22, 2023 Current Events & X22 & Red Pill For this holiday weekend, we leave you with this interview of Devin Nunes, the former Californian Congressman who, under the Republican majority, Juan O Savin detailing where we are now December 20, 2023 Red Pill & Juan O Savin & 107 We praise God for our regular correspondents/field reporters who send us links—often along with their comments—concerning a given podcast. For it is Juan O Savin discusses the real wealth of the USA (land and resources) being grabbed by the cabal via the stock market and AI December 13, 2023 Current Events & Red Pill & 107 & Juan O Savin QUOTE: Another shorty with some interesting new ideas. They try to power this through as Juan is going out of the CONUS. SCOTUS and the FED Courts Juan O Savin on the art of deception December 5, 2023 Red Pill & 107 & Juan O Savin This is part three of Tom “Numbers’” extended interview with Juan O Savin (107). Here are some of my notes: The art of deception in magic, JFK and the NWO Bloodline Families December 4, 2023 Red Pill & 107 & Juan O Savin We had hoped to post this on our Mighty Network platform this past Saturday, but we spent the better part of the day working on our December Feed My Juan O Savin teaches about magnetism and attraction December 1, 2023 Red Pill & 107 & Juan O Savin Let us say it this way: Tom “Numbers” is not one of our favorite interviewers. For that reason, we advise skipping ahead to about the 26 minute Tucker Carlson interviews Congressman Tim Burchett regarding his committee’s findings on UFOs November 30, 2023 Current Events & Red Pill & UFOs One of our intrepid correspondents sent us a link earlier today with something he knew would pique our interest—and yours. He wrote: QUOTE: Hi, The deep state is running out of options. It had to be this way. November 29, 2023 Current Events & Deep State & Red Pill & X22 We know there are many in our audience who have almost given up hope that the wicked will ever be brought to justice. We certainly sympathize with By eating fast foods, are we unwittingly ingesting contraceptives and various chemicals with terrible side effects? November 28, 2023 Health & Red Pill Our purpose for bringing you this information is summarized in this Scripture. NKJ 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and MTG – DC Is Worse Than You Can Imagine, Swamp Runs Deep, Leverage Is Now Shifting November 27, 2023 Current Events & Politics & Red Pill As a regular observer of the work being done by our servants in the House and Senate in Washington, D. C., we can say with certitude that Marjorie Juan O Savin - "BOMBSHELL - Something Big Is Coming" November 17, 2023 Juan O Savin & 107 & Red Pill Excuse me a moment while I vent concerning this headline which is so typical of so many websites. When everything is a “BOMBSHELL” update (in all Juan O Savin shares deep insights on world events—Will the MAGADOR win against the Deep State? November 10, 2023 Juan O Savin & 107 & Red Pill This interview occurred early yesterday morning (November 9th). I skimmed through the first seven minutes where Jaco shows Roseanne Barr’s theatrics Juan O Savin is asked - Is that biblical Israel? November 6, 2023 Juan O Savin & 107 & Red Pill & Israel Rick (the host of Blessed2Teach) interviewed Juan O Savin (107) on November 1st. He begins by bringing up the present Israeli-Hamas conflict, saying Wow! Mike Johnson is the 45th (not the 118th) Speaker of the House! October 31, 2023 Current Events & Politics & Red Pill Yesterday, our blog discussed the background of the new Speaker of the House and why Mr. Johnson’s elevation to the post of Speaker is a very What to expect in the next 12-15 months—The quadrillion $ threat of the Deep State fraudsters October 27, 2023 Current Events & Red Pill & Deep State In this video German lawyer and “truther,” Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, interviews Peter Koenig. We have posted one or more interviews with/by Fuellmich Truth about Ivermectin—To preserve and restore liberty in the months ahead October 4, 2023 Health & Red Pill We are about 13 months out from the next presidential election. We fully expect the Dems, the deep state, the cabal, the Mystery Babylonians to once JUAN O SAVIN-Technology EBS, Towers, Wuhan, Crypto October 3, 2023 107 & Juan O Savin & Red Pill It is early afternoon and we just received a link to this interview yesterday by Mel Carmine with Juan O Savin. We are switching horses to post this Juanito — “5 Months To Defeat Biden?” September 28, 2023 107 & Juan O Savin & Red Pill & Politics As we had hoped for, here is a short interview with Juan O Savin weighing in with his opinion on the meaning of Trump’s deliberate (or was it a The Greatest Show on Earth (2023) September 19, 2023 Trump & Red Pill QUOTE: This powerful documentary from Good Lion Films, produced and written by Nick Alvear, shares the Cabal takedown from the 2016 election, to the Good stuff from Dr. Jan Halper September 15, 2023 Red Pill One of our Texas correspondents sent us his quick take on this interview by Steve Schultz at Elijah List with Dr. Jan Halper, the American ex-pat Juan O Savin—Traitors selling out America—The coming counterpunch September 13, 2023 107 & Juan O Savin & Red Pill (Non-clickable screenshot) We made these few bullet point notes while watching Mr. 107 being interviewed by Nino which was posted on September 5. Derek Johnson on how Trump and the Military Put Together a 7-Year Plan; The Plan Is Operational August 30, 2023 Red Pill & Trump & Plan Our friend, Allen Snow—who joins with us when he can at our SKF-Tennessee, and whom some of you know from his having been a teacher at some of our JUAN O SAVIN-Missed Connections-Dr. Jan Halper-NINO 8 24 2023 August 28, 2023 Juan O Savin & 107 & Red Pill We have watched this interview with Juan and Dr. Halper. It’s not that long and worth a listen. Juan uses the term “pause,” but as the blog-poster Juan O Savin at the Open the Heavens—Let God Arise Event in Chicago August 23, 2023 Juan O Savin & 107 & Red Pill QUOTE: This is the PRESENTATION that Juan O Savin did at the OPEN THE HEAVENS- LET GOD ARISE Event from Chicago on AUGUST 19 2023. Meri Crouley Two interviews with Juan O Savin on the truth about Richard Nixon August 18, 2023 Juan O Savin & 107 & Red Pill This interview occurs with Juan visiting the Richard Milhous Nixon Presidential Library and Birthplace in California. It “features” Nino’s obnoxious Juan O Savin on the Nixon-Trump Connection and Other Intriguing Facts August 17, 2023 Juan O Savin & 107 & Red Pill This short interview of Juan O Savin by Field McConnell is extraordinary information—mostly historical, concerning Richard Milhous Nixon’s career Dr. Sherry Tenpenny interviews Juan O Savin about the Arkansas story August 15, 2023 Juan O Savin & 107 & Red Pill She, too, is a courteous host which makes the podcast a joy to listen to, in terms of ease of listening. Of course, dealing with certain subject Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes eviscerates British TV news hosts with Truth bombs! August 8, 2023 Politics & Red Pill & Trump Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes is an American expatriate living in Great Britain and is an activist in Republicans Overseas. She was part of Trump’s Here’s One (-Oh-Seven) for your perusal this weekend July 14, 2023 Red Pill & 107 & Juan O' Savin This just in from one of our Texas correspondents (and just in time to save me a lot of work, for I have been rushing to get the next lecture done Summer Camp in Idaho for the Cabalista-Mystery Babylonians July 13, 2023 Red Pill & Mystery Babylon The World Economic Forum [WEF] meets annually in Davos, Switzerland to conspire and plan your bleak future…AND many of the same crowd also meet in 107 is “watching the water” (a reference to Q) … on the Nile July 7, 2023 Red Pill & 107 & Juan O' Savin & Q Mr. 107 (Juan O Savin) was cruising on the Nile River when he connected with Ethan Lucas on July 2nd for this interview. Here is the promotional Juan O Savin and the Symbolism of the Green Man July 6, 2023 Red Pill & 107 & Juan O' Savin What is a “Green Man?” A little “man” from Mars? A male who is a radical environmentalist? (such as “Resident” Joe Buy-den or a female version How Elites Will Create a New Class of Slaves—Whitney Webb with Glenn Beck June 30, 2023 Red Pill & Glenn Beck & Whitney Webb From the podcast promo, QUOTE: Journalist Whitney Webb has worked to uncover some of the most dangerous stories of our lifetime, and she joins Glenn “Sound of Freedom” with Jim Caviezel and Devin Nunes June 27, 2023 Red Pill & Trafficking No longer are the revelations of the nefarious activities of the satanic cabal coming out in drip, drip, drip fashion. The film is part of the Give this your utmost attention - Juan O Savin and Mike Gill—How to win the game? June 26, 2023 Red Pill & Juan O' Savin & 107 This is huge! According to Mr. Gill and Juan O Savin, this is taking “the game” to another and much higher level, to Casino Royale, to use 107’s The Great Voice of Mystery Babylon, part 3 June 22, 2023 Mystery Babylon & Red Pill This set of essays is based on my lecture given in December 2019 which is entitled: Decoding the Parable of the (Inter-) Net, part 2. (That lecture The Great Voice of Mystery Babylon, part 2 June 21, 2023 Mystery Babylon & Red Pill New readers should please see yesterday’s blog for part 1 and Monday’s blog (June 19th) for context, a preview of these several essay-blogs, and the The Great Voice of Mystery Babylon June 20, 2023 Mystery Babylon & Red Pill In yesterday’s blog we posted an interview of former Congressman Devin Nunes who is now the CEO of the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG). We Devin Nunes – Plumbers Have Infiltrated the Country, Investigators Need to be Investigating June 19, 2023 X22 & Red Pill We recommend our readers hear/view this podcast interview by “Dave Episode” (of the X22 Reports channel) with his guest, the former California Dr. Naomi Wolf - Another prominent woman speaks out boldly for truth! November 1, 2022 Red Pill First, a few notes about this prominent woman. Here are excerpts from the Wikipediaentry about her. As usual, all *emphases* and words in [brackets] Juan O’ Savin - the current Q drops are fake! July 19, 2022 Red Pill & 107 & Q First, the good news. This encouraging and brief talk by Juan runs about 31 minutes. The following is a summary of notes compiled by others 12 Worst Endocrine Disruptors and How to Avoid Them July 12, 2022 Health & Red Pill Our long-time friend, the late Doug Evers, founded and owned a small food supplement business, wholesaling to health food stores, and providing Biden eats pizza with US soldiers in Poland March 25, 2022 Current Events & Politics & Red Pill Story from Independent News (from the UK): QUOTE: President Biden sat down to eat pizza with troops from the 82nd Airborne division, after landing Georgia Guidestones - World War III goals etched in granite! December 1, 2021 Mystery Babylon & Red Pill We are at war! I mean that literally. Millions are now awakening to that truth, but millions more are only now beginning to stir. The war is global Who is George Soros? January 17, 2020 Red Pill & Politics In some of my Bible lectures over the years, I have mentioned the name of George Soros and I have shown some of the fruit of his machinations in the