
Will the Supreme Court Move the Case to the Military for Tribunals?

This is an excellent primer for persons new to this case. Symbolically, we suggest that our heavenly Father has several trump” cards in His hand: (1) the Trump family and (2) the Brothers Brunson, trumpeters extraordinaire!

Corinthians 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Our thanks to one of our correspondents in Texas for alerting us to this podcast. Here are his comments, followed by a synopsis of the video.

QUOTE: Hi James, I watched/listened to John Michael Chambers interview of Loy Brunson. Boy, probably the best interview of Loy regarding his case that I’ve seen. While the information Loy talks about is not all that new to those of us who have been following it, he is given enough time and no interruptions to go from the beginning, as the case was initiated, to where the case is currently.

It is suggested that one of the actions the court could take is to move it to the military court for tribunals. It’s an excellent review with some new information. Loy does discuss the other options that the supreme Court has with this case.

And quite frankly, any one of them is a victory—outside of it being dismissed entirely, of course. However, I don’t think that’s an option since it probably would have occurred already.

Loy also talks about the Federal Reserve and some different things that I really wasn’t aware of and some educational videos you have probably seen. The portion about the Fed is at the end but well worth the wait, I think. This just sheds more light on how things can not only be fixed but how all the injustices that have occurred can actually be rectified.

Get your dancing shoes on!! The Father blesses your recreational time as well everything else you commit to! Blessings to the whole team! END QUOTE

QUOTE: Loy Brunson with his trumpet playing Brothers appeared on over 60 national TV shows including appearances with Johnny Carson and President Ronald Reagan. Loy made US Supreme Court history with the first emergency appeal ever filed with SCOTUS from someone representing themself without a lawyer.

Loy’s federal lawsuit against Joe Biden and 387 other government officials is considered to be the most powerful case ever brought to the Supreme court.

He is also the author of a pocket-size Constitution book that is the first to show the power clause” that defines and prohibits socialism, plus much more.

- Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley and 147 members of Congress plead to pause the allowable 10 days before certification in 2020. This was denied and this is the premise of the Brunson case.

- Loy explains the process and the hurdles he endured within the system to get the case to the Supreme Court

- Petition kick off brain child of Juan O Savin

- President Trump supported the petition

- The Federal Reserve exposed in a letter to Congress to repatriate the funds and the wealth back to the American people

- Support the letter writing campaign to end the Fed at loybrunson.com

- Pick up copies of the pocket-size Constitution book that is the first to show the power Clause that defines and prohibits socialism, plus much more

- Powers of the Supreme Court and powers of the plaintiff discussed

- Supreme Court can move the powers to a military tribunal! END QUOTE

Here is the link to the podcast which runs 58:02.


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