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The Means to an End (of the Sorcerers of Mystery Babylon the Great) August 28, 2024 Mystery Babylon & Teachings Revelation 18: 23 … for by [means of] thy [Mystery Babylon’s] sorceries {Greek: pharmakeia: drugs} were all nations deceived. Note: All emphases and Christian-Israel Teachers of a Past Generation August 7, 2024 Teachings & Articles We forgot to post this photograph in our blog which featured an essay by Pastor Curtis Clair Ewing. This picture was snapped at a Bible Conference Futurism vs. Historicism in Eschatology August 5, 2024 Teachings & Articles The following Bible essay comes from the pen of Pastor Curtis Clair Ewing who was one of the premiere teachers of our Christian-Israelite identity Reclaiming Everything for Our Father and His Kingdom August 2, 2024 Current Events & Teachings Suddenly we (I) have many metaphorical fires to put out on this lovely Friday here in WNC (Western North Carolina). Which is to say that we only President Trump and Biblical Typology July 17, 2024 Teachings & Trump Many Christians who are now waking up have heard that “Trump is Cyrus.” This is not to be understood literally, of course, such that Trump is a A lesson in discernment—seeing through misinformation and disinformation September 26, 2023 Language & Teachings Back on June 15th, we posted a blog explaining the difference between disinformation and misinformation. If that is not clear for some readers, here Thought for today—and every day February 21, 2023 Freedom & Teachings “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, Does mask confusion = mass confusion? August 19, 2020 COVID & Health & Teachings A week or so ago, a close friend (I will call him Sam to protect his identity) sent me an email with his thoughts on the efficacy of masks vis a vis How big is a virus? August 4, 2020 COVID & Health & Teachings I know that some of my readers live in states where masks are not required by your governor’s executive order. Count your blessings! One of those