Stone Kingdom Ministries
Jesus Pleads for Americans We discovered the following article in our shelves of old magazines. In light of our recent blogs with Juan O Savin giving the revelation of the July 25, 2024 Articles
Jesus Pleads for Americans July 25, 2024 Articles We discovered the following article in our shelves of old magazines. In light of our recent blogs with Juan O Savin giving the revelation of the A Prayer Lesson from the King of Humor July 24, 2024 Prayer & Teaching No, I am not referring to Don Rickles, Ray Romano, or any other human being whose antics tickle our funny bone. I am referring to the inventor of The Phantom of the Operatic Climax—Nessun Dorma! July 23, 2024 Current Events & Trump We are very excited to have two podcasts to share with you! This despite the fact they came from Nino 🙄. Of course, it is the information Juan O Were Bush, Cheney, and Others Expecting the Assassination of DJT? July 19, 2024 Current Events & Trump The story from theGatewayPundit was headlined this way. (We inserted the word in brackets to make it say what we believe they meant to say.) Here Evidence of a Conspiracy to Assassinate Trump? July 18, 2024 Articles & Trump Our own comments are after this article. QUOTE: This is wild. The firm that took the suspicious and enormous bet against President Trump’s Truth President Trump and Biblical Typology July 17, 2024 Teachings & Trump Many Christians who are now waking up have heard that “Trump is Cyrus.” This is not to be understood literally, of course, such that Trump is a How Conventions Work—James at the NCGOP Convention, part 2 July 16, 2024 Current Events & Politics This being the week of the Republican National Convention—about which we can opine much—we are choosing instead to perhaps help readers who are not Reflections on the Attempted Assassinations of President Trump and President Andrew Jackson July 15, 2024 Current Events & Trump & Politics Readers may recall that we blogged (more than once) months and years ago about how Trump sent many signals of his intent to drive out the The Milwaukee RNC and James at the NC Convention July 12, 2024 Current Events & Politics In a few days, the Republican National Convention (RNC) will commence in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Beginning on Sunday, July 14th, thousands of Skinwalker Ranch and Beyond July 11, 2024 UAPs & UFOs & Media There is a ranch located in northeastern Utah that has been the site of weird happenings for a long time. The pre-Columbian Americans who live there Former Biden Stenographer Claims Biden Blackmailed Obama with Threats of Exposing Former President’s Alleged Homosexual Affairs July 10, 2024 Current Events & Politics The political atmosphere is really churning up into a storm in full speed mode now as this story just surfaced in the Gateway Pundit. Hmmm…where More Information on the Twin Cities Tabernacles Conference July 9, 2024 Bible Conferences & Updates Dr. Stephen E. Jones has just posted some further information on the October Tabernacles Conference, including Reservations details. At one point Sunday Preparedness Drill July 8, 2024 Current Events Normally Sunday is my day of rest. I look forward to simply setting aside my regular duties and just simply rest. On the weekend of my monthly Mr. 107 - Be Prepared for the Unexpected! July 6, 2024 Red Pill & 107 & Juan O Savin For your holiday weekend enlightenment (courtesy of Jaco) and entertainment (courtesy of Nino’s antics) 😎, this first offering was recorded Did the Supreme Court Just Dispense a Death Blow to a Major Component of the Beast? July 3, 2024 Current Events & Politics Can you think of a handful of humble fishermen who lived about 2,000 years ago, whose work ultimately changed the course of human history? We cannot The Divinity of Christ, part 21 — The Grande Finale July 2, 2024 Divinity of Christ & Teaching We could go on in this blog series for many more posts, piling up proof after proof after proof, but I believe that what has been set forth in these The Sting Continues—A Rosy Weekend June 28, 2024 Current Events & Politics After watching the debate last night, I stayed up until well after midnight watching the pundits on CNN and Newsmax—switching from one to the other, Exciting News—Mark Your Calendar! June 27, 2024 Updates & Bible Conferences Yes, even though we had a Conference last fall near Mt. Rushmore, we have all been eagerly awaiting another “family” reunion—the “family” being The Divinity of Christ, part 20 June 26, 2024 Divinity of Christ & Teaching In a theologically related topic to the deity of Christ are the many theophanies found in the Old Testament. Let us now look at two examples of what Civic Activities Report June 25, 2024 June 25, 2024 Current Events & Politics I have just returned to my office from our monthly Henderson County Republican Women’s Club luncheon meeting. Men are gladly received as Associate Prayer is Power June 24, 2024 Prayer & Teaching As an interlude between my first four essays (blogs) concerning prayer, and my original essays to come, we offer this from the archives of our We Are Watching a Movie-Ten Proofs June 21, 2024 Red Pill & Q This past week we received an email from our good friend, Ray (of Light, our nickname for him), from Pennsylvania. He included links to a two-part “…a Threat to Our Democracy!” June 19, 2024 Politics & Teaching Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to The Divinity of Christ, part 19 June 18, 2024 Divinity of Christ & Teaching This will be probably be the penultimate blog in our series on the divinity of Christ. We have been showing in numerous ways a multitude of biblical The Divine Promise of Your Bodily Resurrection June 17, 2024 Articles & Teaching We hope you are blessed by this study of one of the fundamental doctrines of our Christian faith—the resurrection of your body. It was written by Juan O Savin - The Way Ahead—Years to Rebuild June 14, 2024 Red Pill & Juan O Savin & 107 We have had an extraordinarily busy week, with little time to view podcasts. But our friend, Texas Pat, sent along these two parts of a June 6 The Divinity of Christ, part 18 June 13, 2024 Divinity of Christ & Teaching We left off last time in Isaiah 40, and we shall return there shortly, but first, let us examine a passage in John, chapter 7. John 7:37 In the last How to Pray, part 4 June 12, 2024 Teaching & Prayer As we are talking about the mechanics of prayer, this leads us to Jesus’ instructions on how to pray. In the gospel of Matthew, chapter 5, we find An Astonishing VP Choice “Forced” on Trump? June 11, 2024 Current Events & Politics Back in March this year when Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced his pick for his Vice-Presidential running mate, the Democrats panicked. He had picked Flying High Lately? Or is it too risky? June 10, 2024 Current Events & Articles No, we are not referring to using drugs, but to air travel. Have you flown on commercial airlines lately? I try to avoid it unless there is no
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