
President Trump and Biblical Typology

Many Christians who are now waking up have heard that Trump is Cyrus.” This is not to be understood literally, of course, such that Trump is a reincarnation of the literal King Cyrus who took down the ancient Babylonian empire.

Even some Jews in the Israeli state saw Trump as a modern King Cyrus.” They even issued a commemorative coin with the heads of Trump and Cyrus embossed upon it. Not surprisingly, the coin was used to raise funds for building the so-called Third Temple.”

The point is that millions of people (Christians and non-Christians alike) are familiar with seeing Trump as a modern type of King Cyrus. We agree, he certainly is. But we have a very different interpretation of how Donald J. Trump (DJT) is manifesting as a latter-day Cyrus.

The Israelis who issued the commemorative coin attached it to the fact that Trump moved the American embassy back to Jerusalem. I’m scratching my head on that one.

We see it from a very precise parallel to the biblical story of the fall of ancient Babylon to the armies of the Medes and Persians under the leadership of Cyrus. And since, to this day, it is still only a small percentage of people who have any understanding of modern Mystery Babylon, we offered some help to fill that knowledge gap.

We have given 69 lectures on the subject of Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom. These lectures are available as a set of CD albums. Click here for a description and further details.

In the years since 2015 when DJT rode down the escalator in Trump Tower to announce his candidacy for the presidency, I have made notes of various other biblical persons to whom it seems Trump can also be likened, but I have heard very few of these ever mentioned.

So here is my list with only a few notes, to help get your wheels turning. Trump can be seen as:

In the years since 2015 when DJT rode down the escalator in Trump Tower to announce his candidacy for the presidency, I have made notes of various other biblical persons to whom it seems Trump can also be likened, but I have heard very few of them ever mentioned.

So here is my list with only a few notes, to help get your wheels turning Trump can be seen as:

  • Isaac. Who was willing to sacrifice himself, and at the last second, as he was at the point of being sacrificed by his father, Abraham, the angel stopped him.

Did an angel of God cause the Trump of God” to turn his head at the last second? DJT has often reminded us how he is standing in the way,” and that he is willing to take all the slings and arrows” for us. He is a modern Isaac.

But then Abraham saw a ram in the thicket, and it was sacrificed instead of Isaac. The brave Trump supporter in the bleachers behind Trump who shielded his family and lost his life was the ram in the thicket” of the crowd of Trump supporters.

His name is Corey D. Comperatore, age 50, which is the number associated in the Bible with the feast of Pentecost. It is also the number signifying the reset of the national economy, the declaration of the Jubilee every 50th year.

  • Jacob-Israel: Jacob had a spiritual conversion when he wrestle with the angel all night. We have just seen what appears to be a different man in the changed countenance of Donald John Trump as he appeared at the Milwaukee Convention on Monday evening.
  • Judah. The lion of Judah, a warrior.
  • Joseph. The administrator of Egypt, symbolizing the world. DJT is a superb administrator, first of his global business empire, and soon as perhaps leading the world for/with Jesus into the Kingdom.

Also, the recent near death of DJT occurred in Butler. This reminds us of the story of Joseph in the dungeon and the fates of the baker and the butler. But remember, death in the Old Testament can become life in the New Testament. The baker was hung but the butler was restored to his place of honor in service to the Pharaoh.

  • Moses. Leading us out of Egypt (the ungodly world system)
  • Joshua. Leading us into the Promised Land (a new birth of liberty in America)
  • King David. The warrior-king, lion of Judah. A no-nonsense Commander-in-Chief who wiped out ISIS in weeks, and took out the chief terrorists, Al Bagdadi and Qasem Soleimani.
  • King Solomon. The prince of peace, the golden age of ancient Israel.

All of these Old Testament men were also types of the Messiah, of course, but none of those men were Jesus Himself. Same applies to DJT.

  • King Jehu. Who is scarcely known by most Christians. The work of Jehu is therefore obscure but has very intriguing parallels. We did a lecture series in 1993 just after Bill Clinton was elected president.

It was called, Ahab and Jezebel Go to the White House. It is no longer available but essentially it was showing the many parallels between the lives of those two wicked, ancient Israelite monarchs as compared to the lives of Bill and Hillary.

How Jehu took down Queen Jezebel is instructive for us today in certain ways in which this author believes DJT is taking/has taken down Ahab and Jezebel. This connects to DJTs seeming ties to Zionism. Think optics. Remember, Q said Israel will be last” (to fall).

  • John the Baptist. The forerunner of Jesus Christ. Turns the hearts of the children to the fathers, and the fathers to the children. (Malachi 4:6) You may recall the severed head of DJT as artwork” being held up by the alleged comedienne Kathy Griffin, whose real name is…” Anyone?
  • Paul. A bondservant of Jesus Christ. In the law (Exodus 21:1-6), a bondservant could go free in the seventh year, or he could say he loves his master and choose to be a bondservant for life. He would then have his ear pierced. The ear of DJT has now been opened by an attempted assassin’s bullet. It is the right ear. The right is associated in the Bible with mercy. The left, with judgment. A righteous administrator will temper justice with mercy, as Jesus did.

Trump has forebears in two places who are named Christ,” or German, Krist.” Sounds like a double portion for The Donald to me.

Two final notes: No one is saying that Donald John Trump is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. But he certainly seems to this writer to be fulfilling all the above types and probably more.

Moreover, I could go on for a two weeks’ worth of blogs giving much greater detail explaining each of them. Alas, I presently do not have the time, but I believe it is the time to get all these parallels out there for readers to ponder (and for our Mighty Network readers to add to, if you care to comment).


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